Recent Blog Posts from Rowley Plastic Surgery

How Can I Help Reduce My Plastic Surgery Scars?

When you schedule an appointment for a plastic surgery procedure, your goals for the procedure never include getting as many scars as possible. Scars are a natural result of the surgery incisions and are often unavoidable, but there are things you can do to help minimize the appearance of scars.

Select the Right Doctor

For patients in Lubbock, plastic surgery performed by a board certified surgeon like Dr. Jane Rowley will not only give you confidence in the quality of the surgery but also in the care shown to avoid extensive scarring. Although MDs can perform cosmetic procedures, they are not necessarily trained in the aesthetic aspects of plastic surgery. Board certified plastic surgeons have the training and techniques to minimize scarring and to ensure that not only is the procedure medically correct and safe but that it also looks as natural and appealing as possible after it heals.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Your diet and lifestyle choices can have an effect on how your skin heals. There isn’t a special diet specifically to promote healing, but a diet balanced with good nutrition, full of vitamins and nutrients, will help your body better heal and recover after surgery. One of the biggest lifestyle choices that determine how you will heal after your Lubbock plastic surgery is whether or not you smoke. We hear all the health warning about how smoking contributes to cancer and lung disease. But smoking also causes problems with the circulation in your skin and can slow down the healing process after surgery as well as increase your risk for complications. So, before your plastic surgery, make sure you eat a healthy diet and if you smoke, decide to stop smoking for the benefit of having healthier skin.

Other Issues to Consider Before your Plastic Surgery

Lubbock patients are as different as the types of cosmetic procedures they can choose. Scarring also has a variety of reasons to consider. Things such as:

  • Incision Placement
  • Genetics
  • Type of Procedure and Technique Used
  • Silicone Tape on Incisions
  • Topical Creams

Dr. Jane Rowley will always carefully consult with her patients before any procedure to explain a procedure and the expected scars that can be associated with the surgery. Dr. Rowley is the leading board certified surgeon for options in plastic surgery Lubbock patients trust. Call today and schedule your no-obligation consultation.

Why Women in Lubbock Consider Mommy Makeover Plastic Surgery

The Mommy Makeover got its name from women who seek a combination of plastic surgery procedures to return to a physical look similar to the one they had pre-pregnancy. It is important to note that as you set your New Year’s goals to improve your physical health and appearance that a Mommy Makeover is not a one-size-fits-all approach. There are many aesthetic surgeries, and various combinations of those procedures, that can be applied to achieve your ideal look. Choosing the surgical combination that is best for you is done in partnership with your Lubbock surgeon to ensure the perfect fit for you and your 2017 goals. So, why consider the Mommy Makeover?

The Post-Pregnancy Body

We love our children, but we don’t always love what they have done to our bodies. The demands a pregnancy places on your body can cause irreversible stretching and scarring of the skin. The abdominal muscles can drop and separate. This result of muscle tone can create that muffin-top pooch you don’t like. Nursing mothers also experience drastic changes to their breasts. These changes don’t respond to exercise or diet.

What Can You Do?

The displaced muscles in your abdomen can be repaired and excess skin can be removed through abdominoplasty (a tummy tuck). Stubborn pockets of fat are taken out with liposuction. Breasts can be repositioned with a breast lift or have volume added with augmentation. You can carefully consult with your board-certified surgeon to know which procedures are best for your body type and cosmetic goals.

Your 2017 Goals

You’ll certainly want to keep the gym on the list because good health and stable weight are important for the success of any plastic surgery procedure. If you want to get beyond the post-pregnancy body, though, pairing time at the gym with time at our Lubbock office can help you achieve your 2017 goals. The first step is to reach out to our Lubbock office and schedule a no-obligation consultation with Dr. Jane Rowley. A personal consultation will allow her to counsel with you on your goals and her recommendations.
Whether you are looking for a classic Mommy Makeover combo of the breasts and belly or you would like to talk about drooping eyelids or a sagging neck, the possibilities for 2017 are endless. Contact Dr. Rowley’s Lubbock office today to take the first step to achieving the 2017 look you want. It’s going to be a great year.

Women Aren’t the Only Ones— Men and Plastic Surgery

It is true that the vast majority of plastic surgery requests come from women, but there is an ever-growing request from men for similar surgical procedures. Whether you want to make sure you look as good as you feel or you simply want to treat yourself this year to a few desired improvements, plastic surgery may be the right option for you. If you are unsure of where to start, you can always give our Lubbock office a call and schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Jane Rowley. You can talk through your concerns with her, and she can advise you on the best options for reaching your cosmetic goals. Here are a few additional places to start for men considering plastic surgery:

  • Liposuction

That soft stomach that hangs over the top of your pants plagues both men and women. Liposuction is available to both men and women to address this concern. Liposuction is not a weight loss technique. Patients should be in good health and at a stable weight before applying liposuction as an additional tool for shaping and refining. Beyond the belly, the arms, hips, back, face, and legs can all benefit from liposuction as well.

  • Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia, or male breast reduction, can reduce the excess fat and skin of the breast. Combining this procedure with liposuction can achieve exceptional results. Particularly for male teenagers, the appearance of a female chest from excess fat and skin can be more than distressing. A restoration of tone in the chest area can improve both physical and emotional quality of life.

  • Neck Lifts and Chin Augmentation

Men typically have a well-defined jawline and a clean chin to neck connection. If this is lacking due to excess skin and fat on the neck or an abnormally small lower jaw projection, you may look older than you are or even less masculine in appearance. A neck lift can resolve that “turkey neck” look and can improve your quality of life by making dress shirts and ties more comfortable. This tuck can also make you look years younger. For those with insufficient jaw projection, a combination of adding a chin implant along with liposuction of the jawline can give a contoured and sculpted look of a strong masculine jaw.

Men also have options with eyelid rejuvenation (blepharoplasty), nose surgery (rhinoplasty), and much more. Americans are living longer with better quality of life than ever before, and aesthetic surgerys simply helps people look as good as they feel. So whether you are male or female, come to Rowley Plastic Surgery where you are in the good hands of leading surgeon Dr. Jane Rowley. A personal consultation with Dr. Rowley can give you the information you need to get started on your goals to look as good and as young as you feel.