Recent Blog Posts from Rowley Plastic Surgery

Finding the Perfect Fit with Breast Augmentation in Lubbock

If you’re considering breast augmentation (also known as breast enhancement, breast enlargement, breast implants, or a “boob job”), you’re not alone. Breast augmentation has been the most popular plastic surgery in recent years, and continues to grow in popularity. But the decision to get breast augmentation in Lubbock, or anywhere, is not an easy one. First, you have to be sure that you really want it, and, second, you have to decide how you want to do it. Here are some things to think about as you consider whether to get a breast enhancement and which type of implant is best for you.

Why Do You Want Breast Enhancement?

If you want breast implants, you have to be sure that you are getting them for you, and not for anyone else – not even your partner. It’s your body and you have to live (literally!) with the results. You must be sure that you will like what you see and feel comfortable when you look in the mirror each day. Even if your results turn out great, taking such drastic measures to please someone else could lead to resentment and dissatisfaction. On the flipside, if you pursue plastic surgery to fulfill your own goals rather than someone else’s, it can lead you to feel empowered and confident.  

In addition to assessing your motivation for having plastic surgery, you need to make sure you have realistic expectations for the outcome of your breast augmentation in Lubbock. Hoping that it will make people like you better, or that it can make you look just like your favorite celebrity can lead to disappointment in the end. Remember that plastic surgery cannot fix your personal problems and it won’t change who you are at the core. It can help boost your confidence and put some pep in your step, but the rest is up to you. 

If you want to increase the volume of your breasts because their size is something that has always bothered you, to fix asymmetry, or simply to look better in a bikini, you may be a good candidate for breast augmentation. Your doctor can help you decide if you have the right motivations for having plastic surgery.  

Is There a “Right” Size for Breast Augmentation?

The decision on breast implant size is a very personal one that is tied closely to your reasons for wanting the surgery in the first place. Some women have a naturally small bust line and may wish for a curvier or more traditionally feminine figure. Other women may have an asymmetry that’s always bothered them and that they wish to correct. Some women may have lost breast tissue from breastfeeding, or may wish to counteract the effects of aging and gravity. But, no matter what your reason is for wanting the procedure, the size you choose will impact how dramatic of a change you achieve.

There is no right or wrong answer to the size question, but choosing a breast implant size that doesn’t feel perfect can lead to more surgery down the line. Many breast augmentation revision surgeries are performed because the patient desires a change in implant size. In a 2019 study, 41 percent of women who had breast enlargement revision surgery did so because they wanted to change the size of their implants. 38 percent of the study participants chose larger breast implants for their revision surgery. Modern trends have many patients opting for smaller, more natural looking breast enhancement results. However, if that’s not the look you want, do not shy away from saying so. Whether they are large or small, breast implants can enhance your feminine beauty and increase your confidence.

It can be hard to visualize how your breasts will look and feel after breast augmentation in Lubbock. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could try on different sizes, just like when you are shopping for clothes? With a little rice and some imagination, you can do the next best thing. Making your own rice breast implant sizers is easy – and it’s a helpful way to get a good idea of how your new implants will feel. To make them, just cut the feet out of some nylon pantyhose, fill them with rice, and tie them off at the top. Here’s how much rice to use:

  • ¼ cup rice for 75 cc
  • ½ cup rice for 125 cc
  • 1 cup rice for 250 cc

The rice will form to the shape of your breasts as you situate the sizers inside your bra. Wear them around the house for a bit to see how the extra weight feels and to get some insight into what life would be like with larger breasts. You may discover that you would prefer to choose a size smaller or larger than you originally thought! Keep in mind that the rice method is not an exact science, and it is important to discuss your questions and concerns about breast augmentation in Lubbock with a qualified plastic surgeon. 

Understanding the Differences Between Implant Types

The type of breast implant you select will have a significant impact on the outcome of your procedure. The decision should be made only after thorough research on your own and a candid discussion with your plastic surgeon. Presently, there are three types of breast implants. Each kind has its unique advantages, and depending on your priorities and preferences, one may be more suited to you than another. All breast implants have an outer shell made of silicone; however, their names refer to what’s inside the silicone shell.

  1. Saline. Saline is sterilized salt water. These implants consist of a silicone shell filled with saline. Depending on which implant brand you choose, they may come either pre-filled (requiring a larger incision) or empty, in which case they can be folded and inserted through a smaller incision. If a saline implant leaks (called a “rupture”), the saline is safely absorbed into your body, and the rupture is immediately apparent by simple observation of the breast. That’s why women feel comfortable choosing saline implants for breast augmentation in Lubbock – they do not have to worry about silent rupture. The downside is that saline breast implants often move and feel much like water balloons. While you have the peace of mind of having a natural substance inside, the saline generally doesn’t move or feel like natural breast tissue. The implant can fold, causing an unappealing rippling or wrinkling effect.
  2. Silicone gel. Silicone gel implants look and feel more like natural breast tissue. They come prefilled, so they require a larger incision. However, there are things about silicone gel ruptures that make many women uncomfortable with these implant types. Because of the thickness of silicone gel, when there is a rupture, the gel is a foreign substance that requires another surgery to remove, and is not safely absorbed by the body like saline. And because you cannot detect a rupture by looking at the breast, this scenario is known as a “silent rupture,” meaning it requires an MRI (which is typically not covered by insurance) to detect. In fact, the FDA recommends MRIs every 2-3 years for women with silicone gel implants to make sure the implant is intact. This is something that many women are not aware of.
  3. IDEAL IMPLANT® Structured Breast Implants. The IDEAL IMPLANT combines the safety of saline with the natural look and feel of silicone gel. It’s the only breast implant of its kind and was developed by a plastic surgeon in response to women’s concerns about silent rupture. Now, breast augmentation with IDEAL IMPLANT can give you the benefits of saline and silicone gel without the drawbacks of either. The IDEAL IMPLANT is saline-filled, however, the saline is contained within nested shells and separate chambers. This unique design controls the movement of the saline, giving it an appearance and softness that is similar to a silicone gel implant. Also, because of these separate chambers, and because IDEAL IMPLANTS are never pre-filled, a surgeon can adjust the saline levels to achieve the optimal results. Plus, IDEAL IMPLANTS are only available to board-certified plastic surgeons, for greater peace of mind. For breast augmentation in Lubbock, Dr. Jane Rowley is one of the exclusive plastic surgeons offering the IDEAL IMPLANT. As an IDEAL IMPLANT premier surgeon, she is one of the most experienced plastic surgeons in the nation to use this new technology. Learn more about the advantages of the IDEAL IMPLANT over other implant types in this video:

Beyond the inner contents of a breast implant, they may also vary by shape (round or anatomical, also known as teardrop) and texture (smooth or textured). An article posted on the American Academy of Plastic Surgeons blog describes these different qualities: 

“Round implants give a full look to the upper pole of the breast and can potentially rotate in the envelope – though such a shift shouldn’t be visible. Anatomical implants (named because they resemble the natural teardrop-shaped slope of the breast) have a tapered top, so the fullness is more emphasized on the bottom pole of the breast. If these shift, however, the visible change can be more pronounced.

“The silicone shell itself may also be textured or smooth. A smooth implant is freer to subtly move in its pocket, which some women feel better mimics natural breast tissue. Textured implants more firmly anchor themselves once inserted, making it more difficult for them to rotate.”  However, as textured implants have recently been shown to have a correlation to a rare form of breast cancer, they are decreasing in use as a result.

How are Breast Implants Placed?

How the implant is inserted is largely dependent on what implant type and size you have selected, along with how much natural breast tissue you already have. These matters will be worked out during your appointments prior to your breast augmentation in Lubbock. The methods of inserting the implant include 1) where the incision is made and 2) where the implant is placed within the breast.

The most common incision locations are: 

  • Inframammary: at the base of the breast, just below the crease
  • Periareolar: on the lower border of the areola (the dark area around your nipple)
  • Transaxillary: through the armpit

As far as placement within the breast, there are also two general locations (with certain variations based on a woman’s body and consultation with her doctor). 

  • Subglandular or submammary (in front of the pectoral muscle, immediately behind the breast tissue): this used to be the standard placement of implants, however, it is less common because the implant is easier to feel, and it’s closer to the surface. It’s also not advisable for women with little or no natural breast tissue as it will generally result in a less natural result. However, there are advantages to choosing subglandular placement for breast augmentation in Lubbock. A 2015 study found that placing breast implants directly under the skin results in less blood loss during surgery and a shorter, less painful recovery. Subglandular placement is now primarily used for women who are very physically active in sports that impact the pectoral muscle, such as body-building. 
  • Submuscular (beneath the pectoral muscle): this is now the more common method of placement and generally provides a more natural result. Despite its name, with this method, the upper part of the implant is generally placed under the muscle, while the lower part may be over the muscle. Chest muscles can conceal the edges of your breast implants more effectively, giving your breasts a more natural slope. 

Get the Results you Want with Your Breast Augmentation in Lubbock

Are you considering breast augmentation in Lubbock? If so, you’re lucky to have a nationally-recognized, world-class surgeon right here in West Texas. Dr. Jane Rowley offers her patients an unmatched depth of experience with a woman’s perspective. With over two decades of practice, there is no plastic surgeon in Lubbock with more experience, training, and skill, than Dr. Rowley. She can help you navigate all of your options for breast enhancement so you can get the pair that fits your body perfectly.  Call today to schedule your no-obligation consultation.

Making the Most of Your Lubbock Plastic Surgery Experience

By its very nature, the decision to have plastic surgery is a very personal one. Just as no two people look exactly alike, each of us has our own reasons for why we want to change certain things about ourselves. Whether it’s something we’re born with something we’d like to improve upon, or simply the result of life and aging, we each have a vision of our ideal selves. Plastic surgery can be a great tool to help patients achieve the results they want, however, a little planning and some lifestyle changes will go a long way to making sure you get what you desire out of your Lubbock plastic surgery experience. Read up on what you can do to make the investment in your appearance more than worth it.

Pick the Right Plastic Surgeon

First things first – before you make any final decisions, make sure you have a plastic surgeon that you can trust. Unfortunately, as in any industry, some doctors are more concerned about making money than they are about caring for patients. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has a helpful guide on what to look out for when selecting a doctor. Some of the key points they make are:

  • Make sure the surgeon you consult with is the one who will perform your Lubbock plastic surgery. While that might seem like a strange thing to say, some practices are like conveyor belts: you consult with the doctor who is available, but then ultimately are operated on by whomever is on call that day. You are trusting your plastic surgeon with your appearance and well-being, so make sure you know exactly who that person will be.
  • Don’t be persuaded. It’s your body and you should be the one to decide what you want. Beware of anyone you think is trying to upsell you on other procedures or products that don’t really get you what you want, or who may get benefits for pushing certain products that may not be in your best interest. Trust your instincts!
  • Look at the doctor’s before and after images carefully. Do you like what you see? Different plastic surgeons have different styles and aesthetic views. Is your doctor’s definition of beauty in line with yours? If not, find a plastic surgeon that sees things similar to the way you do.

Remember that “Plastic surgery is real surgery, and the least-expensive operation is the one performed correctly the first time.” Bargain shopping may be a fun way to find new shoes or home décor, but when it comes to your appearance and your health, you want to invest in a doctor who will give you the best experience and outcome possible. You don’t want to cut corners, because the results are permanent. Put simply, be sure that you can trust your plastic surgeon.

Make Sure Your Surgeon is Board-Certified

The very first box on your checklist of qualifications for your plastic surgeon should be to make sure they are board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Doctors who have earned this certification have passed through extensive educational and training requirements. Additionally, board-certified plastic surgeons have the appropriate state medical licenses and privileges at accredited surgery centers and hospitals. The ABPS also requires board-certified doctors to adhere to strict ethical standards and safety guidelines, and to continue their education to stay current in their field. You should never settle for anything less when choosing the doctor who will care for you during your Lubbock plastic surgery journey. When you choose a plastic surgeon that is board-certified, you can have confidence knowing you are in the hands of a qualified doctor with the highest of standards. For more information on why ABPS board-certification is so imperative and how it protects patients, check out the video below: 

Preparing for Lubbock Plastic Surgery and Recovery

Once you’ve selected a plastic surgeon you trust and have worked together to formulate a plan, it’s time to get ready for your procedure. This is your chance to get your body in tip-top shape so you can be as healthy as possible for surgery day. Drink lots of water, eat your fruits and veggies, get the right amount of sleep, limit alcohol, and stop smoking. Reduce stress by practicing meditation or relaxation techniques to keep your immune system strong. Having surgery can elicit stress for some patients, but doing what you can to calm those nerves can be beneficial for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.    

It is easy to let the excitement about your plastic surgery results overshadow the necessary preparations for your recovery. But it is important to remember that a successful healing period will make a significant difference in the final outcome of your procedure. This is the part where you are in charge; your plastic surgeon will do everything in their power to minimize risk for you, but they can’t hold your hand throughout your Lubbock plastic surgery recovery period. The importance of following your doctor’s instructions to a T cannot be overstated. If you do not comply with their post-op instructions, you could put yourself at risk for dissatisfaction with your results, complications, or even emergency surgery.

To make your recovery a little easier, gather your essentials and prepare your home. You will want to make sure your fridge and freezer are stocked with simple, healthy meal options that don’t require much effort. Call in a favor with a family or friend and ask them to come stay with you for at least the first 24 hours, depending on the type of procedure you have. Your body will need plenty of rest during the initial stages of recovery, so make arrangements to have someone take care of your children and pets, if you have them. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, have patience. The human body is capable of amazing things, including healing completely from Lubbock plastic surgery. But, these things take time. Weeks and even months may go by before bruising and swelling reside and you can finally begin to see the full results of your procedure.   

How to Reduce the Appearance of Scars 

As stated above, plastic surgery is real surgery, and that means you’ll have some scarring when it is all said and done. Scars tend to look their worst when the bandages first come off, so don’t be alarmed when your body doesn’t look picture perfect right away. You can rest assured that as time goes on, your wounds will heal and the scars will fade. Plastic surgeons are specifically trained in suturing techniques and other methods for the reduction of scars. 

During your incision’s initial healing period, the scar will appear pink and may be tender to the touch. There is no clear-cut answer as to how your scars will look after you heal from plastic surgery because every patient’s body responds differently to certain procedures. Genetics play a big role, making much of your scar’s appearance out of your control. But, there are definitely some things you can do to help the healing process go faster and more smoothly. Here are 3 tips to ensure you get the best results possible from your Lubbock plastic surgery experience:

  1.  Don’t smoke. If you are a smoker, this is certainly something that’s easier said than done, but it is worth the temporary sacrifice. Avoiding nicotine in all its forms is very important for your safety, results, and recovery. Your doctor should recommend that you quit smoking several weeks before your surgery, and many won’t even perform certain procedures on active smokers at all due to the impact of nicotine on the vascular system. If you have followed that advice, then not smoking during your recovery will be much easier. Plastic surgeons strongly recommend abstaining from nicotine because it reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood, replacing it with carbon monoxide. Oxygen-rich blood is essential to proper healing after surgery. Smoking and insufficient levels of oxygen can result in unnecessary complications during your surgery and in your recovery. Plus, if you’re able to stop smoking for a few months before and after your procedure, perhaps you can ditch the habit once and for all.
  2. Drink water and eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Part of a successful recovery is being able to fight off infections. Getting an infection in your incision site can leave you with worsened scarring. The healthier you are, the stronger your immune system will be, and the better equipped you will be to have a smooth recovery. Keep in mind that the water in coffee, alcohol, and soda doesn’t count towards the water you need to be drinking, as those beverages contain other chemicals that counteract the benefits of water and can actually be dehydrating. 
  3. Follow all of the wound care instructions. To heal properly after Lubbock plastic surgery, wounds need to be clean and hydrated, but otherwise should be left alone. Listen carefully when you are shown how to clean and care for your wound. Avoid bathing during the initial time frame you are given and follow all your doctor’s instructions carefully and diligently. If you have any questions at all during your recovery period, never hesitate to contact your doctor’s office. Sometimes all it takes is a simple phone call to keep a potential complication at bay. 

Other optional steps you can take to minimize scarring include using certain skin creams, or flat silicone sheeting that restricts scarring from extending too far above your skin. Some things, however, we just can’t do anything about. Factors such as aging, fair skin, genetic tendencies, and the location, size, and depth of the incision may make healing more difficult. But remember, a little bit of love and a lot of patience can help you gently care for your wound as it heals.

How to Maintain the Best Results from Your Lubbock Plastic Surgery Experience

At the end of the day, maintaining your plastic surgery results comes down to diet and exercise. While that might sound like a little cliché, it is true and there’s a good reason why it is every doctor’s number one recommendation. If you’ve gotten a tummy tuck, liposuction, or other body contouring procedure, your results are going to last longer if you aren’t counteracting them with your lifestyle. While you will have a brief recovery period, once your doctor has cleared you fully for physical activity, you should resume (or begin) an exercise regimen. Coupled with a more balanced diet, your plastic surgery results will look better and last longer. You will also feel stronger, both physically and mentally.

If you are specifically looking to maintain the results of Lubbock plastic surgery for your skin, the avoidance of sun tanning and nicotine will help improve the long-term benefits for skin and facial plastic surgery. It may take a little extra effort to remember to wear your sunscreen every day or to quit old habits, but those small steps will go a long way toward making the most of your procedure. Think of it this way: you have the opportunity to pair your new look with a new and improved lifestyle.

Call the Leader in Lubbock Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery can represent a special time in your life. For many patients, it marks a point at which they took matters into their own hands and made a choice to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. When you decide it is time to make that positive change in your life, Rowley Plastic Surgery is here to help you every step of the way. From planning and preparation to surgery and recovery, our top priorities are the safety, satisfaction, and well-being of each of our patients.   

Dr. Jane Rowley is the leading plastic surgeon in Lubbock with over 20 years of experience providing her patients with exceptional results. She is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is an expert in the field of plastic surgery. With Dr. Rowley, you can feel confident knowing you are in the best possible care. If you are ready to explore your plastic surgery options, call Rowley Plastic Surgery today to schedule a no-obligation consultation.

Plastic Surgery in Lubbock for Ear Correction

​​While parents don’t often encourage their teenagers to get plastic surgery, Lubbock teens could experience significant benefits from otoplasty, or cosmetic ear surgery. In this digital age, teens may post several pictures of themselves on social media every day. But when you find out that your child is not winning the popularity contest, instead getting bullied online over something as little as the appearance of ears, it is natural to want to help them. Otoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that can have a lifelong impact on self-esteem and confidence. Adolescents should not be worried about how their ears look. The self-consciousness can even carry over into later life. Sensitivity about protruding ears can be detrimental to a person’s quality of life, and no one should have to live that way, especially when the issue can be corrected with plastic surgery in Lubbock.

Otoplasty is used to correct

  • Asymmetry in one or both ears
  • Abnormally large ears
  • Protruding ears

Scientific Evidence Supports Otoplasty in Children

Teens are not the only kids who are concerned about their looks. Younger children may suffer psychologically when they are subjected to the teasing of their peers. The playground can be a tough place when others either make fun of or ostracize classmates who look different. Bullying can also damage self-esteem and cause other lifelong problems for children who fall victim to it.

Studies have consistently shown that cosmetic ear surgery has significant benefits for children with protruding or misshapen ears. One such study found that children who received otoplasty reported a marked improvement in quality of life. The results were overwhelming: 97 percent reported an increase in happiness; 92 percent felt an increase in self-confidence; 79 percent reported improvements in their social lives; 100 percent reported bullying reduced or stopped. Researchers concluded, “Otoplasty is an effective procedure in alleviating psychosocial distress in the vast majority of children that undergo the operation, and hence this study supports the continued availability of otoplasty on the NHS for children with prominent ears.” 

Another study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, The Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, found that “parents reported significant improvement in their children’s health-related quality of life following otoplasty.” The participating children also noted a higher satisfaction with their quality of life after the procedure; in fact, 88 percent reported feeling happier with the appearance of their ears after otoplasty and 93 percent would choose to have the surgery again if they were offered a second chance.

There are so many challenges that children face, but insecurity about their appearance doesn’t have to be one of them. Cosmetic ear plastic surgery in Lubbock can help by eliminating negative attention and inspiring a boost in self-esteem. 

When is the Right Time for Ear Surgery?

The decision to have plastic surgery is one that takes thoughtful planning and consideration, especially when the patient is your own child. The ideal timing for otoplasty depends on several factors, and your plastic surgeon will be able to help you make an informed decision. Otoplasty is a safe, routine surgery that can be performed at any age. If your child is going to have ear correction surgery, it is best if they wait to undergo the procedure until they are about five or six years old. This is when the ears are developed enough to benefit from cosmetic surgery, yet are still flexible and can easily take on the new shape. Furthermore, children do not typically develop feelings of self-consciousness before this age. If protruding or misshapen ears are corrected before children reach the school-age years, teasing and bullying may be avoided altogether. 

Ear Plastic Surgery in Lubbock for Adults

Otoplasty isn’t just for children. The procedure can provide a positive impact for teens and adults as well. Maybe you haven’t necessarily suffered bullying because of your prominent ears, but their appearance is enough to cause you some insecurity. A recent study concluded, “Otoplasty can provide significant positive psychosocial benefits, even in an adult population. Therefore, this type of surgery should be offered to any patient seeking a solution to prominent ear-related psychosocial problems regardless of age.” Whether you endured years of teasing or simply felt the personal desire to enhance the appearance of your ears, otoplasty can enhance your confidence by giving you the look you want. 

Preparing Your Child for Otoplasty

Children and adults both need to understand that their surgical results may not be fully visible immediately following the procedure. Healing will take some time and they will need to remember to leave the incision area alone during recovery. Even if your child is at the recommended minimum age for otoplasty, it still may not be the right time to pursue the procedure if a certain level of maturity is not yet reached. Children who undergo ear surgery must be able to understand the importance of their cooperation before and after the procedure. Doctors’ instructions must be followed, and if your child is not ready to comply with directions from your plastic surgeon, it may be necessary to put your plastic surgery in Lubbock on hold for a time.   

How is Otoplasty Performed?

The ear surgery is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. The doctor will make incisions in the front folds of the ear or on the back of the ear to hide potential scarring. The incisions allow the doctor to pin the ears back or reshape them into a more standard appearance. After these simple steps, the doctor stitches up the incisions and the healing process begins. The patient will need to wear a head dressing for a week as the incisions heal. Pain and complications are minimal, but always contact your doctor with any questions or concerns you may have. Watch the video below to learn more about otoplasty from Dr. Jane Rowley.

What is the Recovery Like?

After this plastic surgery in Lubbock, the ears are covered with bandages and wrapped with gauze to protect the incisions while they heal. The area of the procedure will swell as a response to the incision and corrections. Cold compresses and prescribed medication can help reduce this swelling and assist in pain management during the first few days of recovery. The patient should not sleep lying on the ears until they fully heal. Usually, the bandages and stitches can be removed about a week after the plastic surgery, and Lubbock patients can then see their results more clearly. After the bandages are removed, the swelling will continue to diminish until the area is completely healed. A full recovery from otoplasty typically takes about six weeks, and the final results are meant to be permanent.

Gauged Ear Correction—Return to Normal Earlobes 

With the help of plastic surgery, Lubbock patients can correct other ear issues as well. Some people who have gauged ears decide they are ready to change their look. If you have ears that call too much attention to themselves due to gauges or for other reasons, your board-certified plastic surgeon can help. This type of procedure is often referred to as ear reconstruction, as it requires the surgeon to rearrange tissue to rebuild the earlobe. 

Restoring Natural Earlobes 

Earlobes can be intentionally stretched with gauges, also known as cogs, caps, plugs, or tunnels. Once an earlobe hole is stretched past six millimeters, it will not shrink back. People are increasingly seeking to correct their stretched lobes because of career choices, age, or social stigma. With the aging process, some people may experience earlobe stretching or sagging. Others may have drooping or even split earlobes from prolonged wearing of heavy earrings. Whatever the reason, a simple corrective surgery can restore earlobes to their natural look.

Procedure and Results

Each person has different needs with their repair. Your doctor will carefully examine your earlobes to know what needs to be done during your plastic surgery. Lubbock ear gauge correction is performed as an outpatient procedure with local anesthetics. Excess lobe tissue is removed, and then the lobe is stitched up. An experienced surgeon can carefully reshape your earlobe to a more natural look. If you want to re-pierce your ears, you can have that done during the procedure. Your earlobe may be smaller than it was originally. Remember to follow all of your doctor’s recovery instructions carefully. If you smoke, you will need to stop smoking before your surgery and during your recovery.

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon

Although ear correction is considered a cosmetic procedure, the process is much more involved than the beauty treatments you might get on a regular basis. Choosing a hair stylist or a nail salon is fairly simple; you can safely rely on reviews or word of mouth to find someone who will make you look great. Plastic surgery is different. It involves your health and well-being, and the changes made to your appearance are permanent. Spend the extra time and effort to find a well-qualified plastic surgeon you can trust. 

For starters, the surgeon you select should be board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Did you know that any doctor can legally perform cosmetic procedures? This means that if you don’t do your research, you could end up with a doctor who does not have the proper training and experience to handle your surgery. The last thing you want to do is place your health and appearance in the hands of an unqualified medical professional. When you select an ABPS board-certified plastic surgeon, you can rest assured knowing you have a doctor with a level of training, knowledge, and skill to give you a safe experience. Watch the video below for more information on how choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon will affect your surgical experience.

Once you are certain your surgeon is board-certified, find out more about their professional background. Do they specialize in the procedure that interests you? How much experience do they have performing ear plastic surgery? Lubbock Dr. Jane Rowley welcomes questions from her patients and spends the time necessary to make sure you feel comfortable throughout your plastic surgery journey.  

Researching your doctor’s credentials is important, but it is also a good idea to take a look at their work on previous patients. Most plastic surgeons have a before and after photo gallery for different procedures on their websites. Spend some time going through these pictures so you can get a clear idea of your surgeon’s aesthetic sense. What is beautiful to some may not be appealing to others, so be sure your tastes and preferences align with those of your surgeon. Next, communicate your goals to your doctor. A clear understanding between you and your plastic surgeon is crucial to getting the results you want.  

Simply Restoring Confidence

Plastic surgery is a science and an art. Dr. Jane Rowley is the board-certified, experienced surgeon who can help you regain confidence in your physical appearance. Whether you have earlobes that were accidentally torn or intentionally stretched, your earlobes can be repaired in around 45 minutes. If you are dissatisfied with your ears for other reasons, or if your child wants to make a change, you can consider otoplasty at Rowley Plastic Surgery in Lubbock. This choice will do more than just increase “likes” on social media; it provides new confidence as children begin to define themselves with more than just their appearance. 

Whether you are looking into otoplasty for yourself or for your child, you want to be certain you are in the right hands for the procedure. Plastic surgery can change lives for the better by inspiring greater self-confidence that radiates from the inside out. From your initial consultation to the post-operative recovery period and beyond, Dr. Jane Rowley and her staff at Rowley Plastic Surgery are 100 percent committed to your care, safety, and satisfaction. With over two decades of experience and thousands of happy patients, Dr. Rowley is the plastic surgeon you can trust with your aesthetic goals. Schedule your no-obligation consultation with Dr. Rowley today.