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Wave Goodbye to Arm Flab with Brachioplasty

Hold your arm up and give an enthusiastic wave to your neighbor. Does that thought make you want to cringe? When we age or lose a significant amount of weight, our upper arms can sag with excess fat. If you have arms with what are lovingly referred to as “bat wings,” just waving to your neighbor can make you want to hide under extra layers of clothing. Dr. Jane Rowley is the leading board-certified surgeon in Lubbock with the training and expertise to tone and sculpt your arms. After arm lift plastic surgery, Lubbock patients may find themselves waving to both friends and strangers just to show off their new arms.  

What Brachioplasty Does

Brachio means arm, and plasty means to mold or to form. An arm lift removes both fat and extra skin on the underside of the upper arm area.  While it may seem simple just to remove fat, this procedure requires the artistic touch of a skilled and experienced surgeon. Brachioplasty includes a careful sculpting of the arm to ensure the taper in size from shoulder to wrist looks smooth and natural. An improved contour of the arms can boost confidence and give you the freedom to wear what you want without worrying about arm flab.

The Ideal Arm Lift Candidate

If you have excess skin and fatty tissue on your upper arms that do not change with exercise, you could be a good candidate for arm lift plastic surgery. Lubbock men and women interested in the procedure should also meet the following criteria:

  • You are at a healthy, stable weight
  • You are in overall good health with no medical conditions that would increase surgical risks
  • You do not use nicotine, or you can stop for an extended period of time
  • You have realistic expectations about the procedure   

Preparing for Brachioplasty

During your arm lift consultation, be prepared to go over your medical history and any drugs or supplements you may be taking. Your doctor will examine your arms and determine whether the excess skin and fat is significant enough to warrant the procedure. You will need to clearly communicate your hopes and expectations for the surgical results. Don’t be afraid to ask questions; this is your chance to get a thorough understanding of the procedure and how it can personally benefit you. If you smoke, it is important that you plan to stop for several weeks before and after your surgery.

Should You Add Liposuction?

Liposuction itself does not get rid of any excess skin; it removes fat to trim and shape the arm. Because removing fat often leaves an excess of skin, pairing liposuction with brachioplasty may be necessary for more dramatic results. For patients who only need a minimal reduction in size, liposuction alone may be sufficient. Consult with your plastic surgeon about the best combination of procedures for you.

Recovery After Your Arm Lift

After plastic surgery, Lubbock patients should plan to have someone drive them home from their operation and stay with them for at least the first 24 hours. You need to have someone with you as you start your recovery and work through the side effects of anesthetics. Your surgeon will ask that you try to keep your arms elevated and as straight as possible. You will be fitted for compression garments for your arms as well. It is important to rest and follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully for a successful recovery.

Getting Back into Your Life

Your recovery period will range from one to several weeks depending on how extensive your procedure is. Each patient will have a unique experience with recovery from brachioplasty. Some people experience discomfort, bruising, or swelling. Plan to take at least a week off work or other obligations to allow time for your body to heal. Expect to be back to your normal activities in 3 to 4 weeks. You can start an exercise routine about 6 weeks after your surgery, but complete resolution of swelling can take up to 8 weeks.  

Rejuvenating Results

The results of your arm lift are visible immediately, and after surgery the scarring will fade significantly over time. On the right patient, an arm lift can make a dramatic difference in appearance and give the arms a new youthful look. Shopping for clothes will be more enjoyable as you find that you no longer have to hunt for sizes that fit your arms.

Selecting an expert, board-certified plastic surgeon is one of the most important factors to impact the success of your plastic surgery. Lubbock patients who choose Dr. Jane Rowley benefit from her decades of experience and her surgical expertise. Dr. Rowley will discuss options and procedures thoroughly with you. If you’re ready to wave “goodbye” to the sag and jiggle of today and “hello” to the toned, lean, and sculpted arms of tomorrow, call our office to schedule your personal, no-obligation consultation.

Tone Up Your Arms With an Arm Lift in Lubbock

Americans seem to be increasingly interested in looking younger and more beautiful all the time. Popular diets, fitness trends, and plastic surgery play a huge role in what we see on social media as well as everyday lifestyles. In Lubbock, you can also see a growing emphasis on losing weight and being healthy.

The extreme at the other end of the spectrum is the growing rate of obesity in America. When weight gain gets out of control and is beyond the aid of diet and exercise, some people turn to more drastic measures for help. When weight has been high and is then quickly lost, the body ends up with stretched out loose skin. But weight loss isn’t the only culprit behind saggy skin. Excess skin can become loose as a result of age or heredity. An arm lift in Lubbock—or brachioplasty—can have a dramatic effect on the right patient to tone and reshape the upper arms.

Are You a Good Candidate?

Do you avoid wearing arm revealing clothing because you don’t like the way your upper arms look? Do you refuse to wave your arms because you’re self-conscious of the skin that hangs down? If the answer is yes, brachioplasty could be of great benefit to you. If you meet the criteria below, you may be a good candidate for the procedure.

  • You have excess arm skin due to significant weight loss or aging
  • You do not smoke or are willing to commit to a nicotine-free lifestyle before and after surgery
  • You are committed to a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet
  • Your general health is good, and you have no medical conditions that would increase risks
  • Your weight is relatively stable and in a healthy range

Brachioplasty does leave a scar running down the underside of the arm which will be visible when the arms are lifted or exposed. A good candidate for the procedure will have a significant amount of extra skin hanging down. Your surgeon will be able to tell you if your arms would benefit from an arm lift in Lubbock. It is important to remember that any plastic surgery is not a substitute for a healthy diet or routine exercise. Instead it provides a supplement to achieve your desired body shape when  you already maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What Happens During Surgery?

On the day of your surgery, you will be administered general anesthesia to keep you comfortable. Your surgeon will remove excess fat and skin from the underside of your arms through an incision that runs from the elbow to the underarm. The length of the resulting scar will depend on how much skin and fat had to be removed.

Often the process of tightening the arm skin is paired with liposuction to remove fat deposits in the same area. Consult with your doctor to decide if adding liposuction to your arm lift will help you achieve your desired results. There are no drains for brachioplasty patients and the sutures are absorbable.

The Results

For the best possible results, you will want the best plastic surgeon. Lubbock patients should seek for a doctor who is highly skilled, board-certified, and has plenty of experience. After an arm lift, your arms will look smoother and more toned. The results will be evident immediately following your procedure, but may take 6-8 weeks to be completely visible. Some patients express concern about the extent of scarring from an arm lift. The placement of the incision, the skill of your doctor, and the neatness of the closure will all have an effect on the appearance of scarring.  The changes in your arms may seem subtle on their own, but your body will look more youthful and slender overall after your brachioplasty procedure.

Recovering From an Arm Lift in Lubbock

Arm lifts typically take less time in the operating room than more extensive surgeries like breast augmentation. The procedure takes about one hour on an outpatient basis. Patients usually have compression bandages on for about two weeks to help minimize swelling. Most people can expect to resume regular activities in about five to seven days.

Discover Greater Confidence

If age or weight loss has not been kind to your arms, you don’t have to live in long sleeves forever. When considering an arm lift in Lubbock, be sure to do your research so you can find the best plastic surgeon. Lubbock is home to Dr. Jane Rowley, a board-certified plastic surgeon who carefully listens to the concerns and expectations of her patients. At Rowley Plastic Surgery, our goal is to educate and work with each patient so they can have the best results possible. Call our office to schedule a no-obligation consultation and discuss your options in discovering greater confidence in your physical appearance.

How Plastic Surgery can Thin the Arms

Hold your arm up and give an enthusiastic wave to your neighbor. Does that thought make you want to cringe? Saggy skin on your upper arms can be part of your genetics or a result of significant weight loss. When you have arms with what are commonly called “bat wings”, just waving to your neighbor can make you want to run and hide under a few more layers of clothing. Dr. Jane Rowley, the leading board-certified surgeon here in Lubbock has the skills, expertise, and bedside manner to which you can look to tone and sculpt your arms. After she thins and tightens and tucks, you may find yourself waving to both friends and strangers just to show off your arms.


Here are two paths that may help you reach these goals:



This approach does not remove any excess skin on the arm; it removes fat to trim and shape the arm. Because removing fat often leaves an excess of skin, pairing liposuction with brachioplasty may be necessary for more dramatic results. For those with very elastic skin, who only need a minimal reduction in size, liposuction alone may be sufficient. Consult with Dr. Rowley on the best pairing of procedures for you.



Brachio means arm, and plasty means to mold or to form. An arm lift removes both fat and extra skin around the arm upper.  Although it seems simple just to remove fat, brachioplasty includes a careful sculpting of the arm to ensure the taper in size from shoulder to wrist looks natural. Dr. Rowley truly has an artist’s touch to contour the arms.
Having sagging upper arms can make you feel self-conscious and make it hard to shop for clothes that fit you well. Whether you choose an arm lift or liposuction, you can call  Rowley Plastic Surgery to schedule your personal, no-obligation consultation here in Lubbock. And before you know it, you’ll be waving “good bye” to the sag and jiggle of today and “hello” to the toned, lean, and sculpted arms of tomorrow. rowleyplasticsurgery.com

Recovery After Brachioplasty

You have plastic surgery choices that can contour and reshape areas all over your body. Breast augmentation and tummy tuck procedures are some of the most popular picks. Requests for arm lifts, called a brachioplasty, increasing in frequency each year.  When we age or lose a significant amount of weight, our upper arms can sag and develop what are commonly called “bat wings.” If you have excess skin and fatty tissue on your upper arms that do not change with exercise, you could be a good candidate for an arm lift.


Recovery After Your Arm Lift Surgery in Lubbock


Patients in Lubbock should plan to have someone drive them home from surgery and stay with them for at least the first 24 hours. You need to have someone with you as you start your recovery and work through the last effects of anesthetics. You will have a drain from your incision for excess blood and fluids caused by surgery. Your surgeon will ask that you try to keep your arms elevated and as straight as possible. You will be fitted for compression garments for your arms as well. It is important to rest and follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully for a more successful recovery.


Getting Back into Your Life


Your recovery period will range from one to several weeks depending on how extensive your procedures is. Each patient will have his or her individual experience with recovery. Some people experience discomfort, bruising, swelling. Plan to take at least a week off work or other obligations to allow time to heal. Expect to be back to normal activities in 3-4 weeks. You can start an exercise routine in six weeks after your surgery.


The result of your arm lift is visible immediately, and after surgery the scarring will fade significantly over time. On the right patient, an arm lift can make a dramatic difference in appearance and give your arms a new youthful look.
One of the most important factors for the success of your plastic surgery is to choose an expert, board-certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Jane Rowley has over twenty years experience helping her patients gain greater confidence in their physical appearance. Whether you are interested in a tummy tuck or an arm lift, Dr. Rowley will discuss options and procedures thoroughly with you. Find out more about her experience and caring staff at rowleyplasticsurgery.com

Who is a Good Candidate for an Arm Lift?

breast reduction, Lubbock


When you think about plastic surgery, the typical cosmetic procedures that come to mind are probably breast reduction or implant procedures, facelifts, and tummy tucks. Our Lubbock office supports all types of work to help you reach your goals when it comes to your body. One of those surgeries is an arm lift. For those with excess or stretched skin along the back of the arm, you may be a good candidate for removing what has lovingly been referred to by some people as “grandma arms”.


A good candidate includes the following:

  • You have either lost a significant amount of weight that has left you with excess arm skin
  • You have relaxed arm skin due to aging
  • You do not smoke or are willing to commit to a smoke-free lifestyle before and after the procedure
  • You are committed to a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet
  • Your general health is good, and you have no medical conditions that would increase risks
  • Your weight is relatively stable and in a healthy range


If you meet all of the criteria above, you may be a good candidate for this procedure. It is important to remember that any plastic surgery, from the tummy tuck to the breast reduction, is not a substitute for a healthy diet or routine exercise, but instead a supplement to achieve the desired body shape when already maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Often the process of tightening the arm skin is paired with liposuction to remove the deposits of fat in the same area. Consult with your doctor in our Lubbock office to decide if one or both of these procedures is needed  for you to achieve your desired results.
Dr. Jane Rowley is a board certified plastic surgeon who will carefully listen to the feelings and expectations of her patients. Her goal is that each patient goes into any procedure with the information needed for the best result possible. Visit the clinic and meet her caring staff. You can schedule a no-obligation consultation and discuss your options in discovering greater confidence in your physical appearance.

Increased Popularity of Arm Lifts in Lubbock

breast augmentation


Society seems to be increasing its obsession with staying young and looking as good as possible. In Lubbock, you can also see a growing emphasis on being healthy which includes weight loss. The extreme at the other end of the spectrum is the growing rate of obesity in America. When weight gain gets out of control and beyond the help of diet and exercise, some people are turning to more drastic measures to lose significant amounts of weight. When weight has been high then is quickly lost, the body will have stretched skin that hangs and sags. Not just weight loss can cause your upper arms to sag. Excess skin can become loose as a result of age and heredity. Brachioplasty, or an arm lift, can have a dramatic effect on the right patient to tone and reshape the upper arms.


Are You a Good Candidate?

If you are bothered by excess, saggy skin that causes you to be self-conscious of showing your arms, you can consider an arm lift procedure. Patients should be in overall good health and be able to tolerate anesthesia before considering surgery. Since smoking inhibits your healing, you should make sure you have stopped smoking before you schedule your surgery.

What to Expect in Recovery

Arm lifts will take less time in the operating room than a more extensive surgery like breast augmentation. The procedure takes about one hour on an outpatient basis. Patients usually have compression bandages on for about two weeks and can expect to resume regular activities in about seven days.


The Results

People are worried about the extent of scarring from an arm lift. Finding a highly skilled, board certified plastic surgeon will always give you better results. The placement of the incision, the skill of your doctor, and the neatness of the closure will have an effect on the amount of scarring.  Even with subtle changes in your arms, your body can have an overall look of being more slender and younger.
Breast augmentation is still one of the most popular plastic surgery choices. But, arm lift procedures are becoming more common. Dr. Jane Rowley is the board certified surgeon who will carefully listen to your surgical goals and make a plastic surgery plan to fit your individual circumstance. Learn more about the procedures we offer at rowleyplasticsurgery.com. Schedule your consultation today.