Making the Most of Your Lubbock Plastic Surgery Experience

By its very nature, the decision to have plastic surgery is a very personal one. Just as no two people look exactly alike, each of us has our own reasons for why we want to change certain things about ourselves. Whether it’s something we’re born with something we’d like to improve upon, or simply the result of life and aging, we each have a vision of our ideal selves. Plastic surgery can be a great tool to help patients achieve the results they want, however, a little planning and some lifestyle changes will go a long way to making sure you get what you desire out of your Lubbock plastic surgery experience. Read up on what you can do to make the investment in your appearance more than worth it.

Pick the Right Plastic Surgeon

First things first – before you make any final decisions, make sure you have a plastic surgeon that you can trust. Unfortunately, as in any industry, some doctors are more concerned about making money than they are about caring for patients. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has a helpful guide on what to look out for when selecting a doctor. Some of the key points they make are:

  • Make sure the surgeon you consult with is the one who will perform your Lubbock plastic surgery. While that might seem like a strange thing to say, some practices are like conveyor belts: you consult with the doctor who is available, but then ultimately are operated on by whomever is on call that day. You are trusting your plastic surgeon with your appearance and well-being, so make sure you know exactly who that person will be.
  • Don’t be persuaded. It’s your body and you should be the one to decide what you want. Beware of anyone you think is trying to upsell you on other procedures or products that don’t really get you what you want, or who may get benefits for pushing certain products that may not be in your best interest. Trust your instincts!
  • Look at the doctor’s before and after images carefully. Do you like what you see? Different plastic surgeons have different styles and aesthetic views. Is your doctor’s definition of beauty in line with yours? If not, find a plastic surgeon that sees things similar to the way you do.

Remember that “Plastic surgery is real surgery, and the least-expensive operation is the one performed correctly the first time.” Bargain shopping may be a fun way to find new shoes or home décor, but when it comes to your appearance and your health, you want to invest in a doctor who will give you the best experience and outcome possible. You don’t want to cut corners, because the results are permanent. Put simply, be sure that you can trust your plastic surgeon.

Make Sure Your Surgeon is Board-Certified

The very first box on your checklist of qualifications for your plastic surgeon should be to make sure they are board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Doctors who have earned this certification have passed through extensive educational and training requirements. Additionally, board-certified plastic surgeons have the appropriate state medical licenses and privileges at accredited surgery centers and hospitals. The ABPS also requires board-certified doctors to adhere to strict ethical standards and safety guidelines, and to continue their education to stay current in their field. You should never settle for anything less when choosing the doctor who will care for you during your Lubbock plastic surgery journey. When you choose a plastic surgeon that is board-certified, you can have confidence knowing you are in the hands of a qualified doctor with the highest of standards. For more information on why ABPS board-certification is so imperative and how it protects patients, check out the video below: 

Preparing for Lubbock Plastic Surgery and Recovery

Once you’ve selected a plastic surgeon you trust and have worked together to formulate a plan, it’s time to get ready for your procedure. This is your chance to get your body in tip-top shape so you can be as healthy as possible for surgery day. Drink lots of water, eat your fruits and veggies, get the right amount of sleep, limit alcohol, and stop smoking. Reduce stress by practicing meditation or relaxation techniques to keep your immune system strong. Having surgery can elicit stress for some patients, but doing what you can to calm those nerves can be beneficial for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.    

It is easy to let the excitement about your plastic surgery results overshadow the necessary preparations for your recovery. But it is important to remember that a successful healing period will make a significant difference in the final outcome of your procedure. This is the part where you are in charge; your plastic surgeon will do everything in their power to minimize risk for you, but they can’t hold your hand throughout your Lubbock plastic surgery recovery period. The importance of following your doctor’s instructions to a T cannot be overstated. If you do not comply with their post-op instructions, you could put yourself at risk for dissatisfaction with your results, complications, or even emergency surgery.

To make your recovery a little easier, gather your essentials and prepare your home. You will want to make sure your fridge and freezer are stocked with simple, healthy meal options that don’t require much effort. Call in a favor with a family or friend and ask them to come stay with you for at least the first 24 hours, depending on the type of procedure you have. Your body will need plenty of rest during the initial stages of recovery, so make arrangements to have someone take care of your children and pets, if you have them. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, have patience. The human body is capable of amazing things, including healing completely from Lubbock plastic surgery. But, these things take time. Weeks and even months may go by before bruising and swelling reside and you can finally begin to see the full results of your procedure.   

How to Reduce the Appearance of Scars 

As stated above, plastic surgery is real surgery, and that means you’ll have some scarring when it is all said and done. Scars tend to look their worst when the bandages first come off, so don’t be alarmed when your body doesn’t look picture perfect right away. You can rest assured that as time goes on, your wounds will heal and the scars will fade. Plastic surgeons are specifically trained in suturing techniques and other methods for the reduction of scars. 

During your incision’s initial healing period, the scar will appear pink and may be tender to the touch. There is no clear-cut answer as to how your scars will look after you heal from plastic surgery because every patient’s body responds differently to certain procedures. Genetics play a big role, making much of your scar’s appearance out of your control. But, there are definitely some things you can do to help the healing process go faster and more smoothly. Here are 3 tips to ensure you get the best results possible from your Lubbock plastic surgery experience:

  1.  Don’t smoke. If you are a smoker, this is certainly something that’s easier said than done, but it is worth the temporary sacrifice. Avoiding nicotine in all its forms is very important for your safety, results, and recovery. Your doctor should recommend that you quit smoking several weeks before your surgery, and many won’t even perform certain procedures on active smokers at all due to the impact of nicotine on the vascular system. If you have followed that advice, then not smoking during your recovery will be much easier. Plastic surgeons strongly recommend abstaining from nicotine because it reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood, replacing it with carbon monoxide. Oxygen-rich blood is essential to proper healing after surgery. Smoking and insufficient levels of oxygen can result in unnecessary complications during your surgery and in your recovery. Plus, if you’re able to stop smoking for a few months before and after your procedure, perhaps you can ditch the habit once and for all.
  2. Drink water and eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Part of a successful recovery is being able to fight off infections. Getting an infection in your incision site can leave you with worsened scarring. The healthier you are, the stronger your immune system will be, and the better equipped you will be to have a smooth recovery. Keep in mind that the water in coffee, alcohol, and soda doesn’t count towards the water you need to be drinking, as those beverages contain other chemicals that counteract the benefits of water and can actually be dehydrating. 
  3. Follow all of the wound care instructions. To heal properly after Lubbock plastic surgery, wounds need to be clean and hydrated, but otherwise should be left alone. Listen carefully when you are shown how to clean and care for your wound. Avoid bathing during the initial time frame you are given and follow all your doctor’s instructions carefully and diligently. If you have any questions at all during your recovery period, never hesitate to contact your doctor’s office. Sometimes all it takes is a simple phone call to keep a potential complication at bay. 

Other optional steps you can take to minimize scarring include using certain skin creams, or flat silicone sheeting that restricts scarring from extending too far above your skin. Some things, however, we just can’t do anything about. Factors such as aging, fair skin, genetic tendencies, and the location, size, and depth of the incision may make healing more difficult. But remember, a little bit of love and a lot of patience can help you gently care for your wound as it heals.

How to Maintain the Best Results from Your Lubbock Plastic Surgery Experience

At the end of the day, maintaining your plastic surgery results comes down to diet and exercise. While that might sound like a little cliché, it is true and there’s a good reason why it is every doctor’s number one recommendation. If you’ve gotten a tummy tuck, liposuction, or other body contouring procedure, your results are going to last longer if you aren’t counteracting them with your lifestyle. While you will have a brief recovery period, once your doctor has cleared you fully for physical activity, you should resume (or begin) an exercise regimen. Coupled with a more balanced diet, your plastic surgery results will look better and last longer. You will also feel stronger, both physically and mentally.

If you are specifically looking to maintain the results of Lubbock plastic surgery for your skin, the avoidance of sun tanning and nicotine will help improve the long-term benefits for skin and facial plastic surgery. It may take a little extra effort to remember to wear your sunscreen every day or to quit old habits, but those small steps will go a long way toward making the most of your procedure. Think of it this way: you have the opportunity to pair your new look with a new and improved lifestyle.

Call the Leader in Lubbock Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery can represent a special time in your life. For many patients, it marks a point at which they took matters into their own hands and made a choice to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. When you decide it is time to make that positive change in your life, Rowley Plastic Surgery is here to help you every step of the way. From planning and preparation to surgery and recovery, our top priorities are the safety, satisfaction, and well-being of each of our patients.   

Dr. Jane Rowley is the leading plastic surgeon in Lubbock with over 20 years of experience providing her patients with exceptional results. She is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is an expert in the field of plastic surgery. With Dr. Rowley, you can feel confident knowing you are in the best possible care. If you are ready to explore your plastic surgery options, call Rowley Plastic Surgery today to schedule a no-obligation consultation.

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