More Women than Ever are Considering the Mommy Makeover in Lubbock
Ideas about plastic surgery have evolved in recent years. First, we saw the rise of our social media culture. With it, more and more people have felt motivated to change the things they disliked about their looks. Now, with more meetings than ever being held over web cameras, many people are discovering things about their appearance that they would like to improve. We can’t deny the fact that technology has changed the way we see ourselves, and we all want to look our best in every angle of the camera’s eye. Gone are the days when plastic surgery was only for the rich and famous. People are opening up to the idea of plastic surgery to help them achieve the look they want online and in everyday life. Whether you want a complete mommy makeover in Lubbock, a rejuvenating facial procedure, or anything in between, Dr. Jane Rowley is the plastic surgeon you can trust.
The Numbers Don’t Lie
Think of your three closest friends. Chances are, one of them is considering plastic surgery. According to a recent survey conducted by the Harris Poll for RealSelf, 37 percent of people in America are giving genuine thought to having a cosmetic procedure done in the next 12 months. Many American women express dissatisfaction with their appearance after having children—hence the growing popularity of the mommy makeover in Lubbock. Whether or not you are already part of the population reflected in this statistic, plastic surgery could be the answer for your body image concerns.
Current Trends in Plastic Surgery
The study on RealSelf revealed that 49 percent of Americans considering cosmetic procedures are under the age of 45. Younger adults are changing the way we think about beauty and the procedures that often go along with it. The rise in popularity isn’t just confined to minimally invasive procedures like Botox; surgical procedures have seen notable gains as well. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the top five surgical cosmetic procedures in 2019 were:
- Breast augmentation (299,715)
- Liposuction (265,209)
- Eyelid surgery (211,005)
- Nose reshaping (207,284)
- Facelift (123,685)
The ASPS reports that breast augmentation has been the top cosmetic surgical procedure since 2006. Eyelid surgery gained popularity with a two percent increase since 2018. With so many advancements in technology and safety, it’s no surprise that so many people are turning to plastic surgery to feel happier with their appearance.
Combining Procedures for a Mommy Makeover in Lubbock
Three of the most popular plastic surgeries (breast augmentation, liposuction, and tummy tucks) are often done together in what is commonly referred to as a mommy makeover. Breast reductions are also a popular choice for mommy makeovers. Women frequently have multiple areas of concern on their bodies after having children. The stretching of the tummy and breasts creates changes in a woman’s body that are difficult or impossible to address without plastic surgery. These undesirable changes in the breasts and tummy can have a detrimental effect on a woman’s confidence and self-esteem. A mommy makeover restores the body to its pre-pregnancy appearance allowing mothers to forget worrying about their looks and focus on more important things.
If you’re already considering a mommy makeover in Lubbock, you probably have an area or two on your body that you’d like to change. You may be unhappy with the size and shape of your post-pregnancy breasts, a lingering saggy stomach, stretch marks, or even pockets of fat on your body that don’t seem to budge with diet and exercise. If this sounds at all familiar, a mommy makeover can offer the benefits of restoring a youthful bust and flattened tummy. After visiting our Lubbock office, your clothes and swimwear will fit better, and you will find a refreshed sense of confidence in your appearance. Watch the video below to learn more about combining procedures for a mommy makeover with Dr. Jane Rowley.
Mommy Makeover Benefits
Having children affects the body in many ways. The increase in stress can cause weight gain, stretched skin creates unwanted sagging, abdominal muscles can separate and weaken, and the breasts may become saggy or deflated after months or years of breastfeeding. But, thanks to plastic surgery, moms don’t have to live with these changes forever. Combining several surgical procedures together to restore your pre-pregnancy body has only recently gained the catchy title of a “mommy makeover,” but the approach and procedures themselves are not new and have a long-time record of being both safe and successful. There are several advantages when procedures are done in conjunction with one another.
- Avoid multiple operations – When you combine procedures for a mommy makeover in Lubbock, you save money on the costs of the facility, anesthesia, and extra appointments. Your risk factor goes down as well because you will only be put under one time, on one day, in one operating room. Having all of your enhancements done at the same time also means you won’t have to wait an extended period of time to see the results of your surgeries. Your transformation can happen all at once, rather than gradually as you plan for multiple procedures.
- Just one downtime – Downtime is all too rare an occasion for most moms. When you look at your calendar, how many weeks are there that would be convenient for you to be recovering from surgery? Probably not too many. Having your procedures done at the same time means you only have to heal once. You can get back to your routine and not have to worry about planning for more recoveries. It is important to remember that the more procedures you have at once, the longer your recovery will likely be. True, your healing will happen all at the same time, but patients should take off plenty of time from work or other responsibilities to give themselves the best chance at proper healing.
- Dramatic results – Whether you simply want to get your pre-baby shape back or go above and beyond that, a mommy makeover can transform your body and your confidence. Moms deserve to feel good about the way they look and if that means tightening their tummies and reshaping their breasts, then the right choice might be a mommy makeover in Lubbock.
Getting Your Body Back
Pregnancy and breastfeeding affect every woman’s body in unique ways. While you may have seen your breasts get smaller and smaller with each baby you nursed, your friend might have experienced unwanted growth in her cup size. And while every mother’s belly stretches to accommodate her growing baby, women can develop deposits of excess fat in other areas of their bodies. A mommy makeover can address each of these cosmetic issues in a way that is customized to each individual patient. Here is a breakdown of how a mommy makeover in Lubbock addresses some of the unwanted changes that come with pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Loose belly skin: Perhaps the most common problem for women after having children is the leftover loose skin on their bellies. No matter how many crunches you do or carbs you cut, that hanging skin is going nowhere. In addition, many mothers experience diastasis, which happens when the abdominal muscles are separated. Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, is a popular mommy makeover procedure because it gets rid of the excess skin on the abdomen and tightens those separated muscles. If motherhood has given you a muffin top, loose skin, weakened abs, or a belly pooch, a tummy tuck can give you the flat tummy you desire.
Breast Issues: Many women who were happy with their breasts before they had children often no longer feel the same way afterwards. Breastfeeding and even pregnancy itself stretch the skin of the breasts. They grow heavier and denser as the pregnancy progresses, and the nipple and areola can change in shape, size, and color as well. These changes may come as a welcome surprise to some women, but after the baby arrives and the baby weight is shed, the breasts are often left looking flat or deflated. As part of a mommy makeover, Lubbock breast augmentation restores lost volume and provides the shape and size that women want after having children. Several types of implants are available, which means you can get the exact look to fit your goals.
Not all women experience a loss of volume in their breasts as a result of having children. Sometimes, breasts increase in size and become burdensome for mothers. Larger breasts commonly cause pain in the neck, back, and shoulder area. Other symptoms of excessively large breasts include:
- Poor posture
- Headaches
- Skin irritation
- decreased ability to exercise
- Numbness or tingling in the hands
- Low self-esteem
- Shortness of breath
Mothers have enough on their plates without having to endure the discomfort caused by oversized breasts. With breast reduction, women find relief from the physical and emotional toll of their heavy chests. The procedure gets rid of excess breast tissue and skin to create a more manageable bust size so you can enjoy the freedom to move, dress, and live more comfortably.
Stubborn Fat: Women can develop pockets of stubborn fat as they age and especially after going through their childbearing years. Diet and exercise can work wonders for some types of fat, but other areas are not as responsive to these healthy habits. The outer hips, thighs, and submental or neck region are all common areas that hold onto persistent fatty tissue. If your diet and exercise efforts are not yielding the results you want, liposuction might be the right choice for you. The procedure targets specific areas of fat that seem to stick around no matter what you do. Fat is suctioned out and the result is a smoother, leaner body contour.

Surgical Options for Your Mommy Makeover
The combinations of procedures for your mommy makeover in Lubbock are customizable to help you reach your cosmetic goals. Dr. Rowley has over 20 years of experience performing plastic surgery, and has the aesthetic eye to give her patients beautiful results. You can add any procedure to your makeover that will help you feel like yourself again after having children. However, the most commonly requested surgeries are those that enhance the breasts and tummy area.
Breast augmentation: Enlarging the breasts with implants is an effective way to restore volume that is lost during the childbearing years. A small incision is made, typically under the crease of the breasts, and implants are then placed either under or over the chest muscle. Patients can choose from saline, silicone gel, or structured breast implants. With the help of prescribed pain medication, discomfort during recovery is generally mild. Patients can usually return to work two to three days after surgery, and can resume full activities within four to six weeks.
Tummy tuck: This procedure is a popular choice for women planning a mommy makeover in Lubbock. A tummy tuck eliminates excess skin on the stomach area and tightens the abdominal wall. The procedure is done in the operating room under general anesthesia and takes about two hours. A horizontal incision is made on the lower abdomen; patients with more excess skin to be removed will need longer incisions. You will need to plan to take two to three weeks off work for recovery, and should wait six to eight weeks before participating in all of your normal activities.
Liposuction: Fat removal through liposuction looks different for each patient because fat deposits vary from person to person. Whether you have many areas of stubborn fat or just one, your doctor can use this procedure to enhance your body contour. Small incisions are made, a small tube is inserted, and the fat is suctioned out. Depending on how extensive your liposuction was, your full recovery could take up to four to six weeks. However, most patients return to work after just two or three days of rest.
Get Started Today
If you’re considering plastic surgery in Lubbock, you are in good company! Numbers are on the rise for plastic surgery nationwide, and for good reason: the procedures are safe and effective.
If you’re ready to take the first step toward your new body, give our Lubbock office a call. Working with Dr. Rowley will give you the assurance that your mommy makeover in Lubbock will be carefully personalized to meet your long-term goals. Call our office today to schedule your no-obligation consultation.