Lubbock Tummy Tuck Frequently Asked Questions

Many of us get used to carrying around extra flab on our midsections. We wear clothes to hide it, we buy special constricting underwear, and some of us even avoid water-related activities so we don’t have to wear a swimsuit. But constantly hiding and concealing is no way to live. And, unfortunately, eating right and staying fit do not always give you the body you may want. If you feel like you have tried everything and still find yourself covering up your tummy, you may be a good candidate for abdominoplasty, or a Lubbock tummy tuck. A tummy tuck is a plastic surgery procedure that can make you feel like a new person. By removing excess skin and tightening the abdominal area, a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Jane Rowley can reshape your body and your confidence. She understands the importance of patient education and will discuss thoroughly all of your questions and concerns during your tummy tuck consultation. For starters, take a look at some of our tummy tuck FAQs.  

What Should I Expect at My Consultation?

It’s completely normal to feel a little nervous about booking your initial consultation for your tummy tuck in Lubbock. Not knowing what to expect is a big part of what makes some people feel anxious, but keeping your end goal in mind can help you get past the nerves. Once you have an appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon, a little preparation beforehand can help to further calm your mind. It is a good idea to review your medical history, write down any medications or supplements you may be taking, and be able to honestly answer questions about alcohol and tobacco use. Withholding any information, even if you think it is irrelevant, could result in serious complications from your Lubbock tummy tuck.

In addition, you should spend some time thinking about your goals. If you can convey your expectations to your doctor clearly, you will be much more likely to get the results you want. Your plastic surgeon will perform a physical examination to determine whether a tummy tuck is the right option for you. The evaluation will also help your doctor decide how realistic your goals are. An open and candid discussion is crucial to ensure the patient and doctor are on the same page. Plastic surgery is somewhat of an art form, and both parties need to clearly see the same vision for the final outcome. 

What Does Lubbock Tummy Tuck Surgery Involve?

Abdominoplasty is a complex plastic surgery procedure. On the day of your surgery, you will be administered general anesthesia. A tummy tuck operation typically lasts about 2 hours at your doctor’s operating suite or outpatient surgical center. Your plastic surgeon will carefully remove excess skin by making a horizontal incision low in the abdominal area. If you have enough excess skin above your navel, your procedure may require another incision in the upper abdomen. The length of the incisions will depend on how much skin needs to be extracted. Next, your doctor will pull the abdominal skin taut, redrape the skin, and remove the excess skin. 

During surgery, the abdominal muscles are tightened with permanent sutures in multiple layers. This step helps repair the stretching of the abs that can occur with pregnancy or rapid weight gain. Some patients have liposuction on their hips or thighs at the same time as their tummy tuck in Lubbock. The two procedures combined can have a dramatic contouring effect that gives your overall look a complete makeover.

What Happens After My Tummy Tuck in Lubbock?     

When your tummy tuck surgery is complete, you will need to wear a compression garment to help with swelling and provide support to your midsection during the healing period. Some pain and discomfort is normal, but you will receive pain medication to ease your symptoms. Your doctor will encourage you to try to walk a little bit during the initial stages of your recovery to promote blood circulation. However, activities such as jogging, weight lifting, bicycling, or any other type of strenuous movement will need to wait at least six to eight weeks or until you are completely healed. 

After your Lubbock tummy tuck surgery, your doctor will place a drain that will not be removed until the first week of recovery is complete. Taking good care of your incision is important, and it may require you to stay slightly bent at the waist for about the first seven to ten days as your skin adapts to the new positioning. Bruising will improve within weeks and swelling can take one to three months to subside. Scarring varies from patient to patient, but it should continue to fade over the next 12 to 18 months.     

How Long Will I Need to Take Off Work?

The amount of time you will need to request off from your job depends on what types of activities you perform. If you work in an office doing light desk work, you should be able to return to work about two weeks after your tummy tuck in Lubbock. Patients with a job that entails heavy lifting or other demanding activities may need to take an extra week or more to be sure they are strong enough to handle the work. 

What Else Should I Know About Abdominoplasty?

Tummy tuck surgery is not a weight loss procedure. If you are looking to lose a drastic amount of fat, it may not be the right option for you. A tummy tuck will tighten your abdominal muscles and smooth out your tummy for a flatter, more toned look. It is also important to remember that you will need to maintain a stable weight after your surgery to keep your results looking optimal. 

Just like any other surgery, having a tummy tuck in Lubbock involves a certain degree of risk. Complications include bleeding, infection, and blood clots can happen. A qualified plastic surgeon will be able to minimize your chances for encountering these situations.

Discover What a Tummy Tuck Can Do For You

With an expert like Dr. Jane Rowley, you can have a safe, successful tummy tuck surgery with exceptional results. She has more than 20 years of abdominoplasty experience, is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and is committed to providing patients with a superior plastic surgery journey. You can have the flat, toned tummy you’ve always dreamed of. Call our office today to schedule a no-obligation consultation to explore your Lubbock tummy tuck options.  

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