Recent Blog Posts from Rowley Plastic Surgery

The Pros and Cons of Breast Reduction in Lubbock

In Lubbock, women with uncomfortably large breasts can find significant relief as a result of having cosmetic surgery to reduce their size. If you are thinking about having surgery to make your breasts more manageable, you should consider the following pros and cons will help you make the right decision.


  • Relief from pain. Overly large breasts can cause some problems including neck, back, and shoulder pain. With the load being lightened in the bust, the strain on the upper body disappears.
  • Enhanced appearance. Even with the right size bra, women in Lubbock who would benefit from a breast reduction tend to feel self-conscious. The surgery allows women to avoid unwanted attention directed at their chest and gives them a more proportionate figure.
  • Improved physical ability. Working out is tough. Now imagine adding a heavy chest that causes skin irritation while you sweat it out at the gym. Plastic surgery can eliminate those problems and free women up to exercise and move much more easily.


  • Scars. Plastic surgery is not a magic process that happens in the blink of an eye. There are incisions that have to be made, and they take some time to heal. Just remember that if you are wearing clothes or even a swimsuit, no one else in Lubbock can see those scars.
  • Cost. The price of the surgery has a wide range that depends on where you live and how complex the procedure is. Some insurance companies will cover the cost of the surgery if the patient can show that their breast size causes chronic pain for which they need medical care.
  • Risks. The risks associated with breast reduction surgery are fairly minor. Patients who are healthy and are not overweight have a lower rate of complications from the procedure.

At Rowley Plastic Surgery, breast reduction patients are some of our most satisfied clients. Dr. Jane Rowley has over 20 years of experience and will thoroughly discuss your plastic surgery options with you. Call today to schedule your obligation-free consultation.

In Lubbock, Plastic Surgery Should be for the Right Reasons

For many people in Lubbock, plastic surgery is something that will help boost self-esteem and body image. It can be a powerful tool in changing the way you feel about how you look. Otoplasty is an example of a confident-boosting procedure. When your ears are too large or noticeably stick out, plastic surgery can eliminate your self-consciousness over the appearance of your ears. Sometimes, people turn to plastic surgeons for the wrong reasons. It’s a good idea to have a heart-to-heart conversation with yourself and your doctor before chosing to change your body permanently.

Assess Your Motives

We all go through turbulent times in our lives. This is perfectly normal, but it is not an ideal time to seek out plastic surgery. If you are looking into cosmetic surgery in hopes that it will end your troubles, mend relationships, or prove something about yourself, it may not be right for you at that moment. The best candidates for Lubbock plastic surgery are those who have specific areas they want to improve to boost their confidence and be happier with how they look. If you want to take charge of your appearance instead of letting life or age decide for you, cosmetic surgery could be a healthy choice.

Expect Realistic Results

Your board certified plastic surgeon can help you picture the most realistic outcomes for your specific procedure and body type. Understanding that plastic surgery will not make you look perfect is important because it will help you be happier with your actual results. No operation is going to make you flawless, and it is unreasonable to hold your doctor to that expectation. What plastic surgery can do, though, is build your confidence in your physical appearance.

With more than 20 years of experience, Dr. Jane Rowley is the leading cosmetic surgeon in Lubbock. Plastic surgery patients can expect communication combined with expertise and skill under her care. Schedule your no-obligation consultation today.  

Before Plastic Surgery, Lubbock Patients Should Think Things Through

The decision to permanently change your appearance is a very personal one. Everyone has different reasons for wanting cosmetic surgery, unique problem areas they want to be fixed, and varying expectations for results.

Think it Through

Eileen Bradbury is a consultant psychologist who has been working with plastic surgery candidates for two decades. She advises taking the decision very seriously. “You’re the one who has to live with the outcome,” she says. “If you rush into the surgery without properly thinking about it, it might be the wrong result, even if the surgery goes well.”

Ask the Hard Questions

When thinking about having plastic surgery, Lubbock candidates would benefit by asking themselves these questions first:

  • Why do I want cosmetic surgery?
  • What do I want to change about my appearance?
  • Is this something I really want or is it for someone else?
  • Am I in good health, generally speaking?
  • What are my goals for the outcome of the surgery?

These questions will only help if you are honest with yourself about the answers. Explore your true motives for wanting the procedure to see if it is really something you will be happy with long-term. Keeping realistic expectations is also key because it helps to understand that plastic surgery will not magically give you a perfect body.

Do Your Part

Bradbury says, “It’s like having a personal trainer. You have to do most of the work yourself. Your well-being includes your lifestyle, nutrition, work and social life.” For the benefits of cosmetic surgery to last, it is important to take care of yourself. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating right, and keeping a positive mental outlook will help make the most of your surgery results.

If you feel that you are ready for plastic surgery, Lubbock surgeon Dr. Jane Rowley can work with you to help you understand your options. Call today for an obligation-free consultation to see how you can gain the confidence that comes with loving how you look.