Tag Archive for: plastic surgery recovery time

How a Healthy Lifestyle Can Improve Liposuction Recovery

Just about anything worth doing requires real effort on our part. Plastic surgery is no exception. Patients who take no responsibility and expect their procedure to magically fix their bodies set themselves up for disappointment with their results. While plastic surgery may seem like a shortcut, patients need to be serious about maintaining a healthy lifestyle if they want to get the full benefits.

Tips to Help Speed Liposuction Recovery

  1. Drink Plenty of Water. It may seem like a no-brainer, but many people in Lubbock don’t get their recommended daily amount of water. Drinking enough water is important for everyone, especially those who are going through liposuction recovery. Staying hydrated fuels the body as it heals and can help diminish the appearance of scars. Drinks like alcohol, coffee, and soda do not count toward the goal of eight glasses of water per day.
  2. Be Active. Strictly follow your doctor’s orders regarding your levels of activity following your surgery. Most procedures will require you to scale back your gym time for a couple of weeks. Once you have your doctor’s approval, give yourself time to work back to your normal activities. After having liposuction or other plastic surgery, it is important to maintain a healthy weight; otherwise, it could negatively affect your results.
  3. Eat Right. If you don’t already have a healthy diet, use plastic surgery as an event in your life that marks the perfect time to start one. Eating nutritious foods will help you keep your newfound confidence and take care of your improved figure. Given the right nutrients, your body will have what it needs to minimize swelling and inflammation and even reduce scarring. Talk to your doctor about making healthy changes to your diet and how it can impact your liposuction recovery experience.
  4. Cut Out Nicotine. If you use nicotine and are considering a procedure like liposuction in Lubbock, you need to plan on quitting for a while. People who smoke have greater liposuction risks for complications during surgery as well as during the healing process. Your plastic surgeon will most likely want you to stay off nicotine for a few weeks before and after your procedure. Nicotine reduces oxygen and blood flow to the skin, which can result in improper wound healing and scarring.
  5. Be Patient. Your body will heal after plastic surgery, but it will not happen overnight. Every patient’s experience is different. Even a perfect candidate for surgery will experience some degree of bruising and swelling after having work done. The full results of your procedure can take months to be revealed, so don’t get down if your progress is taking longer than you imagined it would. Keep a good support network of family and friends in the loop so you can rely on them during your recovery.

Change How You See Yourself

With spring break fast approaching and stores proudly displaying this season’s skimpy swimwear, it’s hard not to picture yourself poolside. If you feel less than excited about wearing your swimsuit in public, plastic surgery could help you gain the confidence to change that. There is no reason to let a flabby belly or stubborn bulges of fat hold you back from feeling good in your own skin. But how do you decide which tummy procedure is right for you?

Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

Liposuction is not a weight loss surgery, but a tool to help eliminate specific areas of fat on the body. Fat is suctioned out through tiny tubes to improve the body’s contour, giving the patient a slimmer, sleeker figure. Areas that respond well to this procedure include the thighs, back, love handles, and chin/neck region. When your strict diet and exercise regimen do nothing for certain spots of stubborn fat, it may be time to look into liposuction in Lubbock.

A tummy tuck provides dramatic results by getting rid of excess skin on the belly and firming up the overall appearance of the stomach. Weakened abdominal muscles are tightened, and the belly button is sometimes repositioned for a more natural look after the skin has been pulled taut. The tummy tuck comes in different options for your unique needs: your doctor can recommend the mini tuck, the standard version, or the extended tummy tuck for your individual shape. Talk to your plastic surgeon about which procedure is right for you, or whether your best results will be achieved by combining the two.

With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Jane Rowley is the leading plastic surgeon in Lubbock. Not only does she have extensive training and expertise and skill in her field, but she also has the honesty and compassion that put her patients at ease. If you have questions about liposuction recovery or any other aspects of your plastic surgery experience, call our office today to schedule a no-obligation consultation.

Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery Time and Other FAQs

Life is too short to allow anything to hold you back from making the most of each day. Freedom from pain, ease of mobility, and healthy self-confidence are all things that can easily be taken for granted. For women with large breasts, each of those things can be a daily struggle. If you are uncomfortable because of your oversized breasts, plastic surgery can help you get your life back. It is important to ask the right questions before your breast reduction surgery procedure, so you will know what to expect and be well informed throughout the entire process.

What are the Benefits of Breast Reduction?

Imagine your life without the burden of a heavy chest. Virtually everything you do would be easier, including sleeping, breathing, and moving. The heavy weight of large breasts can cause strain on the back, neck, and shoulders that develops into chronic pain. A breast reduction reduces the weight on your chest and alleviates the related pain.

Any breast reduction patient will tell you the benefits are worth the breast reduction surgery recovery time. Women enjoy increased confidence as their breasts are no longer an unwanted focal point. With their breasts no longer a hindrance to their movement, they also find it easier to be active and exercise.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Breast reductions aren’t just for women with extremely large cup sizes. A woman who feels her bust is out of proportion with the rest of her body would also benefit from the procedure. You are a good candidate if you:

  • Do not smoke
  • Are in good health
  • Would like your breasts to be smaller
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Have back, shoulder, or neck pain because of your breasts
  • Have skin irritation on the underside of your breasts

What Does the Surgery Involve?

Women considering breast reduction plastic surgery in Lubbock are in luck because Dr. Jane Rowley has over 20 years of experience performing this procedure. A breast reduction is always paired with a lift, and the nipple is moved to a higher, more natural position. The size of the areola is usually decreased. You will see breast reduction surgery scars around the areolas, vertical ones to the bottom of the breasts, as well as on the undersides in the creases.

Are There Any Risks?

Every surgical procedure comes with the potential for risks. Breast reduction surgery is a safe and routine procedure when performed by a trustworthy, board-certified plastic surgeon. Women who choose to undergo a reduction should be in good health and not be significantly overweight as these factors contribute to the potential for risks.

When Will I See Results?

Relief from the pain and burden of your breasts is immediate. Even with your surgical garments on, you should be able to notice the smaller size of your bust. After a week the swelling will have gone down enough to reveal significant results. Your breasts will sit higher and look more youthful, but the full results will take a few weeks to present themselves.

How Long is Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery Time?

Each woman’s breast reduction surgery recovery time will vary depending on the size of her breasts. Most women will be able to walk around and take a shower the day following surgery. Some soreness may occur, but the discomfort usually consists of a tight, engorged sensation. The patient will typically need to take 10 to 14 days off work; some women may need to take up to three weeks. Give yourself about six weeks before returning to your full level of activity.

Will Insurance Pay for My Breast Reduction?

Because of the negative effects large breasts can have on your health, insurance companies will often cover the cost of breast reduction plastic surgery in Lubbock. Different companies will have different requirements, but some of the factors they consider include:

  • Symptoms (breast crease rashes, bra strap skin grooves, back pain, etc.)
  • Documentation of other methods to alleviate symptoms caused by breasts
  • Difficulty with mobility or physical activity

Ask your plastic surgeon for tips on how to properly document your health problems related to the size of your breasts.

Breast reduction patients are among the most satisfied plastic surgery recipients because of the significant life changes they experience. Cosmetic surgery is not right for everyone, but it might be if you are unhappy with the size of your breasts and are a generally healthy person. Discuss with your board-certified plastic surgeon your questions about breast reduction surgery recovery time and other important concerns.

Dr. Jane Rowley has performed hundreds of breast reductions during her two decades of plastic surgery experience. She enjoys helping her patients find relief from chronic pain and satisfaction with their physical appearance. If you are ready to let go of the burden on your chest or even if you would like your breasts to look more proportionate with your body, call our office today to schedule a no-obligation consultation.

How do I Recover Faster from Plastic Surgery?

It’s a law of the universe most of us could do without: surgeries typically require some sort of recovery. Most plastic surgery procedures are no exception, but you can increase the speed and quality of your recovery if you take care of yourself. Rowley Plastic Surgery, based in Lubbock, recommends you add the following three steps to your personalized recovery plan.

1. Take it Easy

For the first few days, give yourself permission to rest and relax. Your body needs time to heal, whether you’ve had breast implants, a tummy tuck, or other procedure done. Make arrangements before-hand to take days off work if needed, pay any bills, arrange child-care and meals, and schedule yourself for some good old-fashioned R and R. Talk to your surgeon about the amount of time that may be needed. Ask what is typical and recommended. If you plan to differ from this, talk about your reasons and concerns before the surgery.

2. Follow Your Doctor’s Orders

Don’t light up that cigarette or skip wearing your compression garments. Remember that whatever the inconvenience, it’s only temporary. It’s also in your best interest to take any medications such as painkillers or antibiotics if prescribed. Even if you want to tough it out, pain can raise your blood pressure or enhance bleeding.

3. Keep Calm and Heal On

Smiling may be easier if you’re recovering from breast implants rather than facelifts, but either way it’s helpful. Even smiling just on the inside counts. Research shows your frame of mind affects your rate of healing. Lubbock patients can expedite the recovery process by staying calm and positive.

Plastic surgery is a collaborative process with you and your plastic surgeon. If you look at it holistically to include planning, the procedure, and a healthy recovery time, you will be able to realistically look forward to your results. Selecting a surgeon you trust will also help set you up for success. Dr. Jane Rowley of Rowley Plastic Surgery offers unmatched experience for her Lubbock patients, whether you’re thinking of breast implants, a tummy tuck, or just a lift, she can help. Call today for your no-obligation consultation.

What Are The Top 5 Tips for Recovering After Tummy Tuck?

What Are The Top 5 Tips for Recovering After Tummy Tuck?

We put attention and preparation toward the weeks and days leading up to our plastic surgery procedure, but it’s just as important to think about and prepare for our recovery following the procedure. If you’re prepping for a tummy tuck, here’s a bit of advice from Dr. Rowley’s Lubbock office on how to have a successful recovery.


  • Follow your plastic surgeon’s advice.

We’ll say this one first because it’s the most important. The instructions you receive from your board certified surgeon about caring for your post-surgery body may feel generic, but it is critical that you follow them carefully. You may even receive specific advice in addition to the general instruction that will help you care for your body’s unique needs. Listen to your doctor.


  • Don’t do it alone.

If possible, arrange for a helping hand for a day or two following your tummy tuck. Our Lubbock staff provide top quality care before and during your surgery to ensure the procedure is successful, and support at home can help your after-surgery recovery succeed as well. Simple tasks like getting out of bed, showering, changing clothes, and managing your home and health will be much less stressful if you have help. Relying on someone else for help can allow you to remain comfortable and avoid straining yourself. Lots of rest and low-body strain is necessary during your recovery. Plan on taking off work for at least two weeks following the surgery.


  • Fuel your body with nutritious foods, and quit smoking.

A successful recovery relies on quality nutrition both before and after the surgery. Dark leafy greens, pineapple, and other foods rich in vitamin C can aid in recovery. Foods that might cause gas, such as cabbage and beans, should be avoided. Drinking lots of water is also important. And it is essential that patients quit smoking at least 4-6 weeks before their surgery and avoid smoking during recovery. If you have concerns about the need to quit smoking, you can call our Lubbock office to discuss this requirement.


  • Keep walking, but maybe you shouldn’t run.

It’s important to keep moving to avoid blood clots after surgery. Walking will also keep your body from becoming stiff and can help speed up the recovery of your swelling. But it’s important to find the right amount of movement that helps and doesn’t hurt your recovery. Heavy lifting or other strenuous activities can be very harmful to a recovering tummy tuck patient.


While these ideas are a good starting point for recovery advice, Dr. Jane Rowley and her caring staff in Lubbock have more than just this handful of tips to ensure your safe recovery. Choosing a qualified, skilled doctor like Dr. Jane Rowley and following that doctor’s instructions is the best thing you can do for your body. Give Dr. Rowley’s office a call today!

Ways to Help Your Recovery After a Tummy Tuck

 Ways to Help Your Recovery After a Tummy Tuck

Have you recently had a tummy tuck? Or are you thinking about getting one? With this particular procedure, you should be able to see drastic results right away. However, if you want to keep that new shape for as long as possible, you should take the proper steps to help your body recover. In Lubbock, plastic surgery expert and board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jane Rowley wants her patients to take care of their bodies so they can have a fast recovery and enjoy their new look.


Eat Right!

You should be even more aware post-surgery of what you are putting into your body. This advice doesn’t mean you should go on a strict diet as soon as your surgery is complete. It just means you should eat foods that make you feel good and that will give your body the energy and nutrients that it needs. Make water your choice of drink and focus on eating more fruits and vegetables. You’ll be able to maintain that trim stomach a lot longer by eating right.


Move Around Slowly at First

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) patients seeking treatment come from all over the globe, including residents living right here in Lubbock. Plastic surgery guidelines recommend that after a tummy tuck you take a few days to rest and have someone help you get up and walk around. After a few days, it’s important to move around as much as possible to stop blood clots from forming. Light exercise like walking will help your recovery, but avoid any heavy weightlifting or running for at least three months. If you exercise too strenuously too soon after surgery, you can actually release the muscle tightening sutures, which can cause a bulge in the stomach area.


Be Aware of Possible Pain

After a tummy tuck, you will have pain around your torso that will last a few weeks. Experiencing pain can mean that your abdominal area may continue to shrink even more after surgery. Most patients have some pain and swelling for a few weeks that goes completely away after a few months. It’s important to consult with your surgeon about how to manage your pain and speed along your recovery process.


Following the above steps can help your recovery be more manageable and get you the results you want faster. Before undergoing any plastic surgery, schedule a no-obligation consultation at Rowley Plastic Surgery in Lubbock. Plastic surgery to help your confidence soar is just a phone call away.


Surgery and Recovery Times for Multiple Procedures

It can be a little overwhelming to consider having multiple plastic surgery procedures at the same time. However, if you’ve chosen Rowley Plastic Surgery for your procedures, there’s no need to worry. Dr. Jane Rowley has over two decades of experience in plastic surgery. Lubbock patients trust her extensive and thorough medical education and experience. She wants her patients to know from the outset that when you combine procedures, it does prolong recovery time but can give you greater results with fewer times going into surgery. With proper rest and smart planning, your recovery from surgery can go smoothly.


Here is what you can expect for the surgery and the recovery times for the following procedures:


Breast Augmentation

-Outpatient surgery

-Takes about an hour

-Back to work in 2-3 days

-4-6 weeks before returning to full physical activity


Face Lift

-Takes 2-3 hours

-Patient awakens from anesthesia with a dressing and a small drain for 24 hours

-Sutures are removed in about a week

-Back to work in 10-14 days

-Swelling can last 6-8 weeks, often very minimal after the first 2-3 weeks



-The incisions are small

-Back to work in 3 days

-Minor to moderate pain

-Swelling for up to 4-6 weeks

-Compression garments typically have to be worn for between 2-4 weeks


Tummy Tuck

-Outpatient surgery

-Takes 2 hours

-Back to work in 2-3 weeks three weeks

Full activity is typically resumed at 6-8 weeks postoperatively


If you have a job that requires physical labor or you regularly participate in strenuous exercise, you may need to schedule more time off work so you can gradually resume your normal schedule. It is never a good idea to jump back into a demanding work environment before you are properly rested and fully recovered. At your no-obligation consultation with Rowley Plastic Surgery, Dr. Jane Rowley will explain each procedure and what you can expect. Find out more today.

Recovery Time Frame After Breast Lift Surgery



Lubbock women have several plastic surgery options to make changes to their breasts. A mastopexy, or breast lift, raises sagging breast tissue, lifts the nipple to a more outward position, and takes away excess skin. A breast lift can give your breasts a younger appearance and help with asymmetry.  With all surgery, pain tolerance and recovery times will vary from patient to patient. It is always important to consult with your doctor before any procedure is done to understand exactly what the procedure can or cannot do and what the expected recovery will be.


The First Few Weeks

For the first two to three weeks following breast lift surgery, patients can usually expect to bruise, swell, and have postoperative pain. Incisions will feel sore and nipples may be numb. Numbness is normal. If pain management is difficult or you have any concerns about your recovery, contact your doctor.


The first few weeks after surgery is a critical time to give your body opportunity to heal from surgery for the best results of your breast lift. As you start to feel better, you can ease yourself back into some of your usual routine. There are some things you can do to help your recovery be successful:


  • Wear a compression bra for the recommended amount of time
  • Stay elevated at a 25 to 45-degree angle, even when sleeping
  • Don’t sleep on your stomach
  • Avoid any activity that involves lifting, bending, or straining


The First Few Months

It may take a month or two before all swelling is gone and you start to see the final results or you breast lift. Be patient with your body. You should be able to resume normal activity 4-6 weeks after your surgery. It’s important not to overestimate how good you are feeling too soon after your surgery and jump back into your daily routine too quickly. Remember your body needs time to heal properly, so give yourself permission to slow down and take it easy. Numbness in nipples is usually gone in the first couple of months after surgery. Scars will continue to fade over the next 12 months.


Some patients will combine a breast lift with liposuction or tummy tuck for a mommy makeover. You can also have a breast lift with implants. A combination of procedures done at the same time requires a little longer recovery time. Discuss with your doctor what options are best for you. Dr. Jane Rowley is a board certified plastic surgeon with 20 years experience helping Lubbock patients achieve their aesthetic goals. She takes the time to discuss your goals thoroughly, explains the procedure, and give a clear expectation of what is involved with your expected recovery. You know you are in good hands at Rowley Plastic Surgery.

Schedule your no-obligation consultations today.