How Brachioplasty Can Tone and Sculpt Your Arms

Hold your arm up and give an enthusiastic wave to your neighbor. Does that thought make you want to cringe? When we age or lose a significant amount of weight, our upper arms can sag with excess fat. If you have arms with what are lovingly referred to as “bat wings,” just waving to your neighbor can make you want to hide under extra layers of clothing. Dr. Jane Rowley is the leading board-certified surgeon in Lubbock with the training and expertise to tone and sculpt your arms. After an arm lift (also known as a brachioplasty), Lubbock patients may find themselves waving to both friends and strangers just to show off their new arms.  

What an Arm Lift Does

Brachio means arm, and plasty means to mold or to form. An arm lift removes both fat and extra skin on the underside of the upper arm area. While it may seem simple just to remove fat, this procedure requires the artistic touch of a skilled and experienced surgeon like Dr. Rowley. An arm lift includes a careful sculpting of the arm to ensure the taper in size from shoulder to wrist looks smooth and natural. An improved contour of the arms can boost confidence and give you the freedom to wear what you want without worrying about arm flab.

The Ideal Arm Lift Candidate

Building muscle in our triceps and biceps is fairly straightforward, but getting the lean, toned look to go with it is another story. The effects of gravity become more apparent with age, and the upper arms are known for revealing unwanted saggy skin. Lifting weights and doing push ups are great strength exercises, but they won’t get rid of any excess skin. Brachioplasty will remove the sagging skin to create a more flattering shape for your arms. If you have excess skin and fatty tissue on your upper arms that do not change with exercise, you could be a good candidate for arm lift plastic surgery. 

Some patients have noticeable sagging skin on their arms after losing weight. Without the fat to fill it out, the arm skin loses elasticity and is left to hang. The unsightly flab is enough to put a damper on the triumph you feel when you reach your weight loss goals. Whatever your reasons are for wanting to trim your upper arms, keep in mind that the ideal arm lift candidate will need to meet the following criteria:

  • You are at a healthy, stable weight
  • You are in overall good health with no medical conditions that would increase surgical risks 
  • You do not use nicotine, or you can stop for an extended period of time
  • You have realistic expectations about what the procedure can achieve
  • You do not have excessive fat in your upper arms

It is important to understand that just like most types of plastic surgery, an arm lift cannot be done without leaving a scar. If you have only a minimal amount of sagging skin, brachioplasty may not be the best option for you. Patients with more extensive amounts of excess skin tend to be the best candidates for the surgery. Talk to your doctor about what you hope to achieve with the procedure.

Preparing for Brachioplasty

During your arm lift consultation, be prepared to go over your medical history and any drugs or supplements you may be taking. Your doctor will examine your arms and determine whether the excess skin and fat is significant enough to warrant the procedure. You will need to clearly communicate your hopes and expectations for the surgical results. Don’t be afraid to ask questions; this is your chance to get a thorough understanding of the procedure and how it can personally benefit you. If you smoke, it is important that you plan to stop for several weeks before and after your surgery. Additionally, do not take aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs as they may put you at greater risk for bleeding.

Should You Add Liposuction? 

Liposuction itself does not get rid of any excess skin; it removes fat to trim and shape the arm. Because removing fat often leaves an excess of skin, pairing liposuction with brachioplasty may be necessary for more dramatic results. For patients who only need a minimal reduction in size and whose skin is firm and elastic, liposuction alone may be sufficient. Consult with your plastic surgeon about the best combination of procedures for you. 

What Happens During Surgery?

Brachioplasty is an outpatient procedure performed by your plastic surgeon with the use of general anesthesia. An arm lift typically takes about one hour to complete. During surgery, the surgeon will make an incision that runs between the elbow and the armpit area on the back of each arm. Next, loose skin and fat is removed to create a sculpted appearance for the upper arms. Dr. Rowley does not place drains in her arm lift patients, and she uses absorbable sutures. Watch the video below to hear more from Dr. Rowley about the arm lift procedure.

Recovery After Your Arm Lift 

After plastic surgery, Lubbock patients should plan to have someone drive them home from their operation and stay with them for at least the first 24 hours. You need to have someone with you as you start your recovery and work through the side effects of anesthetics. Pain and discomfort after brachioplasty are typically limited to some mild to moderate soreness, bruising, and swelling. These symptoms should resolve within several days, but in the meantime, you may use the prescription pain medication your doctor prescribes. Your surgeon will ask that you try to keep your arms elevated and as straight as possible. You will be fitted for compression garments for your arms as well. It is important to rest and follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully for a successful recovery.

One of the more challenging parts of your recovery may be the restrictions on lifting anything heavy or raising your arms above shoulder level for three to four weeks. You might have to get used to asking for help, especially with tasks such as washing your hair or caring for small children. 

It is best to wait for your surgeon’s approval before jumping back into your exercise routine. You may be able to go on walks or do some light cardio before resuming strength training. Try to resist the temptation to push yourself too hard when you get back to the gym; if a certain type of movement hurts, don’t do it! Once you do start building muscle in your arms again, the tone and definition will be much more noticeable without the excess skin and fat.

What About Scars? 

Brachioplasty leaves visible scars on the arms. The length of the incision depends on how much skin and fat needs to be removed, so scars will look different on each individual patient. If you are considering an arm lift, chances are you have already thought about the end result and you would be happy to trade in your drooping arms for a couple of scars. 

Scars may appear red or bumpy for the first part of your recovery, but the good news is they will smooth out and fade in color as time passes. Still, it can be challenging to get used to seeing scars on your arms, even if they are only visible from the back. If this is a concern for you, consider some of the things you can do to minimize the appearance of arm lift scars. 

  • Choose a well-qualified plastic surgeon. You can increase your chances of getting the best results from plastic surgery before you ever enter the operating room. By selecting a surgeon with the right qualifications and experience, you will minimize your risk of complications, including ending up with unsightly scars. Board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery is a must when it comes to choosing a doctor. This certification is only given to surgeons who have proven to be skilled experts in their field. An experienced board-certified plastic surgeon will be able to make precise incisions in the correct locations to minimize the appearance of scars. For more information on why you should choose a board-certified surgeon, watch the video below.
  • Follow all post-operative instructions. You may feel like you’ve been given a lot of information regarding your recovery period. Your doctor will advise you as to which activities to avoid, when to take certain prescriptions, and even when you are allowed to shower after surgery. For proper wound healing and scar minimization, it is essential to follow all of these instructions precisely. Changing your bandages, keeping the surgical area clean, and watching for signs of infection are important steps to take after brachioplasty. And remember, never hesitate to contact your surgeon’s office for any questions or concerns.  
  • Take care of yourself. It may seem simple, but self-care after plastic surgery is one of the best ways to heal scars. Arm lift patients should avoid things like sun exposure and nicotine use. Keep your skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water each day. Getting enough rest and fueling your body with nutrient rich foods are also important for proper wound healing. Taking good care of yourself also means being patient with your body as it recovers. Scars can take months to fade, so try to focus on enjoying your new and improved arm size instead.
  • Take care of your scar. If you can’t stay out of the sun, be sure to use plenty of sunscreen on your arms to protect the scars. It is also important to avoid causing tension or pulling on the incision area, as this can stretch the scar. Over the counter products such as silicone sheeting or silicone-based creams may promote scar healing. 

Getting Back into Your Life  

Your recovery period will range from one to several weeks depending on how extensive your procedure is. Each patient will have a unique experience with recovery from brachioplasty. Some people experience discomfort, bruising, or swelling. Plan to take at least a week off work or other obligations to allow time for your body to heal. Expect to be back to your normal activities in three to four weeks. You can start an exercise routine about six weeks after your surgery, but the complete resolution of swelling can take up to eight weeks.  

Rejuvenating Results 

Other plastic surgery procedures may get more attention, but brachioplasty is one that can also make a vast difference on the right patient. Sagging underarm skin is a common problem, especially among women. If you have lost a significant amount of weight or have noticed more skin sagging with age, an arm lift may be the right way to achieve your cosmetic goals. 

The results of your arm lift are visible immediately, and after surgery the scarring will fade significantly over time. On the right patient, an arm lift can make a dramatic difference in appearance and give the arms a new youthful look. Activities like waving, clapping, and exercising will be more enjoyable. Shopping for clothes will be more fun as you find that you won’t have to hunt for sizes that fit your arms. Hiding your arms in long sleeves or baggy clothing will be a thing of the past. And best of all, you will feel a greater sense of self-confidence because you will no longer be preoccupied with the worry over your arms appearance.

Say “Goodbye” to Arm Flab

Selecting an expert, board-certified plastic surgeon is one of the most important factors to impact the success of your brachioplasty. Lubbock patients who choose Dr. Jane Rowley benefit from her decades of experience and her surgical expertise. Dr. Rowley will discuss options and procedures thoroughly with you. With her decades of experience, aesthetic talent, and candid communication, Dr. Rowley is the surgeon you can trust with your cosmetic goals.  If you’re ready to wave “goodbye” to the sag and jiggle of today and “hello” to the toned, lean, and sculpted arms of tomorrow, call our office to schedule your personal, no-obligation consultation. 

Finding Your Ideal Breast Size with a Breast Reduction in Lubbock

Did you know that your breasts are as individual as your personality? No two women have the same breasts, but many of us share the same complaints when it comes to certain breast issues. Our breasts can have an effect on our confidence, posture, body image, and even our sleep. For women with very large breasts, everyday living can be a struggle because of chronic pain and discomfort. With the help of modern medicine and the artistic ability of Dr. Jane Rowley, women can take matters into their own hands and do something to help improve their quality of life. If your large breasts are getting in the way of your lifestyle, it may be the right time to consider a breast reduction in Lubbock.  

Is There an Ideal Breast Size?

Women see the world through individual preferences and tastes. What one woman thinks is perfect doesn’t accurately reflect what the next person likes. When you are trying to figure out your ideal breast size, it might be helpful to consider a study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery that found most people prefer breasts with 45% of their fullness above the nipple line and 55% below it. Participants of the study also said they like breasts to have a more natural, teardrop shape. In their report, the researchers explained that “The 45:55 ratio has universal appeal in defining the ideal breast,” and that it should be used as the model for cosmetic breast surgery. This means that the perfect breast size is different for every woman. However, your doctor can help you find the right fit for you by using the 45:55 ratio as a guide.

What Affects Your Breast Size and Shape?

Some women wonder whether they can change the appearance of their breasts without having breast reduction in Lubbock. Diet and exercise can work wonders for your body, but the breasts typically do not respond as well as other areas. In fact, losing weight can even worsen the shape of your breasts by causing them to appear deflated or saggy. It can be frustrating to feel powerless in achieving your cosmetic goals, but it may help to think about why our breasts look the way they do. Consider the following factors that affect the shape and size of your breasts.

  • Genetics are the biggest factor in determining your breast size and shape. Genes from both your parents influence your breasts’ hormone levels, tissue density, shape, and skin tone.
  • The aging process happens whether we like it or not. You can’t fight the ticking of the clock or the effect of gravity over time. The Cooper’s ligaments in your breasts are bands of tissue that hold your breast structure and tissue in place. These aren’t true ligaments that are connected to bone, so, over time, they can become stretched like overworked rubber bands. This stretching will eventually cause larger breasts to have a saggy or droopy appearance.
  • Weight can affect your breasts. Since a portion of your breast tissue is fat, your breasts will either grow or shrink depending on how your weight changes. If your breast composition has large amounts of fat, your breasts will sag when you lose significant amounts of weight. A breast reduction in Lubbock can get rid of this extra fat and give your breasts a more desirable size and shape. 
  • Hormones also play a role in the appearance of your breasts. Women who take prescription birth control such as oral contraceptives may experience an increase in breast size due to estrogen or progesterone levels. 

Some life changes have a greater influence on our breasts’ appearance than others. Pregnancy and breastfeeding have a much more significant effect on our bust than exercise does. A healthier lifestyle supports your skin elasticity, muscle tone, and weight consistency, which will in turn help your breasts look their best. 

Achieve Your Ideal Size With a Breast Reduction in Lubbock

You may not feel like you have much control over the natural size or shape of your breasts. Ultimately the perfect breast size is the one that makes you feel the most comfortable and confident. If your breasts are too large for your liking, a breast reduction can give you a more proportionate look. With a breast reduction, patients feel beautiful not because of the size of their breasts alone, but because their entire body feels more balanced and less top-heavy.

The Many Benefits of Breast Reduction

Breast reduction is a life changing procedure because it helps women resolve physical discomfort and improves their satisfaction with their appearance. Some of the happiest plastic surgery patients are those who have undergone breast reduction in Lubbock. Women with large breasts become used to dealing with issues that can be eliminated by the procedure. Your time is too valuable to be spent living with frequent pain, discomfort, or embarrassment. Imagine living a life free from:

  • Unwanted attention – If your breasts are big, it’s likely you have felt more than a few stares directed at your chest. This type of attention can make women feel uncomfortable and self-conscious about their appearance. Removing breast tissue with a breast reduction can help by making your chest less of a focal point on your body. When you don’t have to worry about the number of looks you’re getting for the wrong reasons, you can have more confidence and comfort in social settings. 
  • Chronic pain – One of the most common complaints among large-breasted women is the strain on their neck, back, and shoulder area. Heavy breasts often pull on the upper body, causing pain in the regions that support them. Some women also experience trouble sleeping or sensations such as numbness or tingling of the hands. When the weight of the breasts is reduced with surgery, patients enjoy almost instantaneous relief from these symptoms.
  • Difficulty exercising – It can be hard enough to find a sports bra that fits your large breasts, much less actually getting through a workout with that extra weight. After a breast reduction in Lubbock, women have an increased ability to move freely during exercise. They tend to get more out of their time at the gym and are more motivated to keep up with a healthy fitness routine. Don’t let large breasts be the reason you miss out on the benefits of regular exercise.  
  • Skin Irritation – The sensitive skin beneath the crease of your breasts can become irritated as a result of constant friction or trapped sweat. In addition to making your skin more prone to rashes in that area, these irritants also raise the possibility of infection. With smaller breasts, the source of skin irritation is eliminated. 
  • Difficulty finding clothes that fit – It may not seem like a big deal, but the struggle to find flattering clothing is real for large breasted women. Some tops may be too tight over the chest and too loose around the tummy. Many women feel as though even modest blouses appear too revealing on them because of their chest size. A breast reduction helps balance body proportions so you can feel comfortable wearing anything you like. 

What Does Breast Reduction Involve?

If all the perks of having smaller breasts sound appealing to you, the next step you should take is to learn what to expect from the procedure. Breast reduction is a surgery that is tailored to the needs of each individual patient. It is an outpatient procedure and generally takes about two hours to complete. During breast reduction surgery, your plastic surgeon will remove excess skin and tissue as they work to reshape the contour of your breasts. Dr. Rowley’s breast reduction patients always receive a breast lift as part of their procedure. The size of the areola is often reduced and the nipple is moved to a higher position on the breast to give it a more natural, perky appearance. 

With a breast reduction in Lubbock, you can decrease the size of your chest dramatically. Almost immediately after your surgery, you will notice a vast improvement in both your appearance and your physical symptoms related to your breast size. Watch the video below to learn more about what you can expect from your breast reduction with Dr. Rowley.

What About Scars?

Scarring is an unavoidable part of surgery, and breast reduction in Lubbock is no exception. Nevertheless, many women choose to have the procedure because the benefits are worth a few scars. Being able to move freely, look and feel more comfortable in clothing, and enjoy increased self-esteem means much more to these patients than the worry over scars. Furthermore, the incision lines from your surgery will fade over time and will only be visible to those who see you without clothing. 

For a better understanding of what those scars might look like, it would be helpful to explore the different techniques plastic surgeons use for breast reduction surgery. The type of incisions made usually depend on the amount of breast tissue and skin to be removed, but the patient’s breast anatomy and personal goals are also important to consider. Here are some of the most common methods for breast reduction:

  • Donut incision: When a woman has only a minimal amount of excess breast tissue and sagging, a single circular incision around the areola may suffice. A minor amount of fat and tissue can be removed, and the resulting scarring is kept to a minimum.
  • Lollipop incision: Two incisions are made on the breast to employ the lollipop method. One is around the areola, and the other runs vertically from the bottom of the areola to the crease of the breast. Women with moderate amounts of excess breast tissue and sagging will benefit the most from this approach. 
  • Anchor incision: The most common type of breast reduction method consists of three incisions: one encircling the areola, another along the crease of the breast, and a third incision vertically connecting the other two. The resulting scars resemble the shape of an anchor. Plastic surgeons use this technique for patients with the most significant amount of sagging. 

As part of your consultation, your plastic surgeon will thoroughly examine your breasts to determine which breast reduction technique will best fit your needs. Just remember, no matter which shape your scars resemble, you will get to enjoy your new smaller breasts (and the relief that comes with them) for many years to come.

Preparing for Recovery 

Some patients don’t like to think about the recovery phase of their breast reduction in Lubbock, but if you spend a little time planning, things are more likely to go smoothly. Knowing what to expect helps you to mentally prepare for the healing process. Tightness and an engorged sensation are normal during the first stages of recovery, but discomfort can be managed with prescription pain medications. Most women will need to take one-to-two weeks off work after their surgery. You should plan to give yourself at least six weeks before you resume all of your normal activities. Heavy lifting and strenuous exercise are off-limits during the initial recovery period, so if you have a physically demanding job, you may need to request some additional time off work. 

Experienced Breast Reduction in Lubbock

If you feel your breasts are too large, a breast reduction can improve your quality of life in many ways. There is no reason to put up with awkward stares, everyday pain, decreased mobility or any other downsides that come with a big cup size. Women who want to have greater control over their appearance visit Dr. Jane Rowley. She has more than 20 years of experience performing breast reductions. She is willing to discuss your questions and expectations for your plastic surgery experience. Your breast size is a personal choice. For the most caring and experienced plastic surgery for breast reduction in Lubbock, patients come to Rowley Plastic Surgery. Call our office today to schedule a no-obligation and to learn more about your aesthetic options.