How a Lubbock Tummy Tuck Gives You the Abs Crunches Can’t

Many of us struggle with the flabby abdomen that resists our efforts to firm up with diet and exercise. We cut out our favorite foods and try every stomach crunch exercise out there, and still we wrestle with a flabby belly. If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Many people have turned to plastic surgery to finally conquer that stubborn fat and loose skin on their abdomens. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rowley recommends a tummy tuck in Lubbock for her patients who struggle with saggy and flabby stomachs. 

When Working Out Doesn’t Work Out

You count calories and eat right all the time. You never miss a date with the gym. You’ve even tried the latest fad diet to help you lose the extra flab around your belly, but nothing is working. Your belly problems can be the result of genetics, age, or previous pregnancies that make it almost impossible for you to achieve the look you are working so hard to get. So don’t beat yourself up if you just aren’t seeing the results in the mirror that you had in mind when you signed up for that gym membership. 

Just because your time at the gym isn’t paying off in visible ways doesn’t mean you should give up on it. Dr. Rowley encourages her patients to continue their efforts to stay healthy and take care of themselves, especially when they are considering a procedure like a Lubbock tummy tuck. Most plastic surgeons require their patients to be in good health and within close range of their ideal weight before they undergo a tummy tuck. Candidates for this procedure need to be able to maintain a steady, healthy weight to keep their surgical results looking optimal. If you gain a lot of weight after your tummy tuck, it can ruin the outcome. 

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

It is important to first understand what a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is not meant to do. Tummy tuck plastic surgery is a skin removal procedure that does not emphasize fat removal. It is not a weight loss surgery. After extreme weight loss or pregnancy, skin can get stretched to the point of no return. Excess skin can hang and sag even if you do not have a lot of fat. With a tummy tuck, Lubbock plastic surgeon Dr. Rowley will remove this extra skin and give your abdomen a flatter, smoother look. 

The abdominal wall is also tightened during a tummy tuck in Lubbock. Women who have gone through multiple pregnancies can experience a condition called diastasis recti, which is a separation of the abdominal muscles caused by the growth of the uterus. Diastasis recti creates a gap between your muscles that allows your belly to pooch out. It can lead people to ask when your baby is due long after your it has already arrived. If you have this condition, traditional ab workouts like crunches can make it look even worse. A tummy tuck will repair and tighten the stretched abdominal muscles to give your core the stability and strength that was lost during pregnancy.  

How Does a Lubbock Tummy Tuck Work? 

Depending on how much excess skin you have and where it is located, your doctor will help you decide whether a traditional, mini, or extended tummy tuck will be most effective. The mini procedure is for people whose excess skin and fat fall mostly below the belly button, whereas the traditional one tightens and flattens the entire abdominal area. 

An extended tummy tuck works the same as the other two, but it removes skin and fat from a larger area of the abdomen, including the flanks and backside. Even though you will have a longer incision with an extended tummy tuck, Lubbock patients find it to be worth the scar because the procedure can completely change your body contour. A skilled surgeon like Dr. Rowley can place your tummy tuck incisions in a way that will easily hide the scars under clothing and swimwear. 

What Happens During Surgery

Your Lubbock tummy tuck surgery will take about two hours. While you’re under anesthesia dreaming of showing off your new slimmer frame, the surgeon will make a horizontal incision from one hip to the other. Your abdominal muscles and tissue will be tightened and excess skin will be removed to give your body improved shape and contour. Unless you are undergoing a partial tuck, the belly button will need to be adjusted to look natural on your new, flat stomach. Patients typically get to go home later the same day.

Immediate Results

You will be able to see the improvements in your belly from your tummy tuck as soon as your surgery is finished. The full results and recovery will take time, though, so be patient with your body as it heals. You will have a drain in place for a week and the sutures used during surgery will be absorbed by your body. You will need to be able to take 2 to 3 weeks off work after your tummy tuck. Lubbock patients should also plan to take about 6 to 8 weeks off when it comes to any kind of strenuous activity. When it’s all said and done, your stomach will be smoother and firmer, and you will feel more comfortable in your own skin.

When You Should Consider Liposuction

While you can enhance your appearance with a Lubbock tummy tuck, sometimes a little extra help is necessary to get rid of excess fat. Dramatic results happen when patients remove stubborn fat at the same time as tightening loose skin. Do not be surprised or offended if your plastic surgeon recommends liposuction in addition to a tummy tuck during your consultation. If they do, it means that combining the two procedures is the best way to achieve the look you want. 

Like a tummy tuck, liposuction is also not considered a weight loss surgery. It is an effective method for enhancing your body contour and shape where fat bulges in the way. Liposuction targets areas of fat that persist despite healthy diet and exercise habits. For this procedure, your board-certified plastic surgeon uses a small surgical instrument to suction out fat. Your doctor can sculpt and shape your body to give your appearance more definition around your belly, hips, back and other areas of your body. When combining liposuction with a tummy tuck, Lubbock patients can improve the look of their entire figure, giving them the slimmer and more toned look that diet and exercise alone often can’t provide. Talk to your doctor about whether adding liposuction to your plastic surgery plan is necessary to get the outcome you want. 

Reach Your Aesthetic Dreams

Don’t give up on yourself if diet and exercise aren’t shrinking your tummy like you hoped they would. Whether you’ve had multiple pregnancies, drastic weight loss, or just a plain stubborn stomach pooch, a Lubbock tummy tuck can help you get the figure you want. With more than 20 years of experience, Dr. Jane Rowley is the leading, most trusted plastic surgeon in Lubbock. She has the professional expertise and artistic hand to help you reach your cosmetic goals. Schedule your no-obligation consultation today to see how you can get your figure and your confidence back.

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