Tag Archive for: best plastic surgeon lubbock

What You Need to Ask Yourself Before Lubbock Plastic Surgery

The decision to permanently change your appearance is a very personal one. Everyone has different reasons for wanting cosmetic surgery. Some patients want to regain their pre-pregnancy body, some need help targeting areas of stubborn fat, and others simply want to fight the effects of age. Whatever your goals and expectations are for your plastic surgery in Lubbock, there are some important things to consider before you schedule that surgery. A little bit of honest self-reflection can help you sort things out to be sure that plastic surgery is something you are ready to pursue. If you are seriously thinking about having some work done, you should start by asking yourself the following questions.  

Am I a Good Candidate for Lubbock Plastic Surgery?

Just because you want plastic surgery doesn’t mean it’s right for you. Before you consider a cosmetic procedure, you need to make an honest evaluation of your overall health. A good plastic surgery candidate should:

  • Be in good general health
  • Have no issues with excessive bleeding
  • Not smoke (or be able to quit before and after surgery)
  • Be at a stable weight
  • Have realistic expectations

These are general guidelines that give Lubbock plastic surgery patients a starting point when thinking about having elective surgery. Your doctor will also want to evaluate your skin type for some procedures. You will need to be honest and thorough when you discuss with your doctor what you would like to do to see if the procedure you want is a good fit for you. 

What are My Cosmetic Goals?

Lubbock plastic surgery patients have different ideas about what they want from cosmetic surgery. Some patients want dramatic and noticeable changes in their appearance while others want a subtle effect that highlights their own natural look. Are you looking for a full body package or do you just want to change a little detail that has always bothered you? Your surgeon is the best source of plastic surgery information if you have questions about different procedures. They can help you make the right decisions when you have realistic expectations and accurate information. That’s why it’s so important to communicate your goals clearly to your plastic surgeon during your initial consultation.

If your goal is to perfect your body or to look exactly like someone else, you may be disappointed with the way your plastic surgery turns out. No amount of surgery can fix every flaw you see in the mirror. The point of plastic surgery is to enhance your look in a way that complements your natural features. If you love yourself first, then you’re much more likely to be happy with the results of your procedure. 

Is Now the Right Time?

All types of plastic surgery in Lubbock require time for planning as well as recovery. Make sure you can block out the amount of time you’ll need to let your body properly heal from your procedure. If you are in the middle of an important project at work or have other big plans in the near future, now might not be the right time for plastic surgery. Lubbock patients should ask their doctor about the details of their recovery so they can get a specific timeframe for how long their recovery period will be.

Can I Afford Plastic Surgery?

We all love to take advantage of a great deal when we see one. But when you are researching your Lubbock plastic surgery options, it’s no time to look for bargains. Do you want a safe surgery with a quality surgeon? Do you hope for long-lasting results that look great? Then you’ll want to save your discount hunting for those shoes you’ve been eyeing. Patients have the best chance of achieving their cosmetic goals with an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon. Don’t hesitate to ask direct questions about training and experience before you commit to any surgeon. In Lubbock, the best plastic surgery experience is with Dr. Jane Rowley at Rowley Plastic Surgery.  

Patients can get help paying for some procedures through insurance. For example, insurance may cover all or part of a breast reduction if you can prove that you have experienced health issues because of your large breasts. Other reconstructive surgeries such as nose jobs and weight loss procedures can also be eligible for coverage through some companies. Insurance plans vary widely, so be sure to check with your provider if you think your procedure might be covered. 

Think it Through

When thinking about having plastic surgery, Lubbock candidates would benefit by asking themselves the personal questions that only they can answer. Then they will be able to have the clarity they need to feel confident moving forward with their procedure. Other questions that are advantageous to consider are: 

  • Why do I want cosmetic surgery?
  • What do I want to change about my appearance?
  • Is this something I really want or is it for someone else?
  • Do I have realistic expectations?
  • Am I ready to make the changes to my lifestyle that my surgery may require?

These questions will only help if you are honest with yourself about the answers. Explore your true motives for wanting Lubbock plastic surgery to see if it is really something you will be happy with long-term. Keeping realistic expectations is also key because it helps to understand that plastic surgery will not magically give you a perfect body or solve your problems for you.

What the Experts Say

Eileen Bradbury is a consultant psychologist who has been working with plastic surgery candidates for two decades. She advises taking the decision to have a cosmetic procedure very seriously. “You’re the one who has to live with the outcome,” she says. “If you rush into the surgery without properly thinking about it, it might be the wrong result, even if the surgery goes well.” 

Do Your Part

Bradbury says, “It’s like having a personal trainer. You have to do most of the work yourself. Your well-being includes your lifestyle, nutrition, work and social life.” Your plastic surgeon can perform your procedure perfectly, but it’s up to you to make sure you follow post-surgery instructions and give your body the long-term care it needs. For the benefits of Lubbock plastic surgery to last, it is important to take care of yourself. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating right, and keeping a positive mental outlook will help make the most of your surgery results. 

Consult With Loved Ones

Having a heart to heart with yourself is an essential step to determine whether you are ready for plastic surgery, but talking to trusted friends and family can help too. The people who love and support you can help you come to know if it is something that is right for you.  

Take the Next Step With Dr. Jane Rowley 

If you decide that you are ready for plastic surgery, Lubbock surgeon Dr. Jane Rowley can work with you to help you understand your options. Dr. Rowley has extensive training and over 20 years of surgical experience. She carefully and intently listens to her patients to make sure she understands their expectations. She has the answers to your questions and will present you with the best options for your cosmetic goals. Call today for a no-obligation consultation to see how you can gain the confidence that comes with loving how you look.

What Should You Do Before Lubbock Plastic Surgery?

Preparation is the key to having success in almost everything we do. From studying for a big test to planning your dream wedding, the amount of prep work you do ahead of time can easily make or break the final outcome. When it comes to plastic surgery, Lubbock patients will also get the best long-term results if they plan ahead. Whether it’s a tummy tuck, liposuction, or a facelift you’re getting ready for, spending a little extra time to prepare now will be beneficial for your surgery, healing process, and results. 

Getting ready for plastic surgery takes more than just a few fun shopping trips for clothes or accessories to show off your new look; it means taking care of yourself and making sure things are in order before your surgery day comes. Doctors recommend taking the following steps to make your Lubbock plastic surgery experience as smooth as possible.

Do Your Homework

Learning all you can about your procedure will put your mind at ease and help reduce stress about the surgery. Doctors and nurses all agree that the best patient is an educated patient, meaning they have done their research and are well informed about the surgery they are having. It can be very calming to know what to expect along every step of the way. A thorough understanding of your procedure also helps to solidify your decision to have plastic surgery. 

There are plenty of sources of information about plastic surgery available, but not all of them are reliable. Many of the things you read on the internet should be taken with a grain of salt, or even ignored completely. Your board-certified surgeon is the first source you should turn to, but if you want to find facts online, make sure they are credible. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons and The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery are both great resources to check out online for further information about your procedure.

Double Check Your Medications

Your doctor will give you specific instructions on which medications are acceptable before and after your plastic surgery in Lubbock. It is essential that you follow them strictly so you stay healthy and safe. Some common supplements and medicines that should not be taken close to surgery include:

  • Vitamin E supplements
  • Blood thinners
  • Ibuprofen
  • Any medication containing aspirin

Make Your Home Recovery Friendly

  • Food prep: Fill up your refrigerator with healthy snacks and stock your freezer with some ready-to-eat meals. Instead of giving in to the temptation and convenience of fast food, prepare a few frozen homemade meals so you’ll have something nutritious to restore your body’s energy as it heals. Fruits, veggies, lean meats, and healthy sources of protein will help you to heal quickly after Lubbock plastic surgery. 
  • Entertainment: Grab the latest bestselling book and pick out a new TV show to binge on so you can enjoy your downtime while you recover. 
  • Comfort: Gather or buy plenty of pillows and blankets to create a comfortable recovery space. Depending on the type of procedure you have, certain sleeping positions may be off limits so you may need those extra pillows to get a good night’s rest. 
  • Put things within arms reach: Some plastic surgery procedures will limit your ability to reach, carry, or lift things. If you know you’ll need items that are usually kept in high cabinets, move them temporarily to a spot that will be more manageable for you during your early recovery period. 

Take Care of Business

When you get home from your Lubbock plastic surgery, rest and recovery will be the only things on your mind. Be sure to fill prescriptions, get groceries, pay bills, and check off anything else on your to-do list that is pressing before your surgery day comes. That way, you won’t have to worry or stress over your everyday errands and you can focus on healing. 

Enlist Your Family and Friends

No matter the type of plastic surgery, Lubbock friends and family are always willing to help. Ask your dependable loved ones to drive you home after surgery and stay with you for at least the first night. If you live alone, consider staying with someone until you feel confident that you can care for yourself. If you have children, you will need extra help since your physical abilities will most likely be very limited for the first week or so.

Quit Smoking Before and After Plastic Surgery 

It’s only natural to focus on the end results of plastic surgery more than the process itself. But without a healthy healing period, the end result may not be what you had in mind. That’s why quitting smoking, at least temporarily, is essential. The addictive ingredient in cigarettes–nicotine–can have detrimental effects on the body and can slow the healing process or even be life-threatening after surgery. Here’s what you need to know when considering a smoking cessation plan for plastic surgery.

Nicotine Constricts the Blood Vessels

Certain surgery procedures can be even more affected by nicotine than others. For example, when getting a tummy tuck, surgeons must cut a portion of the blood supply from some tissue to move it from its original location to another for improving function, appearance, or sometimes both. Nicotine shrinks blood vessels, which limits the flow of blood to the area. This is counterproductive as it can cause destruction and necrosis, or death of the tissue, in some cases.

More Effects of Nicotine

The effects of nicotine don’t end with restricted blood flow. In addition to putting nicotine users at risk of oxygen shortage in the body, patients could also experience blood clots and are at a much higher risk of developing an infection. Patients who smoke also put themselves at risk for improper wound healing. The results from their plastic surgery in Lubbock may not be optimal and their scars are more likely to be red, raised, or prominent.  

Smoking Cessation Timeline

Dr. Jane Rowley recommends her Lubbock plastic surgery patients stop the use of all types of nicotine products (not just cigarettes) for six weeks before surgery and two-to-three weeks after to ensure they are getting the proper blood flow and oxygen necessary to heal correctly. Because nicotine can be so detrimental to the outcome of plastic surgery, Lubbock men and women who smoke should not even use a nicotine patch during this time.

It may not be easy, but it’s worth it. If patients who use nicotine can commit to stopping for the required amount of time before and after surgery, they will more likely see the results they desire. 

Consult With the Trusted Expert for Lubbock Plastic Surgery

Even with a routine procedure, it is wise to prepare your body, your home, and your support system ahead of time. Doing so will reduce your stress level and aid in your recovery. Not only will a little preparation make the plastic surgery process easier, it will help you achieve the cosmetic appearance you want. Dr. Jane Rowley’s recommendations come from extensive medical training and board certification. She also has over 20 years of medical practice, making her the most experienced plastic surgeon in Lubbock. Call today for your no-obligation consultation to discuss your options for plastic surgery in Lubbock and to learn about the expert care you can expect from Rowley Plastic Surgery.

The Truth About Lubbock Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the most popular plastic surgery procedure in America, year after year, but it also may be the one that is most misunderstood. Depending on who you talk to, you may get a wide variety of reactions and ideas from people when you bring up breast implants. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion about breast augmentation in Lubbock. But if you are considering breast augmentation, your decision should be based on the truth rather than the misinformation that is so widely spread. Having the right information can make all the difference in helping you make the best choices for your breast enhancement. Here’s a rundown of the 5 biggest misconceptions to help you separate fact from fiction:

1. “Bigger is Better”

While some people might think the goal for Lubbock breast augmentation should be to make breasts look as big as possible, the current trend is moving toward a more natural look. Women still want to increase the size of their breasts, but they want to do it in a more subtle way. Choosing an implant size that keeps your breasts in proportion with the rest of your body helps your plastic surgery results look natural and feminine, instead of obvious and fake. Board-certified plastic surgeons like Dr. Jane Rowley understand how to artistically create the shape that is right for your body.

2. “Implants Must Be Replaced Every Ten Years”

There is no rule that says how often breast implants will have to be replaced. The only reason they would need to be swapped out is if there is a problem, like leakage. If you have silicone gel breast implants and experience leakage, they will need to be replaced immediately. The latest FDA research shows that only 20 percent of women’s breast implants have had to be replaced after ten years. Some may need replacing sooner, but others will easily last much longer. 

3. “Silicone Gel Implants Are Unsafe”

Silicone gel breast implants are FDA approved for women 22-years-old and older, and many studies have proven them to be just as safe as saline implants. Gummy bear implants are made with a more cohesive silicone gel that is less likely to leak into the body in case of a rupture. Recent innovations like these have eased some women’s concerns about silicone gel implants. Your plastic surgeon will discuss the pros and cons of the different types of breast implants in depth with you before your breast augmentation in Lubbock.

4. “They Will Look Fake”

Lubbock breast augmentation expert Dr. Jane Rowley uses modern surgical techniques that allow her patients to enjoy beautifully enhanced breasts without ending up looking fake. The type of breast implant you choose as well as its placement, shape, and size all contribute to the look you want to achieve. A skilled and experienced surgeon like Dr. Rowley will carefully consider your measurements and individual shape to create the most flattering improvements to your bust.  

5. “They Will Feel Fake”

It used to be common for breast implants to feel artificial. For women today, a natural feel is just as important as having a realistic look for their breasts. Recent advances in implant designs have made the results of breast augmentation feel much more like the real thing. Most recently, IDEAL IMPLANT® Structured Breast Implants have combined the safety of saline with the more natural feel of silicone gel implants to give you the best of both worlds. During your Lubbock breast augmentation consultation, your surgeon will let you feel each type of implant available so you can choose the one that will give you the results you desire. 

Choosing the Right Breast Implants

The type of breast implant you choose may be the most important decision you make when it comes to your Lubbock breast augmentation. Until recently, patients had to choose between saline and silicone gel breast implants. There is no right or wrong choice; each has its benefits and disadvantages that appeal differently to each breast augmentation patient. Now women have a new option for breast implants without compromise – the IDEAL IMPLANT. Here’s a closer look at all three implant options for patients interested in breast augmentation.

Saline Implants

Typically cited benefits of saline implants for breast augmentation in Lubbock are safety and lower age restrictions. Saline implants are approved by the FDA for patients 18-years-old and older. If a rupture does occur, the sterile saltwater solution inside the implant simply absorbs into the body safely. The downside is that a saline implant is much like a water balloon. It has no structure, and therefore can lack a natural look and feel. Saline implants are also known to show visible rippling or wrinkling, especially in women who are thin or have little of their own breast tissue. 

Silicone Gel Implants

Silicone gel breast implants look and feel much more like natural breasts than saline implants. They are FDA approved for patients 22-years-old and older, however, and silicone gel is a sticky substance that the body can’t absorb. Instead, leaked silicone gel can become trapped near the rupture site and eventually cause breast pain or a change in breast shape. This is called a silent rupture because it’s only detectable on an MRI. Because of this, the FDA recommends patients who choose silicone gel implants for their breast augmentation in Lubbock get an MRI every two years, which can add to the overall cost and aftercare of the surgery.


The IDEAL IMPLANT is the latest in breast implant technology that combines the natural feel of silicone gel with the peace of mind of saline. It has a structured yet flexible series of inner shells with a saline solution filler, giving Lubbock breast augmentation patients the look and feel of natural breasts without the stress over silicone gel. Additionally, women with the IDEAL IMPLANT can easily tell if their implants have ruptured just by looking in the mirror. This saves on the cost, inconvenience, and radiation exposure of MRIs.

The peace of mind offered by the IDEAL IMPLANT doesn’t stop with having zero risk for silent rupture. The IDEAL IMPLANT has a lower rate of rupture and a higher rupture strength than silicone gel breast implants. Women who choose IDEAL IMPLANTS are also at a significantly lower risk for capsular contracture than the leading brands of silicone gel implants. Talk to your doctor about the IDEAL IMPLANT to see how it could benefit your Lubbock breast augmentation results. 

Get Your Facts from a Trusted Professional

If there is one plastic surgery procedure that most people seem to have a strong opinion about, it’s breast augmentation. Whether or not you decide to pursue breast enhancement should be because you have made the choice for yourself, not to please someone else. It’s also important that you base your decisions on the facts and recommendations given by your board-certified plastic surgeon. Since each patient is different, it’s important to discuss your options with a trusted professional like the most experienced surgeon in Lubbock, Dr. Jane Rowley. Dr. Rowley will take the time to discuss your goals and evaluate your needs so that together, you can create a personalized surgery plan for your breast augmentation in Lubbock. Call our office to schedule a no-obligation consultation today. 

Procedures for Adolescents With the Best Plastic Surgeon in Lubbock

Not everyone has the same reason for choosing to undergo plastic surgery. Dr. Jane Rowley wants her patients to decide on the procedure that will improve their self-confidence, and also make sense for their lifestyle. As the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock, Dr. Rowley wants her patients to choose plastic surgery for themselves, and not to please other people. With that being said, the opinions of others can have an impact on the way we feel about ourselves, especially in adolescence. Whether it is online or on the playground, teasing and bullying still happen in the everyday lives of our children, and it is our job as parents to help them navigate those situations. 

Adolescent Bullying and Plastic Surgery: What the Research Says

When a child has an abnormal appearance, peers sometimes respond in ways that make the child feel isolated or bullied. A recent study published in the May 2017 issue of “Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery” found a link between preteens and teens who were involved in bullying and a greater desire for plastic surgery. A group of 750 kids, from 11 to 16 years old, were asked by researchers if they would want plastic surgery to appear different or to alter their physical appearance in some way.

Victimized by Bullying

Those who were victims of bullying were more likely to say they had thought about plastic surgery or considered it as an option than those who were not bullied. Some of these victims felt that if they changed their physical appearance in some way, then the bullying might stop. Those who were bullied were also shown to have reduced psychological functioning. While enduring playground teasing may have been viewed as a type of right of passage for kids in years past, these studies have revealed that it may in fact have more detrimental long-term effects. Teasing can turn into more aggressive bullying and even discrimination. 

The Bullies

Within the group that was studied, the bullies themselves also said they had thought about plastic surgery. According to the research, this may be because, “. . . for bullies, cosmetic surgery may simply be another tactic to increase social status…to look good and achieve dominance.” Dr. Rowley is the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock and she will take the time to make sure her patients young and old are mentally and emotionally stable enough to handle plastic surgery. 

What This Means for You

Three to five percent of adolescents and young adults have had plastic surgery to improve their appearance. Other studies performed in the past have reported that about half of adults who want plastic surgery have been bullied in the past. This current article sheds light on the fact that sometimes that desire to change is present at a much younger age, and especially around the time a kid is bullied. 

If you’re considering plastic surgery with the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock, it’s important to do it for the right reasons. It should be because YOU want the procedure. Not because someone made you feel bad in the past about some aspect of your physical appearance. Plastic surgery is about helping you find greater confidence by enhancing your body in ways that you believe will achieve your goals.  

When Is the Right Time for Young People to Have Plastic Surgery?   

Parenthood is about constantly balancing options with their costs and benefits–all in the best interest of your child. You may have never imagined you would be faced with the choice of letting your child have a cosmetic procedure, but when their self-esteem is at stake, it can be a helpful option to consider. When you have to make a decision about if and when to allow plastic surgery for your son or daughter, having more information will help you make the right choice at the right time. 

Otoplasty for Children With the Best Plastic Surgeon in Lubbock

One of the most common reasons that parents decide on plastic surgery for their kids is because they have protruding or abnormal ears. Teasing and bullying can start at a very early age for children with ear issues, but how do you know when the time is right to pursue otoplasty? The timing of this procedure can greatly affect the outcome, and while some plastic surgeons will take children as young as 4 years old, Lubbock plastic surgery specialist Dr. Jane Rowley recommends waiting until the child is at least 6 for the following reasons.

Maturity Aids in Healing

An older child will be more likely to understand the implications of taking the healing process seriously. They will also be less likely to play with or take off the bandage that’s necessary for them to wear for several days post surgery. This means better results from the procedure and greater chances for proper healing. Even the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock needs patients to follow post-operative instructions to help the surgery be a success.

Desire Begets Investment

When considering plastic surgery for your child, you want to follow the advice of the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock. Dr. Jane Rowley recommends that parents wait to pursue otoplasty until the child is old enough to ask for the surgery. This way the child will be invested in the procedure being successful and will likely be more compliant in the healing process and post-operative instructions. It’s important that the child understands that the healing process and aftercare instructions are both vital to the success of the procedure.

Reduced Complications

While they are rare, complications from otoplasty can happen. Lubbock plastic surgery patients should be aware of these complications, and more importantly how to avoid them, no matter what their age. The most common risks are blood clots, infection, and scarring. With proper wound care, as well as having the best plastic surgeon Lubbock has to offer, these risks can be avoided or mitigated.

How Does Otoplasty Work?

Children who undergo otoplasty with Dr. Rowley are usually administered a general anesthetic. An incision is made behind the ear so that visible scarring is minimal. The ear is brought closer to the head and its shape is recreated using internal sutures. Recovery is fairly straightforward, but it is important that the patient keeps the head dressing bandage on for 5 to 7 days following surgery. Patients may need to wear a headband to keep pressure on their ears at night for up to 3 weeks. Normal activities can be resumed quickly but all of the swelling may take up to 6 to 8 weeks to fully resolve. 

Put Your Trust in the Best Plastic Surgeon Lubbock Has to Offer 

You can put your trust in the experts at Rowley Plastic Surgery. Before making any final decisions about plastic surgery for your child, Dr. Rowley will have a thorough consultation with you and your child. She will determine the reasons you want to pursue the surgery, explain the procedure and tell you what kind of results you can expect. Dr. Rowley dedicates her time and attention to making sure you are comfortable with your choices and have realistic expectations about what to expect post-plastic surgery. 

If you have questions about otoplasty or any other plastic surgery, please call to schedule a no-obligation consultation with the best plastic surgeon in Lubbock, Dr. Jane Rowley. Plastic surgery can be life changing, and you deserve to have an experienced surgeon on your side, especially when it comes to a procedure for your child. Have peace of mind knowing you’ve chosen the best plastic surgeon Lubbock has to offer. Call today.

The Benefits of Breast Reduction in Lubbock

The women who have breast reduction in Lubbock are some of our happiest clients. That’s because they can literally move, sleep, and breathe easier after their procedure is complete. Women who have uncomfortably large breasts often suffer from chronic pain in the neck, back, and shoulders. As soon as they wake up from breast reduction surgery, that discomfort is relieved. Not only do these women find relief from the symptoms caused by their large breasts, they also enjoy the enhanced contour of their figure. With decreased pain, improved appearance, and increased confidence, it’s no wonder breast reduction has one of the highest rates of satisfaction among plastic surgery patients. If you are thinking about having surgery to make your breasts more manageable, it may be helpful to consider the following benefits of breast reduction to help you make the right decision.

Find Relief from Chronic Pain

Women with overly large breasts are no strangers to health problems including neck, back, and shoulder pain. Heavy breasts can cause women to have poor posture as the weight on their front side pulls them forward. When the load of the bust is lightened with breast reduction, Lubbock women find that the strain on their upper body disappears. 

Even the most comfortable and supportive bras can cause discomfort for large-breasted women. Straps that are weighed down by heavy breasts often dig into the shoulders and create painful grooves that irritate the skin. The skin underneath the breasts can also become a problem area for these women. With their breasts constantly resting on the underlying skin, women can experience rash and irritation, especially with exercise or during the warmer months. 

Large breasts have even been connected to pain, tingling, and numbness in the arms and hands. The weight of the breasts pressing on nerve pathways can cause disabling symptoms like weakness in the muscles that control the use of the hands and fingers.   

All of these issues are resolved with breast reduction. Smaller, more manageable breasts provide freedom from chronic pain that is a daily struggle for patients considering breast reduction in Lubbock. 

Enhance Your Look and Your Confidence

Women who would benefit from a breast reduction in Lubbock tend to feel self-conscious about their breasts. A woman can tell when people’s eyes are drawn to her chest and it is hard to feel confident when you feel like that’s the only thing being noticed about you. Flattering clothes can be very difficult to find and many large-breasted women can appear like they are flaunting their breasts no matter what they wear. Many of these women lack confidence because they feel their bra size puts them in a no-win situation.   

Breast reduction allows women to avoid the unwanted attention directed at their chest and gives their figure more balance and proportion. Bras, swimwear, and clothing all fit better and will likely be worn in smaller sizes after recovery from breast reduction. Lubbock women know that when you look better, you can’t help but feel better about yourself. With freedom from worry about the unwanted stares of strangers, breast reduction patients enjoy more satisfaction and confidence in their appearance.

Improve Your Physical Abilities

Think about putting in some hard work at the gym. Now imagine adding a heavy chest that makes every movement harder while you sweat it out. Some women with large breasts simply can’t do some of the workouts that require any kind of jumping, bouncing, or other repetitive motion. Repetitive stress injuries, otherwise known as jogger’s breast, can damage or cause pain to the muscles and ligaments in the breasts. And, if you think it is tough to find regular clothing for a top-heavy figure, try shopping for workout clothes. All of these issues combine to discourage these women from even trying to exercise, which can end up causing bigger health problems down the line.  

Breast reduction in Lubbock can eliminate these roadblocks and free women up to exercise and move much more easily. Sticking to a good fitness routine is important for your health and if your breasts are keeping you from doing so, it may be time to talk to your doctor about plastic surgery.

What is the Surgery Like?

Breast reduction surgery usually takes about two hours under general anesthesia. The excess breast tissue, skin, and fat are removed and the nipple is moved to a higher position. The areola can be resized to achieve a more proportionate look with the new smaller size of the rest of the breast. Because several incisions are required for breast reduction, Lubbock patients typically have scars that run around the areola, down the bottom half of the breast, and in the breast crease. Most patients need to take 10 to 14 days off work and can resume all of their normal activities after about 6 weeks. 

Will Insurance Pay for Plastic Surgery?

The price of breast reduction has a wide range that depends on where you live and how complex your procedure is. If you’ve wanted or needed this plastic surgery but felt you couldn’t afford it, give your health insurance company a call to discuss their requirements for coverage. Some insurance companies will cover the cost of breast reduction in Lubbock if the patient can show that their breast size causes chronic pain for which they need medical care. 

Breast reduction can be considered a reconstructive surgery, because it involves addressing functional disabilities and deformities. Women who suffer from back pain because of their excessively large breasts may pursue a breast reduction in Lubbock and have it paid for through their insurance. If you have had appointments with other doctors like dermatologists or chiropractors, you will want to provide documentation to your insurance carrier. Write down and keep track of your symptoms, doctor visits, and prescriptions. The more solid proof you have of the health problems your large breasts have caused, the better your chances for insurance coverage will be.   

Other Things to Consider

While all those plastic surgery before and after photos you see online can lead you to believe otherwise, breast reduction is not a magic process that happens in the blink of an eye. There are incisions that have to be made, and they take some time to heal. Just remember that if you are wearing clothes or even just a swimsuit, no one else can see those scars. All types of surgery involve risks, but the risks associated with breast reduction in Lubbock are fairly minor. Patients who are healthy and are not overweight have a lower rate of complications from the procedure.

For Breast Reduction, Lubbock Trusts Dr. Rowley

At Rowley Plastic Surgery, breast reduction patients are some of our most satisfied clients. We love seeing the happiness they get from knowing they will never have to deal with the problems caused by heavy breasts again. When these women go from suffering in daily discomfort to living pain-free, that alone makes the procedure worthwhile. Increased confidence combined with the freedom to move and exercise as you please can also greatly enhance your quality of life.  

Dr. Jane Rowley has more than 20 years of breast reduction experience and will thoroughly discuss your plastic surgery options with you. She and her caring staff are committed to helping their patients have the best possible plastic surgery journey. Call today to schedule your no-obligation consultation to learn more about how you can find relief from your overly large breasts.

A Lubbock Tummy Tuck Does What Diet and Exercise Can’t

Practicing self-discipline is usually not very fun or easy. That’s why sticking to a diet and exercise regimen can be one of the hardest things to do, even with the right goals and motivation. What’s even worse is when your dedication to that regimen doesn’t produce the results you want. Sometimes, despite even the best efforts, fat around the midsection can be stubborn and hard to get rid of. Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck in Lubbock, is a plastic surgery procedure that removes this fat and tightens up the muscles and skin in the abdominal area. It is not a weight loss surgery, but it can have dramatic effects on the overall contour of your body. Many people consider a tummy tuck in Lubbock when their diet and exercise efforts aren’t paying off. 

Why Exercise Might Not be Working for You

If you’ve hit your local gym or yoga mat day after day, done countless crunches, and spent who knows how long planking, and that pooch above your belt just simply stays put, you are not alone. Don’t let the frustration of a disappointing gym mirror selfie get you down. Consider some of the reasons that exercise might not be hitting the spots you want. 

You’re Getting Older

As much as we try to fight it, getting older changes all sorts of things, including our metabolism and hormones. Both of these unavoidable changes cause our bodies to respond to differently to exercise than they did when we were younger.

Those Foods Aren’t as Healthy as You Think

Advertisers do a great job of convincing us that unhealthy foods are good for our bodies just so we will buy them. Even moderately healthy foods eaten in excess can contribute to additional fat. If you find that you’re munching mindlessly, try putting away the snacks – even the “healthy” ones. Processed foods are also a big culprit for this category, so keep an eye on food labels for MSGs, hidden sugars, and other concerning ingredients. Portion control is also an important factor when it comes to slimming your waistline. Eating your snacks straight out of the bag can cause you to eat 50 percent more than you normally would if you were paying attention to portions.

Don’t Compare

Your partner may be losing weight more rapidly with the same diet and exercise plan you are following. It could be genetics, but it could also be because of differences between genders. Men and women store and burn fat differently, so don’t be surprised if you lose weight differently as well. Most Lubbock tummy tuck patients are women, partly because men often have an easier time losing that extra fat.

Right Idea, Wrong Workout

While exercise is good for your health, you could be doing the wrong exercises to achieve your weight loss or body toning goals. You won’t earn six pack abs by spending all your gym time on the elliptical machine. Cardio workouts like this or a daily jog should be paired with weight training. Working with a personal trainer to help tailor your exercises to your specific goals can help you be more effective in your workouts.

Medications Can Create an Uphill Battle

If you have an underlying medical condition or if you are taking a medication that increases your body fat, exercise alone may not give you your desired results. There are many medical conditions that can result in weight gain or bloating. Having regular physicals and consulting a doctor in times of concern are vital for ensuring your body is prepared for and can sustain exercise.

How a Lubbock Tummy Tuck Can Help

If you feel like you have tried everything and still can’t get rid of your stubborn belly, side, or even back fat, abdominoplasty may be the answer to help you achieve your goals. With the summer upon us, there is no better time to free yourself from the discomfort this extra flab can cause. 

Nothing is worse than going to pick out a cute swimsuit for the summer, and finding that you feel uncomfortable in everything you try on. It’s easy to hide that belly bulge in a T-shirt and jeans, but you can’t wear your clothes in the pool. Instead of spending the sweltering summer months covered up or avoiding fun in the sun, consider a contouring procedure like a tummy tuck in Lubbock to give you that instant confidence in your swimsuit.

What a Tummy Tuck Does

A tummy tuck is a plastic surgery procedure that yields dramatic results for the right patient. It can transform your body and make exercise-resistant belly fat disappear. This procedure can remove up to 10 pounds of skin from a patient’s abdominal area. If your abdominal muscles are weak from past pregnancies or significant weight loss, then the muscles can be tightened and repaired during surgery as well. Some Lubbock tummy tuck patients say that after their procedure they see a 90 percent physical improvement in their appearance. That may be part of the reason why the number of tummy tucks has risen by more than 100 percent over the last 10 years. 

Candidates for Abdominoplasty

If you are considering a tummy tuck in Lubbock, your plastic surgeon will help you decide if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Not everyone who has a hard time getting rid of a flabby belly should undergo the surgery, but those who meet most of the following criteria may benefit from it.

  • You have lost a significant amount of weight
  • You are left with a belly pooch or excess skin after having children
  • You are unhappy with the appearance of your midsection
  • You have a clean bill of health
  • You do not smoke
  • You can maintain a healthy weight
  • You have realistic expectations for the outcome of your surgery

Even if you feel that most of these factors describe your situation, you still need to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine whether a tummy tuck in Lubbock is right for you. They will be able to assess your health and evaluate your body and your goals to help you decide whether to pursue plastic surgery.

Lubbock Tummy Tuck Recovery 

The surgery takes about two hours, and the recovery varies from patient to patient. Most patients will have a drain in place for about a week, and the sutures placed during surgery will be absorbed by your body. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication and muscle relaxants to help with pain management. You can expect the be able to return to work after two to three weeks, while a full return to your normal activities may take anywhere from six to eight weeks. The important thing to remember is to be patient in giving your body time to heal; you may not see the full results of your Lubbock tummy tuck right away, but they will be visible after the swelling goes down.   

Choose a Plastic Surgeon With Expertise

If you think you have a healthy diet and the right exercise routine but still aren’t seeing the results you want, a tummy tuck may be the right option for you to achieve your body image goals. A tummy tuck in Lubbock may be the only way to change the stretched skin and pooch that exercise will never touch. Dr. Jane Rowley has the experience and knowledge to help you get the results you desire. At your no-obligation consultation, she will explain all of the risks and benefits of abdominoplasty, and go over the procedure step-by-step with you. Contact her office today to schedule an appointment.

Lubbock Breast Augmentation: What You Need to Know

Getting ready for breast augmentation takes more than just clearing your schedule for a few days and shopping for new bras and swimsuits. Before undergoing any surgical procedure, you should prepare your body and your mind as much as you can. Proper preparation will help you feel less stressed and have realistic expectations for what your body can handle after surgery. It’s important to remember that plastic surgery is real surgery and to take the proper steps to get yourself ready for your procedure. For breast augmentation, Lubbock patients should consider doing several specific things before their big day. 

Have a Healthy Lifestyle

The more physically healthy you are, the easier it will be for your body to bounce back in recovery after surgery. Your plastic surgeon should perform a physical exam before surgery to make sure your body is functioning as it should, so give your body a leg up by practicing healthy eating habits and getting daily exercise. 

Stop Smoking

If you smoke, your plastic surgeon will probably ask you to quit smoking 4-6 weeks before and after Lubbock breast augmentation to reduce your risk of complications and to promote better healing. Any use of nicotine should be put on hold, and you should be careful about exposure to secondhand smoke. Smoking restricts blood circulation, which inhibits wound healing, makes scars appear worse, and can put you at greater risk for dangerous complications.  

Get a Mammogram

Though not all doctors require a mammogram before surgery, it is a good idea to get one to check that there are no signs of cancer or irregularities in the breast tissue. A mammogram can show changes in the breast up to two years before a patient or physician can detect them. Some plastic surgeons will also ask you to get a mammogram a few months after breast augmentation in Lubbock as well to make sure everything is normal.

Arrange for Help After Your Breast Augmentation

A breast augmentation surgery takes about an hour, but since anesthesia is involved, you will need someone to drive you home afterwards. For the first night especially, have a friend or relative stay with you to help ease your recovery process. Having someone you trust around to help you will allow you to feel more relaxed, which is essential for a proper healing environment. Even women who prefer to be independent are surprised to find how much they appreciate having someone help them during their first few days of recovery from breast augmentation in Lubbock. 

Finish Your To-Do List

After your Lubbock breast augmentation, you will need to give your body time to heal; the time to run errands and get things done is beforehand. If you are a list maker, your to-do list will look a little different than normal when you are getting ready for surgery. Here are some things you might want to add:

  • Fill prescriptions
  • Prepare easy, simple meals for recovery
  • Get books, movies, and tv shows ready to pass the downtime
  • Figure out who will help care for pets and children
  • Other errands and household chores 
  • Bathe/wash your hair the night before surgery

While some of these steps may seem obvious, you will thank yourself for getting everything in order before the day of your surgery. It is impossible to be over-prepared for surgery. Every little thing you take care of before the big day is one less thing you’ll have to worry about as you recover.

Recovering from Breast Augmentation in Lubbock

There’s no way around it – breast augmentation surgery requires recovery. But you can increase the speed and quality of your recovery if you take proper care of yourself. Each patient’s recovery period is unique because we all have varying levels of pain tolerance and bodies that respond differently to surgery. To help ease the healing process, Dr. Jane Rowley recommends her Lubbock breast augmentation patients add the following steps to their personalized recovery plan.

Take it Easy

For the first few days, give yourself permission to rest and relax. Your body needs time to heal after undergoing breast augmentation. If you made arrangements beforehand to do things like take days off work, pay bills, and prepare meals, you should have plenty of room in your schedule for some good old-fashioned R and R. Talk to your surgeon about the amount of downtime that you may need. After breast augmentation, Lubbock patients will need to take 2 to 3 days off work and can return to full normal activity within 4 to 6 weeks. If you plan to differ from this, talk about your reasons and concerns with your doctor before the surgery.

Follow Your Doctor’s Orders

Don’t skip wearing your surgical bra or forget to take your medications. Plan on attending all of your post-operative appointments and check-ups. Remember that however inconvenient your doctor’s instructions may feel, it’s only temporary. It is in your best interest to take any medications such as painkillers or antibiotics if prescribed. Even if you want to tough it out, pain can raise your blood pressure or enhance bleeding. 

Be Nice to Your New Implants

When you take off your surgical bra and see your new breasts for the first time, they are not going to look like all the breast augmentation “after” photos you showed your doctor. Swelling and bruising will take time to diminish. Your implants may seem higher than you expected, making them look unnatural. Over time, they will drop and get softer and give you the more natural look you hoped to achieve. During the healing process, you can take care of your implants by remembering these tips:

  • Do not sleep on your stomach 
  • Do not wear bras with an underwire
  • Avoid activities that cause your breasts to bounce or involve heavy lifting
  • Do not lift your breasts to take a peek at your scars
  • Do call your doctor with any questions or concerns 

Keep Calm and Heal On

While plastic surgery recovery may seem like not much fun, it’s important during this time to find ways to keep your spirits up. Even smiling just on the inside counts. Research shows your frame of mind affects your rate of healing. Lubbock breast augmentation patients can expedite the recovery process by staying calm and positive. It’s easier said than done, but try to stay focused on how great your results will be and remember that you just took a positive step toward increased confidence and satisfaction with your appearance.

Choose the Surgeon You Trust for Breast Augmentation in Lubbock

Successful breast augmentation surgery should be a collaborative process between you and your plastic surgeon. Keeping the big picture in mind while preparing for breast augmentation and the following recovery period will help you to realistically look forward to your results. Selecting a surgeon you trust will also help set you up for success. Women interested in Lubbock breast augmentation choose Dr. Jane Rowley to help them achieve their look because she is experienced, highly skilled, and trustworthy. Dr. Rowley offers a no-obligation consultation where she will discuss every step of the procedure with you. She will explain your options for breast implants and offer realistic expectations for your results. Contact Rowley Plastic Surgery today to find out more.

Why Choose Tummy Tuck Surgery Near Lubbock, TX

Has pregnancy or significant weight loss left you with excess abdominal skin? Tummy tuck surgery near Lubbock, TX, is a procedure designed to turn a loose, sagging belly into a flat, well-toned midsection. Board-certified Dr. Jane Rowley has more than 20 years of experience performing tummy tucks, and knows exactly what is required to produce exceptional results with a quick tummy tuck recovery.

Ideal Candidates for Tummy Tuck Surgery Near Lubbock, TX

Many men and women find it difficult to achieve a smooth, firm abdominal profile. A healthy diet and proper exercise can only help so much when other factors can influence the condition and proportions of your midsection. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) website lists common causes for a protruding, drooping belly include:

  • Aging
  • Heredity
  • Pregnancy
  • Prior Surgery
  • Significant fluctuations in weight

Before pursuing a tummy tuck, it is important to evaluate the timing of such a significant surgery. The ASPS website further suggests:

“Although the results of a tummy tuck are technically permanent, the positive outcome can be greatly diminished by significant fluctuations in your weight. For this reason, individuals who are planning substantial weight loss or women who may be considering future pregnancies would be advised to postpone a tummy tuck.”

Tummy Tuck Surgical Techniques

Dr. Rowley performs tummy tuck surgery near Lubbock, TX typically as an outpatient surgery using general anesthetics. The surgery takes place in either an office operating suite or an outpatient surgical center where 24-hour observation is available. She develops a customized treatment plan beforehand for each one of her patients so they can know what to expect from surgery and during their tummy tuck recovery. Dr. Rowley explains:

“An abdominoplasty is done through a long, lower abdominal incision. I tell everybody the longer the incision, the more skin I can excise. When you do a full abdominoplasty, you lift everything up to the belly button, then you cut around the belly button and your belly button is still connected on the inside, but you’re going to go ahead and lift everything all the way up to the rib cage. We often tighten the muscles while we’re there. After having kids, you get what we call diastasis, separation of the muscle that gives you that pooch you can’t get rid of. Tightening of the muscles really gives you that effect of what you do sucking in. We pull the skin down like a window shade, and generally on a full abdominoplasty, I can get quite a bit of skin off … from your pubic hair to your belly button that skin mostly goes away. Stretch marks will get pulled down. Sometimes I can excise almost all your stretch marks. Everything’s pulled down tightly, kind of with you in a flex position. The belly button is brought out through a new incision, drains are placed, you’ll feel tight, you’ll feel like you can’t stand up for a couple days straight, and you’ll have a scar around the belly button and underneath. The drains generally stay in about a week. I put two in, one stays in about two days, one stays in a week.”

What to Anticipate During Tummy Tuck Recovery

Because tummy tuck surgery near Lubbock, TX is one of the more complex cosmetic surgeries, Dr. Rowley explains at length to her patients the risks and complications associated with such a procedure. She wants them to understand it is always best to give the body ample time to heal during the tummy tuck recovery period. She says:

“Average time off work is two weeks, and even then, I tell people just realize you’re going to be tired, you’re going to get worn out more frequently for those first few weeks. Six to eight weeks to be up to full speed. As far as activity, it’s a gradual increase in activity. Golden rule, if it hurts, don’t do it. For two or three days, you’re really pretty much doing nothing. Give you good pain pills, good muscle relaxants, try to keep you as comfortable as we can, and then gradually increase your activity after that. No abdominal exercises when we plicate that muscle. I don’t want you doing any abs for three or four months. But satisfaction-wise, it is a long scar, but the contour of your abdomen will be so much better, flat in your clothes.”

Watch this educational video to learn more about tummy tuck surgery near Lubbock, TX.

Whether to Receive a Tummy Tuck

Not sure if you need a tummy tuck? Begin with a private consultation with Dr. Rowley to discuss your personal circumstances. She will take the time to help you determine the best route for your body and individual needs. If you have questions or concerns, she has answers. Dr. Rowley is dedicated to making sure her patients feel comfortable and confident before undergoing any cosmetic surgery procedure. Don’t wait to schedule your no-obligation consultation. Call 806-792-3715 today.

Remove Unwanted Fat With Liposuction in Lubbock, TX

Do you have areas of unwanted fat that won’t slim down no matter your weight loss or exercise regime? Sometimes a healthy diet and regular physical activity are not enough to improve those pesky regions of localized fat cells. If you are ready to change your appearance and feel better about your body, liposuction in Lubbock, TX with Dr. Jane Rowley is an effective solution to slim and reshape your figure.

Surgical Facts About Liposuction in Lubbock, TX

Liposuction is designed to remove excess fat deposits and change the contour of your body. Dr. Rowley specializes in this popular procedure, and offers various techniques to achieve different results based upon the needs of her patients, which you can discover as you begin your research on liposuction near me. She spends time with each one of her patients discussing the best treatment for their body, and whether local or general anesthesia is required.

“This procedure can often be done with a local anesthetic for small areas of fatty tissue. A general anesthetic is required for multiple areas and for larger areas … Small incisions are made near the areas of fatty tissue. We employ what is called the tumescent technique, where fluid is injected into the areas to help minimize blood loss. Also this will be used as a local anesthetic. Fat is then suctioned through small cannulas and the incisions are closed. Patients are then typically put on a compression garment. Bruising and swelling can last for 6-8 weeks, but resumption of activity is fairly rapid.”

What Happens After Liposuction Near Me

Dr. Rowley strives to help her patients have realistic expectations about what liposuction can and cannot accomplish. She reminds all those that seek out liposuction in Lubbock, TX that it is not a weight loss tool. She also emphasizes that liposuction can impact the way a person’s skin looks after surgery. She says:

“The key thing I tell everyone, I can suck fat anywhere, it’s what happens to the skin after I suck the fat. So liposuction really depends on the area that you have fat and what you want suctioned. Some areas do really well – the outer thighs, the hips, the flanks or love handles. Areas that don’t do well on the other hand, the skin hangs afterward, are abdomen, especially after kids, inner thighs, and really anywhere below the knee just doesn’t do well. Arms are another in between area. Sometimes they do okay, but sometimes the skin will tend to hang if you suction too much fat. Overall, it can be a very satisfying procedure. It’s not a procedure that can make you lose lots of weight. It’s for localized areas of fat that are fairly persistent at a constant weight. And again, it’s what happens to the skin after I suction the fat that matters most.”

Liposuction Recovery

It is important to anticipate a recovery period following liposuction. In Lubbock, TX, Dr. Rowley suggests:

“The incisions are small, and most patients are off of work for only two to three days. Recovery is fairly rapid as far as resuming normal activity. There may be minor to moderate pain and swelling for up to 4-6 weeks. Compression garments typically have to be worn for between 2-4 weeks.”

Watch this educational video to learn more about your liposuction near me options.

Traditional Liposuction Versus Submental Liposuction 

Traditional liposuction and submental liposuction treat different areas of the body. Submental liposuction specifically targets the chin and jawline where fatty tissue easily accumulates. This procedure does not require a general anesthetic and can easily take place in an office examination room with a local anesthetic, which you will find as you research liposuction near me . A small cannula suctions out the fat, which forms a layer of scar tissue that helps to retract the skin and create a better contour to the chin and jawline. Following the procedure, patients are advised to wear a chin strap for the first 48 hours and at night for a week. Mild bruising and swelling may occur and last up to six weeks. Dr. Rowley says this about submental liposuction in Lubbock, TX:

“This is actually a relatively easy procedure that gives very dramatic changes in appearance. Even though only a small amount of fatty tissue is removed, the chin contour will look much better. Often it looks like the patient has lost weight after this procedure. On someone who is even in their 30s and 40s and is starting to get some slight laxity along the skin of the neck and jawline, this can provide enough tightening that they can avoid a facelift for several years.”

A Liposuction Consultation with Dr. Rowley

Many men and women have found liposuction to be a life-changing procedure. They discover a new-found self confidence and improved quality of life. During a private consultation with Dr. Rowley, she will develop a customized treatment plan to address your individual needs and goals. Learn how liposuction in Lubbock, TX can transform your life, and contact Dr. Rowley to schedule a no-obligation consultation. Call 806-792-3715 today.

The Importance of Breast Implant Safety and Breast Revision Surgery

Sometimes it is necessary for a woman to undergo breast revision surgery following her breast augmentation. While breast augmentation surgery is known for its high satisfaction rating, there are a variety of medical or aesthetic reasons that can cause a woman to pursue breast revision surgery. Dr. Jane Rowley is a board-certified plastic surgeon with more than two decades performing this complex surgery. As an advocate of breast implant safety, she can help you achieve beautiful results using the latest in implant technology.

The Goal of Breast Revision Surgery

Breast revision surgery is specifically intended for patients that already have breast implants, but are not happy with their current condition, look, or feel. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons website explains breast revision surgery:

“The goal of breast implant revision surgery is to replace old breast implants with new implants. Often the goal is also to change or improve the appearance of the breasts while updating the implant material, which could include:

  • A concurrent breast lift or reduction
  • Reshaping the breast implant pocket to reposition the implant on the chest
  • Either increasing or decreasing the size, shape or style of the breast implant”

Breast Implant Safety Reasons for a Breast Revision

No surgery comes without risk, breast augmentation included. Post-operative complications can arise that require a breast revision. Before performing any procedure, Dr. Rowley uses the consultation process to educate her patients about potential risks, breast implant safety, and the safety of silicone implants. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons website further states:

“The desire to have breast implant revision surgery can be because of any of the following reasons:

  • Desire to change the size of the breasts
  • Pain from capsular contracture
  • Concern about rupture or migration of implant
  • Change from saline to silicone or different style of implant

Over time, breast implants can change shape or size, and the overlying breast tissue can also change, creating an appearance or feel to the breast that is less desirable than the original result.”

Safety of Silicone Implants and Implant Rupture

Implant rupture is an important reason to pursue breast revision surgery. While any type of breast implant can develop a hole or tear, implant ruptures vary in severity.

Silicone Gel Breast Implants: Women with silicone gel implants face the inherent risk of experiencing a “silent rupture”, leaving many women to worry about the safety of silicone implants. A “silent rupture” occurs when an implant ruptures but goes undetected for a time, even years. Sticky silicone gel then leaks from the implant and gets trapped in the surrounding tissue. During a breast revision to replace the damaged implant, the silicone gel must be entirely removed and cleaned out. Furthermore, a physical exam alone is not enough to determine if a silicone gel implant has ruptured. An MRI scan is required which is why the FDA recommends all women with silicone gel implants receive an MRI the third year following breast augmentation, then every two years thereafter for the life of their implants.

Saline Breast Implants: When a saline implant ruptures, the implant deflates and a woman can notice the difference right away. A simple look in the mirror is all it takes to detect rupture. The sterile saltwater solution is harmlessly absorbed by the body until the implant is replaced. Many women report this provides an irreplaceable peace of mind about their breast implant safety.

IDEAL IMPLANTS® Structured Breast Implants: This is an innovative breast implant option exclusively available to a select group of board-certified plastic surgeons such as Dr. Rowley. Dr. Rowley was recently named an IDEAL IMPLANT Premier Surgeon for her extensive work with this new, unique kind of breast implant. With no risk of “silent rupture”, their internal structure is designed to address the safety of silicone implants. IDEAL IMPLANTS are made up of a series of shells nested together that hold two separate chambers filled with saline. This means a rupture is easily detected, no MRI is needed, nor will an implant completely deflate until the implant is replaced.

About Capsular Contracture

Another reason for breast revision surgery happens when a woman develops scar tissue around an implant referred to as a capsular contracture. The scar tissue creates several problems including breast pain, hardening of the breast, and an abnormal look to the breast.

A recent study compared the risk of implant rupture and capsular contracture between three brands of silicone gel implants and IDEAL IMPLANTS. The IDEAL IMPLANT showed a substantially lower risk of major complications following primary breast augmentation compared to silicone gel implants.

“The risk of implant rupture or deflation with IDEAL IMPLANT at eight years after primary breast augmentation was only 2.1% in comparison to silicone gel implants from Allergan (7.4%), Mentor (13.6%), and Sientra (7.2%) based on MRI scans …

IDEAL IMPLANT rates of Baker class III/IV capsular contracture at 8 years after primary augmentation were low at 6.6%, compared to silicone gel implants from Allergan (16.2%, 7 yr), Mentor (10.9%, 8 yr), and Sientra (11.2%, 8 yr).”

To learn more about the safety of silicone implants and breast revision surgery, watch this educational video.

Achieve Your Goals!

If you are unhappy with the current condition of your breast implants and think you need a breast revision, contact Dr. Rowley today. She has the skills, training, and expertise needed to correct your breast augmentation results and help you achieve the look you desire. She makes breast implant safety a priority, and will create a customized treatment plan just for you. Call 806-792-3715 or visit https://rowleyplasticsurgery.com.