Tag Archive for: plastic surgery

Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet With the Best Plastic Surgeon in Lubbock

It’s always fun to reflect on special memories and milestones as we wrap up each year. As the holidays come to an end and we start looking forward to what 2020 has in store, it’s the perfect time to think about your goals for the new year. There is just something about waking up on the first day of January that makes us want to do a little better, try a little harder, and renew our efforts for self-improvement. Most of us include health and fitness goals on our list of New Year’s Resolutions so we can work toward looking and feeling our best. As you contemplate your hopes for the coming year, consider how plastic surgery might be able to help. Dr. Jane Rowley is the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock and she is passionate about helping her patients achieve their cosmetic goals. The benefits of cosmetic procedures go far beyond the outcome you see in the mirror after your procedure. Before you finalize your 2020 New Year’s Resolutions, learn how plastic surgery can fit into your plan for meeting your goals.  

Enhance Your Appearance With the Best Plastic Surgeon in Lubbock

The beginning of the year is always the busiest time for gyms and fitness centers. Memberships often go on sale and you may even have to get in line to use your favorite treadmill. Regular gym-goers may not love the crowds, but they only need to wait a month or so before the gym starts to clear out again. People tend to lose their enthusiasm for working out when they don’t see the results they hoped to achieve. If you struggle with areas of fat on your body that do not respond to diet or exercise, liposuction is a procedure that offers a solution. With the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock, liposuction can get rid of stubborn fat and give you a sleeker body contour. 

Plastic surgery cannot make you look exactly like your favorite celebrity, but it can help you feel more satisfied with your appearance. There is no replacement for healthy habits like eating right and getting regular exercise, but plastic surgery can help further those efforts and give you physical results you can actually see. 

Improve Your Health

Plastic surgery with the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock doesn’t just benefit your looks; it can also have significant health advantages as well. One procedure that helps patients feel more healthy is breast reduction because it frees them from neck, back, and shoulder pain. Women with large breasts also put up with discomfort caused by bra straps digging into their shoulders, skin irritation under their breasts, and even neurologic symptoms like numbness or tingling in the hands. Surgically reducing the size of their breasts gives them immediate relief and can even make it easier to sleep and breathe. 

Dr. Rowley, the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock, offers other procedures that have added health benefits. Blepharoplasty, or an eyelid lift, improves both the appearance and function of the eyes by removing skin that can cause vision obstruction. Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, has been shown to reduce stress urinary incontinence and can correct ventral hernias. The procedure tightens abdominal muscles, which improves posture as it provides more support to the spine. Better posture means less back pain, and living with less pain is a resolution worth keeping.   

Increase Your Confidence 

When you feel good about the way you look, you will naturally have more confidence in everything you do. Insecurities about your appearance can distract you and keep you from performing at your very best. With the right plastic surgery procedure, you can address asymmetry, deformities, signs of aging, sagging, and many other issues. An experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon will be able to help you decide which procedure is right for you so you can achieve the results you want. When you choose Dr. Jane Rowley, you can have confidence knowing you are in the hands of the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock.  

Plastic surgery can help you achieve the goals you set for yourself, and there is no feeling like finally making it to the top of that self-improvement mountain. Reaching a goal you’ve worked hard for is a feeling like no other. With plastic surgery, your increased confidence will come not only from what you see in the mirror, but also from proving to yourself that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Take advantage of your access to the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock, and see what you can achieve in 2020.

Confidence in Yourself, Confidence in Your Surgeon

You can love your body and still have areas you would like to improve. Plastic surgery can provide subtle or dramatic enhancement that will last for years to come. Whether you want fuller breasts, a younger-looking face, or a tighter tummy, you want to choose a plastic surgeon you can trust. Dr. Jane Rowley’s world class training, plastic surgery expertise, and extensive experience make her the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock. You can’t control what the new year will bring, but you are in charge of the way you feel about yourself. Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation and see if plastic surgery can help you with your goals this year.   

Popular Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures Offered at Rowley Plastic Surgery

Are you ready for a change, but do not want to undergo surgery? Technology has brought about many new non-surgical cosmetic procedures that allow men and women to improve their appearance without the use of general anesthesia, plus no lengthy recovery required.

Personalized Treatment

Among other “cosmetic surgeons near me”, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jane Rowley offers a wide variety of non-invasive choices designed to be an alternative to more extensive plastic surgery options or used in tandem with surgical procedures. During your personal consultation with Dr. Rowley, you can anticipate discussing together your goals and needs, then determining what procedures would best create your desired results.

What Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures are Available?

Dr. Rowley uses the top products and fillers in the industry, including:

BOTOX Cosmetic: As described on the BOTOX website, BOTOX is “the first and only treatment FDA-approved to temporarily make moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead lines look better in adults” and “delivers predictable, subtle results, so you look like you, only with less noticeable facial lines.”

Dysport: The Dysport website explains it is a “prescription injection proven to help smooth the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows without changing the look or movement of the rest of your face.” It also states, “Untreated muscles still work normally, so you can continue to express feelings naturally. It’s the lines that are minimized, not your expressions.”

Sculptra Aesthetic: Sculptra Aesthetic is an FDA-approved injectable that “helps stimulate your skin’s own natural collagen production to help restore its inner structure and increase facial volume that has been lost to aging,” according to the Sculptra Aesthetic website.

Restylane: The Restylane website reads, “The Restylane line of products is formulated to act like your body’s own naturally occurring hyaluronic acid, restoring volume to your skin.”

JUVEDERM VOLUMA: The JUVEDERM website states, “Getting treated with JUVEDERM helps add volume to different areas of the face without surgery while also temporarily restoring the volume loss beneath the surface.”

Choosing Between “Cosmetic Surgeons Near Me

To achieve optimal results, it is important to not work with just any “cosmetic surgeons near me” that pop up from an Internet search. Dr. Rowley has extensive knowledge, training, and expertise to ensure she delivers natural, beautiful results – every time. If you want to learn more about non-surgical cosmetic procedures offered by Dr. Rowley at Rowley Plastic Surgery, call 806-792-3715 today.

When to Tell Others About Your Plastic Surgery in Lubbock

Is it best to open up with family and friends about receiving plastic surgery in Lubbock, or should you keep your surgery a secret? Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jane Rowley explores the pros and cons of telling others about your big news.

Creating Success

There are multiple components that lead to a successful plastic surgery experience, such as choosing the right procedure that meets your individual needs as well as working with the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock. In addition, a positive outcome hinges on a smooth and well-planned recovery period, where you put yourself in a position that allows your body to rest and heal properly. This often means telling your family and friends about your choice to undergo surgery, and then enlisting their help. Arranging for outside assistance and support can make all the difference during recovery. Dr. Rowley creates a customized treatment plan for each one of her patients that gives specific post-operative instructions. It is important to discuss this plan with all caregivers to ensure you are following the guidelines designed specifically for you to be able to best heal. For more information about what recovery is like for a variety of procedures, visit the American Society of Plastic Surgeons website.

Sharing About Plastic Surgery in Lubbock

Another reason to open up about your plastic surgery in Lubbock is to help others that are going down a similar path. Your transparency can be the exact thing someone needs while making the critical decisions that inevitably come with the choice to receive plastic surgery. Not everyone has a support system, and explaining your story can provide invaluable insight.

But it is still essential to set boundaries and be selective when sharing your journey. Avoid involving others that are disapproving or judgmental. Leading up to surgery and after your procedure, Dr. Rowley works hard to help her patients decide who might be helpful to involve in their plastic surgery experience.

The Best Plastic Surgeon in Lubbock

Many men and women consider Dr. Rowley the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock. She wants to see her patients happy and fulfilled following their procedure. If you have concerns or questions about how to navigate sharing your news, Dr. Rowley takes the time to address that with you. After all, telling others about your plastic surgery in Lubbock should be exciting and enjoyable. Set up a no-obligation consultation with Dr. Rowley, and call 806-792-3715 today.

Nonsurgical Facelift Options With the Best Plastic Surgeon in Lubbock

It is often said that age is just a number. Many people find that to be true—you can be in your 50’s and still feel like you did in your younger years. But what about when you look in the mirror? Sometimes our appearance tells a different story, making us look older than we feel. Lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin on the face can give you a tired, worn out look. No one is immune to the aging process, no matter how healthy, fit, or energetic you may feel. Even if you are tired and feeling your age, that doesn’t mean you have to look that way. A nonsurgical facelift is a procedure that will refresh your appearance without anesthesia or a stay in the hospital. Dr. Jane Rowley is the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock for facial rejuvenation procedures. If you are ready to regain the youthful glow you once enjoyed, you can consider a minimally-invasive approach that will give you beautiful results.

Advantages and Drawbacks of Nonsurgical Procedures

Nonsurgical cosmetic procedures are growing more and more common every year. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), 15.9 million cosmetic minimally-invasive procedures were performed in 2018. That number reflects an increase of 2 percent since the previous year, and there is every reason to believe that the popularity of minimally-invasive procedures will continue to grow. People are drawn to nonsurgical methods because they are quick, easy, and cause little to no pain. They offer a convenient way to enhance your appearance without any incisions or the price tag that usually comes with traditional plastic surgery.

Lasers and other new cosmetic techniques can do some amazing things, but It is important to keep realistic expectations. Even with the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock, nonsurgical facelift procedures sometimes need to be repeated several times to achieve optimal results. Having multiple treatments can drive up the cost of your new look. The outcome of a nonsurgical facelift won’t be as dramatic as a surgical one, but for some patients, it offers just the right amount of rejuvenation. 

Clear communication with your plastic surgeon is key to getting the results you want. A nonsurgical facelift is a very customizable procedure, so with the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock, you can address the issues that are unique to your face. Whether you have fine lines or deep wrinkles, sunken cheeks, large pores, or even acne scars, minimally-invasive facial procedures can help turn back the clock. The decision to have any cosmetic procedure is highly personal, and you would be wise to do your research before making any commitments. Here are some of the options for patients considering a nonsurgical facelift.   


Wrinkles on the forehead, mouth area, and around the eyes can be some of the biggest problems for people who would rather not reveal their age. Botox is a popular nonsurgical method for softening and smoothing out these lines. The best plastic surgeon in Lubbock will use a fine needle to inject Botox into the muscles in the areas of concern on your face, and you will feel only a slight amount of discomfort. The procedure can be done during a short office visit and results are visible in 1-2 weeks. Keep in mind that Botox does not work on wrinkles from sun damage or gravity, and you may need to schedule follow-up appointments for repeated injections as the effects are not permanent.   

Dermal Fillers

When gravity takes its toll on your face, it can cause your cheeks, lips, and eye area to appear sunken. Dermal fillers, such as Sculptra®, Juvederm®, and Voluma®, rejuvenate these areas with the injection of their smooth gel formula. Plumping up the parts of the face that have lost volume takes away dark shadows, provides definition, and visually restores youth to your complexion. Dr. Rowley, the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock, can administer your dermal fillers in a quick visit to her office and have you back on your feet immediately following the procedure. The results of dermal fillers typically last from 6-12 months.   

Fat Injections

Do you ever wish you could take your unwanted fat and use it in the areas of your body where you would like more volume? Modern advances in plastic surgery techniques allow us to do just that. The best plastic surgeon in Lubbock can transfer fat from a donor area to your face, giving it the fullness and definition that has been lost with age. Fat injection results are less predictable than they are with dermal fillers; however, with multiple treatments you should be able to achieve the look you desire and it will last indefinitely. 

Not a Fan of Needles?

Don’t let your fear of needles keep you from feeling confident in your appearance. If the thought of injectables makes you cringe, there are plenty of other options for facial rejuvenation. These procedures are useful for improving your complexion and giving your skin a beautiful, youthful glow:

  • Chemical peel
  • Dermabrasion 
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Laser/ultrasound treatments

Get a Nonsurgical Facelift With the Best Plastic Surgeon in Lubbock  

Growing older doesn’t mean you have to look old. If you want to turn back the clock on your appearance, there are many nonsurgical methods to help you achieve your desired outcome. Dr. Jane Rowley is the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock and can guide you through the process of choosing the right procedure for you. Contact our office today to schedule your no-obligation consultation and learn more about the minimally-invasive procedures we offer.

From Flab to Fab: What Arm Lift Plastic Surgery in Lubbock Can Do for You

The appearance of your upper arms is probably something you never imagined you would care much about. Maturing in age has its benefits but it also comes with some drawbacks, and worsening arm flab can be one of them. The upper arms can also be a source of frustration for people who have lost a significant amount of weight. Reaching your weight loss goal is supposed to be something to celebrate, but it can be hard to feel like you’ve achieved the look you want when you still see “bat wings” in the mirror. Whether you dislike your arms because they’ve started to sag with age or they didn’t bounce back after your weight loss, brachioplasty, or arm lift plastic surgery in Lubbock, is a convenient way to get rid of that flabby look. You don’t have to hide your arms by wearing long sleeve shirts year-round anymore. For the right candidate, an arm lift can turn the arms from flabby to fabulous. 

What Does an Arm Lift Do?

If you are doing your research about brachioplasty, you have probably lived with sagging arms long enough to know that diet and exercise do not solve the problem. No amount of pushups, arm circles, or weight lifting will get rid of the excess fat and skin that hangs off the arms. With Lubbock plastic surgery, your arms can finally have the shape you desire. Not all arm lifts are exactly the same since patients have varying degrees of tissue that needs to be removed. In general, you can expect your plastic surgeon to create a better contour of your arms from the elbow to the armpit. The goal is to give you slimmer arms that appear more toned and are better aligned with the proportions of the rest of your body. 

What Does Arm Lift Surgery Involve?   

An arm lift is a fairly straightforward plastic surgery in Lubbock. The operation takes about one hour under general anesthesia in outpatient surgery. Your doctor will make an incision either on the inside of your upper arm or on the backside, and then remove the excess skin and fat.  Internal sutures may be used to tighten and reshape the underlying tissue. Dr. Jane Rowley does not place drains, and the sutures are absorbed by the body. Although liposuction alone cannot eliminate hanging arm skin, some patients opt to add liposuction to their brachioplasty procedure to target specific fat deposits on their arms. Talk to your doctor to determine whether combining liposuction with your arm lift will give you the best results.  

Brachioplasty patients are sent home from surgery with compression wraps that should be worn for up to 2 weeks. Your arms will be noticeably slimmer right after your operation, but you should be able to see the full results within 6 to 8 weeks, after any swelling and bruising has subsided. If you can maintain a stable, healthy weight, your Lubbock plastic surgery outcome can last a very long time. 

Is Brachioplasty Worth It?

One of the most important considerations for brachioplasty patients is whether they are comfortable with scarring on their arms. Just about every type of Lubbock plastic surgery will leave a scar, but arm lift scars tend to be longer and more noticeable than with other procedures. The way your scars will look depend on the location and amount of sin and fat that is removed. Brachioplasty scars are not as easily hidden as the ones you might get from breast augmentation or a tummy tuck, but many patients feel the benefits of arm lift plastic surgery in Lubbock far outweigh the costs. A board-certified plastic surgeon with brachioplasty experience can help you decide if the procedure is right for you.  

Dr. Jane Rowley has been performing brachioplasty for over 20 years. She is always honest and candid in her consultations with patients, and will only recommend the procedure for those who will see the best results. She says:

“Patients really need to have a significant amount of excess skin to be happy with the results after this operation. There is a fairly significant scar that can be noticeable in clothing, but on the right patient, the results can be dramatic.”

When you are trying to make a decision about Lubbock plastic surgery for your arms, it can also be helpful to talk to other patients or read online reviews. 92 percent of RealSelf brachioplasty patients say the procedure is “worth it.” One reviewer said:

“My verdict on the arm-lift is that it is very much worth the cost. I feel much more confident now that my wings are gone and while the scars are a pretty big trade-off, in the end I would still opt to have the surgery as opposed to spending forever with big, flappy arms.”

Arm Lift Plastic Surgery in Lubbock With Dr. Rowley

You don’t have to live with embarrassment or insecurity about your appearance. If you are tired of hiding your arms because of excessive hanging skin or fat, an arm lift could give you back the confidence you deserve. Dr. Jane Rowley is the most experienced plastic surgeon in Lubbock, and she can tell you whether an arm lift is the best way for you to achieve your aesthetic goals. To learn about your plastic surgery options, schedule your no-obligation consultation with Rowley Plastic Surgery today. 

The Beauty of a Lubbock Breast Lift and Other Breast Surgeries

Women deserve to feel confident in their appearance. Taking care of yourself is important, and there are many simple things you can do to stay healthy and in shape. But what if you feel insecure about a part of your body that can’t be improved with diet, exercise, or a day at the salon? When you are unhappy with the way your breasts look, it can affect your confidence and make it hard to feel as beautiful as you really are. Plastic surgery for the breasts allows women to have the bust size and shape that helps them feel natural, attractive   and comfortable in their everyday lives. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast lifts, breast augmentations, and breast reductions accounted for a quarter of all the cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in the U.S. last year. With so many options for breast enhancement, how do you know which is the right procedure for you? Take a look at our guide to getting a Lubbock breast lift, breast reduction, or breast augmentation. 

When You Should Consider a Breast Lift in Lubbock

Not all women who are interested in breast surgery want to increase the size of their breasts. Breastfeeding, age, gravity, and weight changes can all contribute to breast sagging, which causes you to look older than you are and can make it hard to feel confident in your appearance. If the reason you feel unsatisfied with your breasts is because they droop or sag, the procedure that might best fit your needs is a breast lift. Lubbock plastic surgeon Dr. Jane Rowley recommends this surgery for her patients who have significant sagging of the breasts, or ptosis. She can perk up your looks with a breast lift by removing excess skin and breast tissue that weighs the breasts down and causes them to droop.   

Breasts can become so stretched that the nipples begin to point downward. Your plastic surgeon can correct this issue by moving the nipple/areola complex to a higher position, giving your chest a more youthful shape. Repositioning the nipple, tissue, and skin of the breasts with a Lubbock breast lift provides more forward projection and makes bras, clothing, and swimwear fit better. The surgical procedure takes about 90 minutes to 2 hours, and results are noticeable immediately afterwards. However, with significant fluctuations in weight or skin laxity, the breasts can begin to sag again in the future. Your doctor can recommend ways to help make your results last so you can enjoy them for as long as possible. 

Breast Reduction for Symptom Relief

Breast reduction is a popular procedure that patients often have in tandem with a Lubbock breast lift. If you suffer from chronic neck, back, or shoulder pain because of your large breasts, a breast reduction may be able to help. The surgery makes the breasts smaller with the removal of excess fat, skin, and breast tissue. Breast reduction recovery varies depending on the original size of your breasts, but most women can return to work after 10 to 14 days. Resuming all your normal activities may take up to 6 weeks. 

In addition to relieving physical discomfort associated with a heavy chest, breast reduction can improve your appearance by balancing out your proportions. The procedure can have a slimming effect, and patients often look like they have lost weight after their surgery. Some of Dr. Rowley’s happiest clients are her breast reduction patients, because the procedure gives them immediate relief from their pain and a beautiful enhancement to their appearance.  

Adding Volume With Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is hands down the most popular plastic surgery in America, and has been since 2006. It enables women to increase the size of their breasts with the use of silicone gel, saline, or structured breast implants. The size, shape, and placement of your breast implants will also help tailor your look to give you the perfect enhancement to your breasts. 

You can choose to have a breast augmentation with a breast lift in Lubbock to address sagging and add volume at the same time. However, for some women, the weight of breast implants can work against a breast lift. Lubbock patients should discuss their goals with a board-certified plastic surgeon to see whether combining the two procedures is the best option for them. 

Breast Surgery With the Leading Plastic Surgeon in Lubbock

Each woman’s lifestyle, preferences, and goals are different, and so are her breasts. When you no longer feel like your breasts complement your appearance, plastic surgery can help you get the look you want. Dr. Jane Rowley is an expert in the field of cosmetic breast surgery, and with her experience and surgical talent, she can give you natural, beautiful results. Whether you want a Lubbock breast lift, breast reduction, or breast augmentation, Dr. Rowley and her staff at Rowley Plastic Surgery are the plastic surgery team you can trust. Contact our office today to schedule a no-obligation consultation.   

The Facts About Lubbock Breast Augmentation After Mastectomy

Lubbock breast augmentation is a topic that many women are familiar with, but what about breast reconstruction after mastectomy? The less-talked about procedure is used to rebuild the breasts after cancerous breast tissue is removed. Women who have gone through breast cancer have the option of pursuing reconstruction to recreate the natural look and feel of their breasts. This procedure can help with mental and emotional healing after overcoming cancer, but it is often misunderstood. Approaching reconstruction with the understanding that it is not a one size fits all surgery will help you get the most satisfaction from your results. The better you can anticipate what to expect from breast reconstruction after mastectomy, the more comfortable you will be with the entire process.

Breast Reconstruction Methods

One way to reconstruct the breasts after mastectomy is with breast augmentation. Lubbock breast cancer patients can opt for implant-based reconstruction, which is different than a typical breast augmentation in Lubbock. This procedure is performed using a temporary implant, or breast tissue expander. The expander is filled partly with saline or silicone gel and placed in the breasts, either over or under the chest muscle. After several weeks or even months, you can choose to have the expander filled up more as the breast tissue has stretched, or have it switched out for a permanent breast implant. According to breastcancer.org, implant-based reconstruction surgery can be done through the same incision as the mastectomy and can sometimes be done as a one-step procedure. However, this method may not work for some patients after radiation therapy, because the skin becomes tough and has difficulty stretching. Your doctor can help you decide whether implant-based reconstruction is right for you.    

A procedure known as flap surgery is another option for breast reconstruction. For this method, the plastic surgeon takes fatty tissue from one area of the body such as the thighs, belly, or buttocks, and implants it in the chest. Patients with enough donor tissue make good candidates for this procedure and often end up with results that resemble the softness and movement of natural breasts, just like they would after Lubbock breast augmentation. Flap reconstructive surgery requires a more complex operation and longer recovery period compared to implant-based reconstruction.

It is important to understand the different breast reconstruction methods available. Other alternatives after mastectomy include direct to implant, fat grafting, nipple reconstruction, or no reconstruction at all. Learning of a breast cancer diagnosis can make you feel like you have no options. When you finally beat the disease and are ready to rebuild your breasts, you deserve to know about all of your choices so you can make an informed decision that feels right for you.   

The Timing is Up to You

Taking control of your life after cancer is an empowering feeling. Many patients elect to have their reconstructive surgery or breast augmentation in Lubbock performed at the same time as their mastectomy, but you don’t have to. If you would rather pursue reconstruction after you have had more of a chance to heal physically and emotionally, it is your right to do so. According to MDAnderson, the decision to have immediate versus delayed breast reconstruction also depends on factors such as your breast cancer stage, lifestyle and preferences, medical conditions, and any additional therapies you may need. 

A recent Bustle article about breast reconstruction cited a study which revealed that “Immediate breast reconstruction may protect breast cancer patients from a period of psychosocial distress, poor body image, and diminished sexual well-being compared with those waiting for delayed breast reconstruction.” The decision to have reconstruction immediately, later, or not at all is a very personal one and should involve close counsel with your doctor. 

Reconstructed Breasts Aren’t Perfect Breasts

Breast reconstruction can help restore some of the shape and feel of your natural breasts, but it can’t make them exactly the way they were before cancer. Unlike breast augmentation, Lubbock breast reconstruction often cannot bring back sensation to the breasts or nipples. With time and healing, some feeling can return, but it may never be the same. Different women experience varying degrees of sensation loss, but a lot depends on the mastectomy and what type of reconstructive procedure you have. As with a regular Lubbock breast augmentation procedure, it will take time for your breasts to heal no matter how you choose to enhance them. Just remember to be patient with your body and give it the care it deserves. 

Caring and Compassionate Plastic Surgery in Lubbock

The journey through breast cancer can be a long and difficult road. If and when you decide you are ready to seek breast reconstruction, you can rest assured knowing that Dr. Jane Rowley and her staff provide the highest level of plastic surgery care in Lubbock. Dr. Rowley has over two decades of experience with breast augmentation in Lubbock and is often referred by local oncologists for reconstructive procedures. She has the training and expertise to help you feel like yourself again after breast cancer. Schedule your no-obligation consultation today to take the next steps on your path to recovery.

Answers to Your FAQs About Liposuction in Lubbock

It’s no secret that breast augmentation is the most common plastic surgery procedure in America, and has been for years. But did you know that liposuction is also growing in popularity and has held the number 2 spot since 2015? According to this year’s annual statistical report published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of people having liposuction in the U.S. grew another five percent from 2017 to 2018. With advances in technology and surgical techniques, liposuction has become the body sculpting procedure patients turn to for results that address their specific needs. Localized areas of stubborn fat can be eliminated with liposuction in Lubbock, which can give you a sleeker look and help boost your confidence. If you have thought about having this type of fat removal, read our liposuction FAQs for a better understanding of the procedure and what it can do for you.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure that removes fat that exists between the skin and muscle. For patients who are interested in liposuction, Lubbock Dr. Jane Rowley stresses the importance of understanding that it is not meant to be a weight loss procedure. Liposuction is a way to enhance your body’s natural contour by getting rid of excess fat. Patients often seek this popular plastic surgery when their unwanted fat persists despite their best efforts with diet and exercise.   

Dr. Rowley uses the tumescent technique when performing liposuction, which means she injects a local anesthetic that also helps cut down on blood loss. This common method is a proven way for plastic surgeons to ensure the safety of their Lubbock liposuction patients. During the surgery, fat is suctioned out through a tiny tube called a cannula. If you want larger or multiple areas treated, you may need to undergo general anesthesia.  

Am I a Good Candidate for Liposuction in Lubbock?

If you are looking for a way to drop a significant amount of weight, liposuction is probably not the right option for you. It is recommended that patients considering liposuction be close to their ideal weight. This way, the procedure can be used to enhance the body’s contour in an aesthetically pleasing way. Patients with specific areas of fat that resist diet and exercise will see the best results from liposuction. The ideal liposuction candidate will also: 

  • Be in good physical and mental health, generally speaking
  • Be physically fit and able to maintain a stable weight
  • Have skin that is both firm and elastic
  • Not smoke or use nicotine products
  • Have realistic expectations

Is Liposuction Safe?

It is well understood that any type of surgery comes with risks, and liposuction is no exception. However, serious complications are rare and you can mitigate risks if you are a healthy person who doesn’t smoke. Dr. Rowley speaks candidly with all of her Lubbock liposuction patients to inform them of the risks and potential complications associated with the procedure. In addition, she provides a comprehensive set of aftercare instructions to her patients. If you follow good health practices and strictly adhere to your surgeon’s instructions, your liposuction will have minimal risks and optimal results.     

How Do I Choose the Right Doctor?

Choosing a plastic surgeon to perform your liposuction procedure requires a little more effort than a simple Google search. While searching online is a good place to start, you should plan to spend some time checking out your potential surgeons’ backgrounds including their training, education, qualifications, and reviews. 

At the very least, the plastic surgeon you select should be board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Doctors who are board-certified have gone through thorough training and passed the tests that qualify them to practice plastic surgery.   

Browsing before-and-after photos online can also clue you in to your plastic surgeon’s personal aesthetic touch. You could choose the most qualified doctor in your city, but if their style doesn’t match yours, your Lubbock liposuction results may not look like you’d hoped they would.  

What Should I Expect During Recovery?

After your liposuction plastic surgery, you will be sent home in a compression garment that should be worn for two to four weeks.  Plan on taking several days off work following your procedure. Recovery varies from patient to patient, but generally speaking, most people are back on their feet and ready for normal activity fairly soon after liposuction. Lubbock patients should avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities until they are completely healed. Some discomfort, swelling, and bruising is common but should resolve after six to eight weeks.    

Trust Rowley Plastic Surgery for Your Liposuction in Lubbock

More and more Americans are turning to liposuction to help them enhance their appearance. If you struggle with stubborn fat, it may be just what you need to achieve a slimmer look and give improved contour to your body. Dr. Jane Rowley has more than 20 years of experience performing liposuction and has the artistic eye to give you the look you want. Call us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation and to find out if liposuction is the right choice for you.  

Fun Things to Do on Your Trip to Have Plastic Surgery in Lubbock

Our patients come from near and far to take advantage of Dr. Jane Rowley’s reputation as a highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon. If you are planning a trip to come see her for plastic surgery in Lubbock, you may want to come a few days before your procedure so you can enjoy some of the fun things to do here. With educational museums, vibrant nightlife, outdoor activities, and more, Lubbock is a fun and unique place to visit. There is no shortage of attractions for out-of-towners. Even if you bring the whole family along to support you during your plastic surgery in Lubbock, there is something for everyone. Here are some of our favorite things to do in Lubbock.

Joyland Amusement Park

If you are making a family vacation out of your trip to have plastic surgery in Lubbock, the kids and the young at heart will enjoy a day at Joyland Amusement Park. Open since 1948, this traditional amusement park has over 30 rides and attractions including rides for thrill seekers, water lovers, and even the smallest park-goers. Roller coasters, family rides, and kiddie coasters provide thrills for every member of the family. Prepare for some nostalgic vibes at Joyland as the sights, sounds, and smells of the park remind visitors of a simpler time. Joyland is located in Mackenzie Park and is open during the warmer months of the year. Be sure to check the Joyland Amusement Park website for details on admission prices, hours of operation, and other FAQs.   

Prairie Dog Town

Ready for a photo op with some cute furry friends? Prairie Dog Town is a bucket list topper for every Lubbock tourist. This fun stop near Joyland Amusement Park offers views of prairie dogs in their natural habitat. A low wall surrounds the field where they live and play, and you will be able to see dozens of them at any time of day. Children love to watch the prairie dog families stand on their hind legs, peep out of their holes, and chase each other around the field. These prairie dogs are used to having people around, and you can even bring carrots with you if you’d like to see them up close as you feed them one of their favorite snacks.  Prairie Dog Town is a free attraction and would be a pleasant low-key activity for patients recovering from plastic surgery in Lubbock.

Buddy Holly Center

One of Lubbock’s claims to fame is that it is the birthplace of American rock and roll musician Buddy Holly. The Buddy Holly Center is home to artifacts and memorabilia from the icon’s life and music career. Some of the featured relics include his Fender Stratocaster guitar and the actual horn-rimmed glasses he was wearing on the day he died. A statue of Buddy Holly with his guitar, the West Texas Walk of Fame, and the J.I. Allison House are all located near the museum as well. Whether you know his music or not, a trip to the Buddy Holly Center is an interesting and educational way to spend an afternoon after having plastic surgery in Lubbock. If you work up an appetite at the Buddy Holly exhibits, bars and restaurants in the nearby Depot District are plentiful. Click here to plan your visit to the museum and learn about events held at the Buddy Holly Center.  

National Ranching Heritage Center

Located on the Texas Tech University campus, the National Ranching Heritage Center is a museum dedicated to the history of ranching. During your trip to have plastic surgery in Lubbock, you can visit the NRHC to see almost 50 historic ranch buildings that have been preserved. Both children and adults can enjoy learning about west Texas history up close and personal as they walk through buildings including a train depot, blacksmith shop, and an old schoolhouse. The NRHC provides an interesting and educational look at what life was like for the early settlers of the area. There is no cost for admission, but donations are appreciated. Learn more about what the National Ranching Heritage Center has to offer here

Lubbock’s Top Plastic Surgery Expert 

If you are traveling from out of town for your plastic surgery in Lubbock, you may want to consider coming a few days ahead of your procedure so you can enjoy the city’s attractions. With over 20 years of plastic surgery experience, Dr. Jane Rowley is worth the trip alone; however, you won’t want to miss out on the unique things that make Lubbock special. No matter where you live, if you want the very best in plastic surgery, come see us at Rowley Plastic Surgery. Dr. Rowley offers experience, surgical skill, and patient care unmatched by any other plastic surgeon in the area. Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation to discuss your options for plastic surgery in Lubbock.   

Having Fun and Staying Active After Plastic Surgery in Lubbock

For many of our patients, having plastic surgery in Lubbock marks the beginning or continuation of a lifetime commitment to taking good care of themselves. Undergoing a cosmetic procedure can improve your confidence and your appearance, but it still takes effort if you want to maintain your results. Plastic surgery represents an important investment in your body. If you want to continue reaping the benefits for years to come, creating and sticking to a physical fitness routine is a must. It will help you maintain a stable weight, which is especially important for body contouring patients. Not only will regular exercise keep your results from plastic surgery in Lubbock looking great, it also boosts your mood, helps you sleep better, and improves your overall health.

If the thought of working out on a regular basis sounds daunting, remember that physical activity does not have to be a chore. Logging miles on a treadmill is not the only way to stay fit after plastic surgery in Lubbock. There are so many enjoyable ways to get moving, and Lubbock has plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. Hiking is a great way for locals to get their heart pumping while spending time outside. If you’re looking for a fun change to your fitness routine, check out these popular hikes in and around Lubbock. 

Lubbock Lake Landmark

This nature preserve in Lubbock is the perfect place for beginner hiking. The 336-acre landmark is known for its archaeological finds and historical significance. Just a few miles north of Texas Tech University, Lubbock Lake Landmark is home to remnants of ancient people and extinct animals. Stop by the visitor’s center or click here to learn more about the history of this unique site. There are three hikes there for you to enjoy after having plastic surgery in Lubbock:

  • Archaeological Trail: Learn about this site’s 12,000-year history as you walk this half-mile path.
  • Llano Estacado Wildflower Trail: A relaxing half-mile walk through the area’s native vegetation also includes benches and shade so you can stop and smell the wildflowers. 
  • Landmark Nature Trail: This 2.5-3.5 mile trail offers access to views of wildlife in its natural habitat. 

Each of the trails at Lubbock Lake Landmark offers something a little different. If a relaxing stroll doesn’t get your heart rate high enough, a jog or run through these trails would be just as enjoyable. 

Mae Simmons Outer Loop Trail

Plastic surgery in Lubbock requires several weeks of rest and recovery. Once you are healed and ready to get moving again, the Mae Simmons Outer Loop Trail is a convenient place to go for hiking trails in the city. This moderate 7.1 mile loop is perfect for a morning run or evening stroll. With lake views, frequent prairie dog sightings, and other outdoor activities on-site, the Mae Simmons Outer Loop Trail has something for everyone. AllTrails reviewer Nick Wilson says he enjoys the variety the trail has to offer:

“My favorite thing about riding here is that you really almost forget you’re in Lubbock for a good portion of the trails. Lots of trees, switchbacks, and elevation changes (some fairly steep). There are enough trails and options that unless you go out every day you probably won’t get bored and a lot of varying terrain to hone your various skills.”  

Caprock Canyons State Park and Trailway

After having plastic surgery in Lubbock, you will want to be fully cleared to participate in regular exercise before attempting the trails at Caprock Canyons State Park and Trailway. About an hour and a half away from Lubbock, Caprock Canyons is a little bit of a drive outside of town; however, locals say it’s a trip that is definitely worth taking. This state park is full of adventure as it houses almost 90 miles of trails to hike and bike. Trail difficulty levels range from easy one-mile trails to very advanced 15-mile hikes. The scenic canyon views, wild bison, prairie dogs, deer, and other wildlife attract visitors to the park year-round. Visit the Caprock Canyons State Park and Trailway website to learn more about all the outdoor activities available there.   

Plastic Surgery in Lubbock With Dr. Jane Rowley

Staying active has profound benefits for your health as well as for your plastic surgery results. Dr. Jane Rowley provides the best in plastic surgery care, and she also encourages all of her patients to care for themselves by getting regular exercise before and after plastic surgery. In Lubbock, patients have access to some of the state’s best hiking trails right in their own backyard. If plastic surgery is something you are considering, trust the surgeon with over 20 years of experience in Lubbock. Give our office a call today to schedule your no-obligation consultation with Dr. Rowley so you can explore your plastic surgery options.