Making the Most of Your Lubbock Plastic Surgery: Reducing Scars

By its very nature, the decision to get plastic surgery is a very personal one. Just as no two people look exactly alike, each of us has our own reasons for why we want to change certain things about ourselves. Whether it’s something we’re born with we’d like to improve upon, or simply the result of life and aging, we each have a vision of our ideal selves.

Plastic surgery can be a great tool to help us achieve the results we want, however,  a little planning and some lifestyle changes will go a long way to making sure you get what you want out of the experience. Plastic surgery is real surgery, which means you’ll have some scarring.

When the bandages first come off, that’s when the scars will look the worst. Don’t worry! You can be sure that as time goes on, the wounds heal and the scars fade, and plastic surgeons are specifically trained in suturing techniques and other methods of reducing scars.  There are definitely some things you can do to help this process go smoother, faster, and ensure you get better results from your Lubbock plastic surgery experience. 

Smoking Cessation for Optimal Healing

One of the most crucial steps you can take to ensure a successful recovery is to quit smoking. Nicotine, found in cigarettes, hinders the body’s ability to deliver oxygen-rich blood to healing tissues, which can lead to complications in the recovery process. Ideally, surgeons recommend quitting smoking several weeks prior to surgery, and some may even refuse certain procedures for active smokers. Numerous studies, including one published in the *Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery* in 2021, have demonstrated a clear correlation between smoking and increased complications in wound healing after surgery. So, abstaining from smoking is a crucial step towards reducing post-operative scarring.

Many surgeons, including Dr. Rowley, won’t even perform certain procedures on active smokers at all due to the impact of nicotine on the vascular system.

Nutrient-Rich Diet and Hydration

A balanced diet plays a pivotal role in post-surgery recovery. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables boosts the immune system, helping to ward off infections, which can exacerbate scarring. Adequate hydration is equally important. Focus on pure, hydrating water to aid the recovery process. Recent studies in plastic surgery emphasize the significance of nutrition in post-operative care, underlining the positive impact of a nutrient-dense diet on wound healing and overall recovery, as published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal in 2020.

Building Strength and Flexibility with Exercise

To maximize the longevity of your plastic surgery results, adopting a balanced lifestyle is imperative. Post-recovery, once your surgeon clears you for physical activity, incorporate regular exercise along with your well-rounded diet. This synergy between your new physique and a healthy lifestyle will enhance and prolong the benefits of your procedure. A study conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) in 2019 found that patients who maintained a healthy lifestyle after surgery experienced better long-term outcomes and reduced scarring.

Optional Scar-Reduction Techniques

While some factors, such as genetics and skin type, may influence scarring, there are additional steps you can take. Certain skin creams and flat silicone sheeting can help limit the extent of scarring. Research published in the Dermatologic Surgery Journal in 2018 in particular highlighted the effectiveness of silicone sheeting in reducing the appearance of scars.

Remember, a combination of care, consistency, and patience is key to nurturing the wound through its healing journey.

Adherence to Wound Care Instructions

Proper wound care is fundamental for successful healing. Follow your surgeon’s instructions meticulously to ensure clean, hydrated wounds. Avoid activities like bathing that may disrupt the healing process. By respecting these guidelines, you create an optimal environment for your body to heal effectively. A study published in the Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery in 2017 emphasized the importance of wound care in minimizing complications and scarring after surgery.

Reduce Sun Exposure to Maintain Results

Prolonged sun exposure can have detrimental effects on your skin and the longevity of your surgical results. UV radiation slows scar healing, can cause skin damage, premature aging, and can even lead to changes in scar pigmentation. To safeguard your rejuvenated appearance, commit to diligent sun protection measures such as wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen, wide-brimmed hats, and protective clothing. Embracing these skin-friendly habits will not only preserve your surgical enhancements but also promote overall skin health for years to come.

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon

Selecting a reputable plastic surgeon is paramount. Ensure that the surgeon you consult with will be the one performing your procedure. Avoid being swayed into unnecessary procedures or products. Review the surgeon’s before-and-after images to align their aesthetic with your desired outcome. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has a good guide on what to look out for when selecting a doctor

Remember that “Plastic surgery is real surgery, and the least-expensive operation is the one performed correctly the first time.” You don’t want to cut corners, because the results are permanent. Put simply, be sure that you can trust your plastic surgeon.

Dr. Jane Rowley is a leading surgeon in Lubbock plastic surgery with over 20 years experience in getting her patients exceptional results. By choosing Dr. Jane Rowley, you’re opting for over two decades of experience and a commitment to delivering exceptional results in Lubbock.

 If you are ready for a “new you,” give us a call today for a no-obligation consultation.