What You Should Consider Before Your Plastic Surgery in Lubbock
Plastic surgery has become popular for both the young and old in the U.S., and the trend is likely to continue for the long term. According to the latest statistics provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Americans spent $16.7 billion on cosmetic procedures in 2019 alone. Not only are more people having plastic surgery, they are also now more open than ever about their procedures. Changing times and social media have enabled men and women to feel more confident sharing the details of their cosmetic journeys. With plastic surgery being so accessible, you may have felt the desire to pursue a procedure such as a breast augmentation or tummy tuck. But, before you make the decision, you should take some time to think things through. Make sure you are in the right headspace, and do some real research on your doctor and your procedure. A little planning can go a long way, and when you’re getting ready for plastic surgery in Lubbock, it’s well worth the effort. Here are some of our tips for making sure you get the most out of your own cosmetic journey.
Select the Right Surgeon
The way we shop for things has changed a lot in the last several years. With online reviews and free shipping, you can easily buy just about anything without getting off your couch. “Shopping” for a doctor should require more effort. If you want the person responsible for your plastic surgery to be top of the line, you will have to do more than just browse reviews and click to add to your cart. Online ratings are a good starting point, but meeting with a few doctors, talking to friends and family, and doing research of your own will increase the likelihood of finding the right plastic surgeon.
Do Your Homework
Patients planning on having plastic surgery in Lubbock have several important decisions to make. Your results, safety, and care depend on the doctor you choose. You may have a handful of doctors in mind as you begin your research. Check out their websites, talk to anyone you know who recommends them (or doesn’t!), and then check up on them yourself.
You can review the doctor’s background by contacting the medical board of the state in which they practice. They should have a license in that state, and the medical board carries information on any disciplinary history as well as complaints against them. Keep in mind that if the surgeon has practiced in more than one state, you will need to look up their medical board history with each of those locations.
The Importance of Board-Certification
Anyone with a medical license can claim to be a cosmetic surgeon. With the popularity of plastic surgery ever on the rise, more and more doctors are deeming themselves fit to perform cosmetic procedures. If you trust an unqualified physician with your health and appearance, you could end up with a botched surgery or serious complications.
For this reason, it is essential that your doctor is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). The ABPS is the only organization recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties to certify physicians in plastic and reconstructive surgeries. You can make sure your doctor is board-certified in plastic surgery by visiting the American Board of Medical Specialties’ website.
But what exactly does this certification mean? It means your surgeon has the credentials and training necessary to be qualified to perform plastic surgery in Lubbock safely. Your board-certified plastic surgeon will have the technical skills, medical knowledge, and aesthetic eye to give you a safe and positive experience. In addition, board-certified surgeons have hospital privileges and can operate out of accredited surgery centers. ABPS board-certification requires plastic surgeons to complete the following requirements:
- Three to five years of general surgery training
- Two to three additional years of plastic surgery training
- Oral and written exams
- Continuing education each year in the medical field
- Written test every ten years
It is important to educate yourself so you can tell the difference between a doctor who is legitimately board-certified in plastic surgery and one who only claims to be. It is legal in many states for physicians to advertise plastic surgery when they are not properly qualified to do so. If you are considering a surgeon who says they are board-certified, make sure they are currently board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. In Lubbock, Dr. Jane Rowley is board-certified by the ABPS and has the training, experience, and skills to give you the results you want. For more information on the importance of your doctor’s credentials, watch the video below.
Questions to Ask about Plastic Surgery in Lubbock
Part of your preparation for plastic surgery is getting answers to any questions you may have. Although you might be able to find some helpful resources online, the most reliable source of trustworthy information is your plastic surgeon. Write down your questions and bring them with you to your consultation. This is your chance to get a real feel for the person you will be trusting with your appearance and your safety. Do not be afraid to ask your doctor about anything that concerns you; there are no wrong or embarrassing questions! Consider the following for starters:
How much experience do you have with my procedure?
If you want to get a facelift, you will be able to have more confidence in a surgeon who performs them on a regular basis, rather than one who specializes in another area but is willing to do the surgery for you this time. A good follow-up to this question is finding out just how many times they have performed your procedure. Your doctor should confidently be able to provide you with their background concerning your procedure.
Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
Do not be offended if your plastic surgeon’s answer is no. They are trying to protect you from something that would either not get you the results you want or would be unsafe. They may suggest an alternative or recommend waiting for a period of time. Dr. Rowley is honest and up-front with all of her patients. Out of respect and care for them, she always offers candid advice based on her extensive experience with plastic surgery in Lubbock. In general, a good candidate:
- Does not smoke
- Is in good overall health
- Has realistic expectations for plastic surgery
- Understands the risks associated with surgery
How do I prepare for my surgery?
Most plastic surgery procedures require patients to quit smoking before and after their operation; your doctor will advise you on the exact timetable. Be sure to reveal any and all medications, vitamins, and supplements you may be taking as some may interfere with the procedure. Learn about what to expect during your recovery period so you can plan ahead and be prepared to let your body heal properly. Other ways you can prepare for plastic surgery in Lubbock include:
- Maintain a healthy, stable weight (no aggressive diets)
- Avoid drugs and alcohol before your surgery
- Arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery, and to stay with you for at least the first night
- Coordinate pet and child care, if necessary
- Stock your kitchen with easy meals and healthy snacks
- Take care of bills, errands, and chores before surgery so you can take the time you need to rest
- Carefully follow all of your doctor’s pre- and post-operative instructions
What happens if complications arise?
Find out who to contact should anything out of the ordinary happen after your plastic surgery in Lubbock. You will need to know what to do if certain side effects take place and if there will be additional costs for their treatment. The best way to minimize your level of risk is to choose a well-qualified plastic surgeon. However, even the best doctors have patients who develop complications, and these doctors follow strict protocols when such circumstances arise.
Interview Yourself
Finding the best surgeon and asking the right questions will go a long way toward helping you make the most of your plastic surgery in Lubbock. There are also some key questions you should ask yourself before you commit to it. Take some time to ponder your motives for seeking cosmetic changes. Are you trying to please someone else? Or are you interested in an enhancement that will give you more confidence? Patients who have procedures to help them feel better about themselves tend to be happier and more satisfied with their results.
You should also try to nail down your expectations for the procedure. How do you expect to look and feel when your surgery is complete? Plastic surgery cannot solve all your problems or give you the perfect body. If you want to have a procedure such as liposuction or a breast lift to achieve perfection, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. An experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Rowley can give you beautiful, natural results, but no doctor can make you completely flawless. Communicate your expectations for surgery clearly with your surgeon so that you are both on the same page.

Paying for Your Plastic Surgery in Lubbock
Since plastic surgery is considered elective and cosmetic, health insurance companies will not cover most procedures. Unless you are having a procedure such as a breast reduction or eyelid lift (which some policies will pay for), you will need to come up with the funding on your own. Plastic surgeons typically accept cash, credit cards, or offer different financing options. Be sure you can afford your procedure before you schedule it; you will not want to stress over finances while you are trying to recover after surgery. If you can’t quite fit plastic surgery into your budget just yet, there’s no harm in waiting until you have saved enough to go for it.
Talk with your plastic surgeon’s patient care coordinator to make sure you understand all of the costs associated with your procedure. In addition to the surgeon’s fee, you may be responsible for the anesthesiologist’s fees, the cost of the surgical center, and any post surgical recovery garments. Childcare, pet care, and time off work should also be factored in when calculating the total expense of your procedure.
Celebrate Your New Look
Research and preparation is important when you have plastic surgery in Lubbock, but so is planning a fun way to celebrate the new you! From body contouring to facial procedures, plastic surgery can provide a healthy self-esteem boost. So, buy a flattering swimsuit, try on some new bras, or you could even plan a trip to really enjoy your newfound confidence. Whether you do something extravagant or simple, a successful plastic surgery journey is something to celebrate.
Take the Next Step With Dr. Jane Rowley
There’s a lot to think about before you dive into the decision to have plastic surgery. If you care about the safety and final results of your cosmetic procedure, you need to put in the time to find the right doctor. Plastic surgery gone wrong is not an easy thing to fix. Doing your homework now will save you time, money, and headaches down the road. Remember the following when planning your plastic surgery in Lubbock:
- Get referrals from family and friends
- Review your plastic surgeon’s background history
- Double check that your doctor is board-certified by the ABPS
- Go over questions you want to address during your consultation
- Evaluate your personal motives and expectations for the surgery
- Create a plan for paying for your procedure
During your consultation, don’t ignore your gut feeling. Even if everything checks out on paper, but you do not feel right about the surgeon, don’t hesitate to move on. Plastic surgery is an investment in yourself. When you put forth the effort and do your due diligence, you can have a positive experience with excellent results.
For more information, contact Rowley Plastic Surgery today and schedule your no-obligation consultation.