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Choosing Between Non-invasive Fat Reduction and Liposuction in Lubbock

Wanting to look our best is something we all desire. With modern advances in science, medicine, and technology, there are many ways to achieve our cosmetic goals. The trick is knowing which methods to use. Plastic surgery is the gold standard for aesthetic improvements, but what if you don’t have time for surgery? Rowley Plastic Surgery offers many different surgical and non-surgical options for patients who want to improve their look. We can help you assess your goals and choose the right procedure for you.

Non-invasive Fat Reduction vs. Liposuction in Lubbock

It can be frustrating to discover certain areas of your body that seem to be diet- and exercise-resistant. In spite of personal efforts to thin the thighs or tone a stomach pooch after pregnancy, localized fat can feel impossible to target and permanently remove. In these cases, help can be found through non-invasive fat reduction or liposuction. Lubbock patients can choose either method to support their efforts with diet and exercise. Liposuction is a safe and effective way to reduce fat permanently and refine the body’s appearance. Recently, however, non-surgical or minimally invasive alternatives to liposuction have been growing in popularity as well.

What’s the Difference?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat through the suction of a hollow tube called a cannula. It requires the use of either local anesthetics or general anesthesia for patients with larger areas of fat to be removed. The surgery involves only a few small incisions and results are visible immediately. While patients can usually return to work after two to three days of recovery, compression garments are worn to help with swelling and healing for a period lasting from two to four weeks. Minor to moderate pain and swelling may last up to four to six weeks. Liposuction in Lubbock is more impactful with longer-lasting results than non-surgical approaches. It is especially effective on these areas:

  • Legs
  • Abdomen
  • Back / love handles
  • Upper arms
  • Face and neck

Non-invasive Procedures

Non-surgical procedures remove fat through a variety of methods including targeting the fat cells through cooling or radiofrequency. They can be particularly effective on the hips, thighs, buttocks, or abdomen. Although they cost less than liposuction, Lubbock patients find these methods to be less impactful than surgical approaches, with up to approximately a 25% reduction of fat in the treated area. Though patients feel slightly sore and swollen following the procedure, there is no downtime needed for recovery. Also unlike liposuction, the results of non-surgical procedures take time and multiple treatments.


Sculpsure is one type of non-invasive fat reduction that laser heats fat deposits to destroy unwanted fat cells. You can expect to reduce fat by 20-25% in the treated area. It offers a non-surgical option with no post procedure pain or downtime, unlike liposuction. Lubbock patients who want body contouring without surgery can consider this as an option to help achieve cosmetic goals.

Which Is Right for Me?

Whether you are leaning towards non-invasive procedures or plastic surgery like liposuction, Lubbock board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jane Rowley recommends a personal consultation. Although the internet has a lot of information to offer, meeting with a qualified professional face-to-face is the best way to ensure you are getting the information you need to make the right decision for you and your body. If you feel you are at your ideal weight and have good skin elasticity and need some help targeting a few stubborn areas, non-surgical methods may be right for you. If you are looking to reduce a larger deposit of excess fat, liposuction may be an excellent option.

More Non-Invasive Options

Beyond fat removal, Dr. Rowley offers several other non-surgical cosmetic choices for her Lubbock patients. For those who wish to enhance their look without any downtime or recovery, these options may be beneficial.

Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing improves the appearance of your skin by carefully removing layers of skin with a pulsating beam of light. Resurfacing procedures treat:

  • Acne scars
  • Sun damaged skin
  • Age spots
  • Crow’s feet
  • Fine lines

Non-surgical Fillers

Dermal fillers are rejuvenation treatments that restore fullness to eyes, lips, and face. Injectable fillers can’t achieve the same results as an eyelid lift or facelift, but they can slow the effects of aging, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and improve the appearance of recessed scars. Restylane is a hyaluronic injection that also adds moisture to your skin for younger looking and feeling skin.

Whether you are interested in facial rejuvenation or liposuction in Lubbock, Dr. Jane Rowley will carefully listen to your questions and concerns so she can understand your personal cosmetic goals. At Rowley Plastic Surgery we offer a variety of surgical and non-surgical options for your individual aesthetic desires. We are here to help you have the best possible experience in gaining greater confidence in your physical appearance. Schedule your consultation today to learn more about your surgical and non-invasive cosmetic options.

Small Changes Equal Big Results With Plastic Surgery for Eyelids in Lubbock

When most people think of plastic surgery, they don’t usually picture procedures involving the eye area. But just like many other cosmetic changes, eyelid surgery can have a dramatic effect on the way you look and feel. Signs of aging can make an early appearance around the eyes, as the skin in that area is thin and more susceptible to wrinkles than other parts of the face. Your eyes should show who you are; not with lines, bags, or wrinkles, but with brightness and clarity. With plastic surgery for the eyelids, Lubbock men and women can turn the visible signs of aging into a fresher, more youthful look.

What is Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can be performed on both the upper and lower eyelids. You can elect to have the surgery for either functional or cosmetic reasons. The surgery is done on an outpatient basis often using local anesthetics with sedation.

Plastic surgery for eyelids in Lubbock is often referred to as an “eyelid lift,” however, this term is not entirely accurate. A small incision allows for the removal of skin or changing the amount of fat around the eye. This can be combined with a laser resurfacing of the eyelid skin which reduces existing lines and wrinkles. Even small changes can have dramatic results around the eyelid.

How is it Done?

The small incision is often made to the top of the eyelid where excess skin and fat are removed. The skin is then brought together with small stitches. This helps recreate the crease at the top of the lid. This procedure can also be performed with an incision at the bottom of the eyelid, just below the lash line, or on the inside of the eyelid. The placement of the incision on the inside of the lid, called a transconjunctival approach, allows for an invisible incision after healing from plastic surgery for eyelids in Lubbock. This method makes possible the removal or addition of fat to the eyelid without impacting the fold or look of the eyelid. For a better understanding of which surgical approach would be best for you, visit with Dr. Jane Rowley for a personal consultation with the information and counsel you need to make the best choice for you.

Why Have Eyelid Surgery?

An excess of skin or fat around the eye can make the eyelid heavy or puffy. This slightly extra visual weight around the eyes can age the look of your face and can even block the upper field of your vision. Removing skin and fat or adding fat can reshape the look of the eye. A tightening of the eyelid skin can correct sagginess. And both this contouring effort and tightening can be paired with the laser skin resurfacing to reduce wrinkles and smooth skin texture.

Other Blepharoplasty Benefits

  • Improved Vision – Apart from cosmetic results, improved eyesight may be reason enough to pursue plastic surgery for eyelids in Lubbock. Significant drooping of the upper eyelid can impair vision. A slight lift of the brow and upper lid can remove the extra skin which causes the droop. Not only can this improve your line of sight, but some patients find that this correction relieves a strain in the brow muscles from constantly trying to raise the upper lid. If your vision is impaired by your upper eyelid, your insurance company may cover the costs of your plastic surgery.
  • Reduced Bags and Lines – By lifting the upper and lower lids, common signs of aging are corrected. Fine lines and bags around the eyes give a fatigued look even when you are well-rested. To enhance the results of plastic surgery for eyelids, Lubbock patients can also include skin rejuvenation treatments such as a chemical skin peel or medical facial to provide additional smoothing or to reduce the visibility of dark circles.

Recovering from Plastic Surgery for the Eyelids in Lubbock

Unlike other more involved surgeries, blepharoplasty can have a relatively short recovery time. The day after the surgery you will typically experience some bruising and swelling around the eyes, but these will reduce quickly, particularly if you regularly apply cool compresses to the eyes during the first 48 hours. You should be able to resume normal activity after ten days and experience a full recovery after two weeks with the majority of the bruising and swelling gone by then.

When it comes to plastic surgery for the eyelids, Lubbock patients can enjoy both functional and cosmetic improvements along with an overall refreshed appearance. Blepharoplasty can give your entire face a younger, healthier look. This procedure enhances the shape and appearance of your eyes which can have a noticeable impact on your image as a whole. Dr. Jane Rowley has more than 20 years of experience performing eyelid surgery and she always carefully consults with her patients to create the best surgical plan for them. Schedule your no-obligation consultation visit today and discover your cosmetic possibilities.

Wave Goodbye to Arm Flab with Brachioplasty

Hold your arm up and give an enthusiastic wave to your neighbor. Does that thought make you want to cringe? When we age or lose a significant amount of weight, our upper arms can sag with excess fat. If you have arms with what are lovingly referred to as “bat wings,” just waving to your neighbor can make you want to hide under extra layers of clothing. Dr. Jane Rowley is the leading board-certified surgeon in Lubbock with the training and expertise to tone and sculpt your arms. After arm lift plastic surgery, Lubbock patients may find themselves waving to both friends and strangers just to show off their new arms.  

What Brachioplasty Does

Brachio means arm, and plasty means to mold or to form. An arm lift removes both fat and extra skin on the underside of the upper arm area.  While it may seem simple just to remove fat, this procedure requires the artistic touch of a skilled and experienced surgeon. Brachioplasty includes a careful sculpting of the arm to ensure the taper in size from shoulder to wrist looks smooth and natural. An improved contour of the arms can boost confidence and give you the freedom to wear what you want without worrying about arm flab.

The Ideal Arm Lift Candidate

If you have excess skin and fatty tissue on your upper arms that do not change with exercise, you could be a good candidate for arm lift plastic surgery. Lubbock men and women interested in the procedure should also meet the following criteria:

  • You are at a healthy, stable weight
  • You are in overall good health with no medical conditions that would increase surgical risks
  • You do not use nicotine, or you can stop for an extended period of time
  • You have realistic expectations about the procedure   

Preparing for Brachioplasty

During your arm lift consultation, be prepared to go over your medical history and any drugs or supplements you may be taking. Your doctor will examine your arms and determine whether the excess skin and fat is significant enough to warrant the procedure. You will need to clearly communicate your hopes and expectations for the surgical results. Don’t be afraid to ask questions; this is your chance to get a thorough understanding of the procedure and how it can personally benefit you. If you smoke, it is important that you plan to stop for several weeks before and after your surgery.

Should You Add Liposuction?

Liposuction itself does not get rid of any excess skin; it removes fat to trim and shape the arm. Because removing fat often leaves an excess of skin, pairing liposuction with brachioplasty may be necessary for more dramatic results. For patients who only need a minimal reduction in size, liposuction alone may be sufficient. Consult with your plastic surgeon about the best combination of procedures for you.

Recovery After Your Arm Lift

After plastic surgery, Lubbock patients should plan to have someone drive them home from their operation and stay with them for at least the first 24 hours. You need to have someone with you as you start your recovery and work through the side effects of anesthetics. Your surgeon will ask that you try to keep your arms elevated and as straight as possible. You will be fitted for compression garments for your arms as well. It is important to rest and follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully for a successful recovery.

Getting Back into Your Life

Your recovery period will range from one to several weeks depending on how extensive your procedure is. Each patient will have a unique experience with recovery from brachioplasty. Some people experience discomfort, bruising, or swelling. Plan to take at least a week off work or other obligations to allow time for your body to heal. Expect to be back to your normal activities in 3 to 4 weeks. You can start an exercise routine about 6 weeks after your surgery, but complete resolution of swelling can take up to 8 weeks.  

Rejuvenating Results

The results of your arm lift are visible immediately, and after surgery the scarring will fade significantly over time. On the right patient, an arm lift can make a dramatic difference in appearance and give the arms a new youthful look. Shopping for clothes will be more enjoyable as you find that you no longer have to hunt for sizes that fit your arms.

Selecting an expert, board-certified plastic surgeon is one of the most important factors to impact the success of your plastic surgery. Lubbock patients who choose Dr. Jane Rowley benefit from her decades of experience and her surgical expertise. Dr. Rowley will discuss options and procedures thoroughly with you. If you’re ready to wave “goodbye” to the sag and jiggle of today and “hello” to the toned, lean, and sculpted arms of tomorrow, call our office to schedule your personal, no-obligation consultation.