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Plastic Surgery FAQ

Plastic surgery offers many options to enhance your physical appearance, restore what time and the elements can take away, and to increase your confidence in how you look. Some procedures like otoplasty are less invasive than other options such as breast augmentation which requires a little more consideration and recovery time. The decision whether or not to have a surgical procedure requires good information and knowledge. The more a patient knows about a procedure and understands the expected outcome and recovery, the better the experience can be for that patient. The first key to having a good experience with plastic surgery if meeting with a board certified plastic surgeon and asking the questions that are critical to your improving your experience.

  • Is Plastic Surgery Safe? All surgery has risks. Always discuss with your doctor your medical history and specific risk factors of the procedure you are planning. For patients in good overall health and who follow their doctor’s instructions, plastic surgery doesn’t have any unique risks over other surgeries.
  • What Makes a “Good” Plastic Surgery Candidate? Your plastic surgery candidacy will depend on specific things associated with the procedure you are interested in. If you want a breast augmentation, you will need to discuss your body size, breast tissue, and breast skin with your doctor. With any plastic surgery, a patient should be in good health, not smoke, and carefully consult with his or her doctor.
  • Will My Insurance Cover the Costs? Most plastic surgery is considered elective surgery. Insurance doesn’t pay for procedures that do not have a medical need. Some plastic surgery like a breast reduction can have medical benefits that allow them to be covered. Check with your insurance policy to know what your payment options are.
  • What Factors Impact the Success of My Surgery? Each patient is an individual case for plastic surgery. So many factors play into the outcome of your procedure. Ask your doctor questions and don’t hesitate to thoroughly cover all aspects of your surgery. A key factor to a successful plastic surgery experience is starting with an experienced, board certified surgeon. The leading plastic surgeon in Lubbock is Dr. Jane Rowley.

With over 20 years experience, Dr. Rowley has the experience to restore your confidence in your appearance. She will spend the time needed for you to understand your plastic surgery options. Schedule your no-obligation consultation today to find all the answers to your plastic surgery questions.

Top Risks of Cosmetic Surgery

While we like to spend a lot of time focusing on the benefits of plastic surgery, it’s important to remember that there are always risk associated with any kind of surgery, even cosmetic surgery. Dr. Jane Rowley wants you to experience all of the benefits that you hope to get out of your procedure in her Lubbock office, but it is most important to her that you not take any unnecessary risks in the process or undergo a procedure without being well-informed. Your health and well-being are important, so she will always ensure each surgery is handled with the utmost care. Here are the top most common risks associated with plastic surgery.

  • Scarring: The natural result of undergoing a knife for surgical procedures is that scarring will occur. For surgeries like a Tummy Tuck, Dr. Rowley will minimize the visibility of scarring through placement and smaller incisions.
  • Blood Loss: This is also a natural occurrence during surgery; however, excessive blood loss can lead to a drop in blood pressure. Both excessive bleeding during the procedure and internal bleeding during recovery can have serious consequences.
  • Infection: Careful post-surgical steps are prescribed to reduce the risk of infection, but it can still occur for some patients and can be severe enough to require IV antibiotics.
  • Hematoma: Unlike blood loss, this is where the blood remains under the skin but pools together, resembling a large bruise. If severe, an additional operation may be needed to drain the blood.
  • Organ Damage: Liposuction and Tummy Tucks venture near and around internal organs, and contact with organs during surgical procedures can be damaging to those organs. Additional surgery may be needed to repair damaged organs.
  • Anesthesia Complications: Anesthesia is used to help you become unconscious and unaware of the surgery and pain during the procedure. This medical process is used for many medical procedures, but always has inherent risks including waking up confused or disoriented, waking up with a shivering effect, or sometimes even waking up mid-surgery. More serious complications include lung infections, stroke, or heart attack.
  • Dissatisfaction: Most people are very satisfied with their appearance post-surgery; however, it is always a risk that you will not like the final results.
  • Nerve Damage: Some plastic surgery procedures can leave a numbness and tingling or an entire loss of sensation. Some women experience a loss of nipple sensation following a breast augmentation surgery.

Ultimately, some risks if unmitigated or extremely severe can be fatal. That is why it is so important that you select a qualified and experienced doctor when looking into surgery. Dr. Jane Rowley in Lubbock and other board certified surgeons across the country take the necessary precautions to make plastic surgery as safe as possible–and they are most certainly considered approved and safe procedures. It is important, however, that you understand that plastic surgery is a serious medical operation and a tummy tuck is clearly riskier for your body than merely getting a manicure. It’s important to be informed, to talk to your doctor, and to choose a qualified expert like Dr. Jane Rowley. If you have any questions or concerns, give Dr. Rowley’s Lubbock office a call today!

A Breast Reduction Just In Time For Summer

If you are reading plastic surgery articles about getting ready for the summer season, the common subject might be about breast augmentation and potentially increasing your breast size before your beachfront vacation. Many women, however, find they have breasts that are too large and make swimming, active sports, and summer activities nearly impossible.

Benefits of a Breast Reduction

If you are struggling with the daily challenge of having breasts that are too large, consider the benefits a breast reduction offers.

  • Physical— Losing the excess weight of larger breast can reduce chronic back and neck pain. Some women with larger breasts suffer from sore shoulders from bra strap strains. The constant pull of the weight of larger breasts can affect your posture and ability to move adequately when exercising. Reducing breast tissue and excising excess skin will help reduce the occurrence of skin rashes under the breasts and give patients greater mobility
  • Emotional— When you feel like you are only being noticed because of your breast size or feel limited to the sports activities you can participate in, you can quickly feel self-conscious or limited with what you can be or do. Our physical appearances can have an effect on our emotional well-being.

Some of the happiest plastic surgery patients in Lubbock are breast reduction patients. It’s just a saying, but they understand what it means to have a weight lifted off the chest. Women who have breast reductions experience new opportunities with exercise and sports. They feel they stand taller with a restored self-confidence.

Before the summer season and swimsuit weather, you can consult with Dr. Jane Rowley and learn more about the benefits of breast reduction plastic surgery. Schedule your no-obligation consultation today.