Entries by seo@risestrategic.com

Otoplasty Rising Among Teens

  While Lubbock parents don’t often encourage their teenagers to get plastic surgery, one type of surgery—an otoplasty—can make a significant difference in the life of a teen.   In this digital age, teens may post several pictures of themselves on social media every day. Their goal is often to rack up as many “likes” […]

What can a Mommy Makeover do for Your Breasts?

If you are past your childbearing years and find yourself avoiding mirrors or feeling completely dissatisfied with your body, a “Mommy Makeover” may be right for you. A “Mommy Makeover” is a term used to describe the surgical work to correct the common physical changes that can occur during and following a pregnancy. Most often […]

What to Expect with a Tummy Tuck

  With swimming suit season right at its peak, you may be feeling the discouragement of a body that doesn’t quite look the way you want it to. If sit-ups just aren’t cutting it, and diet just can’t rid you of that excess flab or skin in your mid-section, abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a […]

Improving Breast Augmentation Results with a Lift

  Having children along with your body’s natural aging process will change your breasts. You will see and feel changes in breast tissue, shape, and appearance. Women sometimes think that implants alone will make the desired changes in their breasts. A breast augmentation with implants will help with the loss of volume, but adding a […]

Can Other Plastic Surgery Techniques Compliment a Tummy Tuck

  With patients in Lubbock, plastic surgery plans are as individual as the patients are. A tummy tuck is known as a skin procedure to help reduce sagging skin around the abdomen.  It is also a significant procedure that involves the entire core of the body. A tummy tuck not only tightens loose skin but […]

Breast Reduction: Sometimes Bigger isn’t Better

    Losing weight can make a small difference in your breast size, but Lubbock women who feel their breasts interfere with their lives benefit from breast reduction plastic surgery. No amount of diet or exercise will reduce the size of large breasts. Even though Hollywood would like women to believe that larger breasts are […]

Nurses are Smart Patients

  When you are a smart patient, you’re involved with all aspects of your surgery. Whether planning to have breast implants or a facelift, you make better choices with your healthcare and experience better results from those choices, when you are an informed patient. You can choose the doctor you see, but you can’t always […]

Mommy Makeovers: Breast and Belly Enhancement

  A popular plastic surgery procedure in Lubbock is sometimes called a Mommy Makeover. The name can be deceiving as a Mommy Makeover is not just one procedure but an individualized combination of plastic surgery options. The goal of the surgery is to change the effects of childbirth on a woman’s body. After pregnancy and […]

Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

  Deciding whether or not to have a tummy tuck requires careful consideration and honest discussion with your doctor. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a very successful procedure to help people who want to tighten loose skin and weakened muscles in their abdominal area. It is not considered a weight loss surgery, but can […]

When Do Breast Implants Start to Feel Natural?

  Size and shape of your new breast implants matter for your personal satisfaction, but the feel of your breasts is also very important to your overall happiness with your procedure. When getting anything from a little lift or a total reconstruction, there are multiple factors at play determining the end-result feel of your implants. […]