Recent Blog Posts from Rowley Plastic Surgery

Getting the Most Out of Your Liposuction in Lubbock

We all know it takes time to see the results that come from working hard at the gym and staying on top of your diet. Sometimes, the trim figure you want can be earned with diligence and patience, but what do you do when your healthy habits don’t ever produce the results you want? If you feel frustrated that your efforts to take care of yourself aren’t making a difference in your appearance, consider liposuction in Lubbock as a possible solution. The effects of age, childbearing, and genetics often cause people to develop stubborn areas of fat on their bodies. This fat can be resistant to even the strictest diet and exercise routines, which is disheartening for many people. Taking care of yourself is important, and you should never give up on trying to live a healthy lifestyle. But, when your aesthetic goals just aren’t happening, liposuction might just be the right next step for you.  

Combining Procedures for Dramatic Results

Liposuction alone can make a great difference in the contour of your body, but it also works well when it is combined with other procedures for a more dramatic effect. Combining plastic surgery procedures is a convenient way to address multiple areas at once, with only one surgery day and one recovery period. If you are looking to make additional improvements to your appearance, consider the following plastic surgeries that pair well with liposuction in Lubbock. 

Breast Reduction

Many women with large breasts deal with pain and discomfort in their neck, back, and shoulders on a daily basis. A breast reduction alleviates these symptoms by reducing the size of the breasts and lifting the burden that weighs these patients down. Liposuction of the breasts helps give them a shapely, balanced appearance by getting rid of excess fat. Breast reduction with liposuction can free women from the discomfort of heavy breasts and dramatically increase their confidence. In some cases, liposuction alone may even be enough to give a patient the breast size and shape she desires. Your plastic surgeon can help you determine whether liposuction in Lubbock will help you achieve your breast reduction goals.   

Tummy Tuck

Belly flab can become a problem for women as they age or after they have children. Loose, hanging skin around the abdomen is difficult to conceal and virtually impossible to get rid of without plastic surgery. A tummy tuck removes excess skin and tightens core muscles to flatten the tummy and smooth out the skin. Patients commonly combine liposuction with abdominoplasty to eliminate stubborn fat and accentuate their new look. The combination of procedures can be very effective in targeting stubborn deposits of fat and stretched skin on women whose bodies have changed after bearing children. On the right patient, the two procedures provide a dramatic enhancement to the entire figure by flattening, toning, and trimming the midsection in all the right places. 

A tummy tuck is best known for helping to reduce sagging skin around the abdomen. It is also a significant procedure that involves the entire core of the body. A tummy tuck not only gets rid of loose skin but also tightens and contours the abdominal wall and muscles. For the right patient, the results can be exceptional. It is common for patients to consider having liposuction in Lubbock performed in tandem with a tummy tuck for even greater cosmetic effect. 

Patients who have gone through drastic weight loss can be left with sagging skin around the thighs, hips, and buttocks. Imagine having finally lost a significant amount of weight and still feeling self-conscious about your body because of leftover flabby skin. It might be easy to slip back into old habits if you continue to struggle with body image. Performing liposuction with a tummy tuck corrects both the flabby skin and any remaining stubborn fat. The combination has a powerful effect to help improve the appearance of these patients’ appearance at their new weight.

Arm Lift

Patients seek an arm lift, or brachioplasty, when they are ready to get rid of sagging skin on their upper arms. Sometimes, the skin can hang so severely that it causes women to feel insecure about their arms. If you have felt too embarrassed to wave hello to a friend because of your sagging arm skin, a combination of brachioplasty with liposuction could be a positive solution. During an arm lift, your plastic surgeon removes excess skin and fat through an incision along the underside of the arms. Liposuction in Lubbock can help further enhance the results of an arm lift by targeting specific areas of fat and revealing toned, trim looking arms.  

Breast augmentation

With the placement of breast implants, women can add fullness and volume to their breasts. Increasing breast size with breast enhancement often helps create more balance in the figure. If the hourglass shape is what you’re hoping for, liposuction could be the perfect addition to your breast augmentation procedure. Liposuction will get rid of unwanted fat around the midsection (or other areas on your body) and make the curves of your new bust appear even more dramatic. Liposuction in Lubbock is commonly performed together with breast enlargement for patients who have mommy makeovers, but combining procedures isn’t just for women who have had children. If you are interested in addressing multiple areas with only one recovery period, talk to your plastic surgeon about the benefits of having more than one cosmetic procedure at a time.   

How Liposuction Works

Liposuction removes excess fat to enhance the contour of your body. Your doctor will insert a thin tube (or cannula) into the area of fat through a small incision. With the tumescent technique, fluid is injected to help keep blood loss to a minimum and to serve as a local anesthetic. Fat cells are broken up and suctioned out to reveal a smoother overall body shape. Incisions are closed and a compression garment is typically placed when the procedure is complete. Liposuction in Lubbock is not meant to be a weight loss surgery. The main goal is to give the patient a slimmer frame by targeting those specific areas of localized fat when they don’t respond to diet and exercise. 

If you have just a limited area of troublesome fat, your liposuction procedure may require only local anesthetics at an outpatient appointment. Patients with more significant areas of fat may need general anesthesia for their procedure at a surgical facility. Some bruising and swelling is normal, as is mild to moderate discomfort during the early stages of healing. Pain medications are prescribed to keep you feeling comfortable. Recovery time varies from person to person, but you should expect to take 2-3 days off work. A full return to normal activity after liposuction in Lubbock can take up to 4-6 weeks.

For Dr. Jane Rowley’s thoughts on liposuction, watch the informative video below.

Customizing Your Liposuction Procedure

Dr. Rowley wants all of her patients to love their plastic surgery results and feel confident in their appearance. She believes in educating her patients though thorough, honest conversations about every procedure. During your liposuction consultation with Dr. Rowley, she will evaluate your areas of concern, and give you her expert opinion on the best treatment plan for you. 

Because of differences in skin elasticity, some regions of the body respond better to liposuction than others. A plastic surgeon can suction fat from anywhere on the body, but what can really make or break your results is the way the skin looks after the fat is removed. Areas such as the inner thighs tend to have poorer skin elasticity, which means the skin there is more likely to appear saggy or loose after liposuction. Consider the following areas that typically respond well to liposuction.


Even with a consistent diet and exercise routine, losing inches around the waistline can be very difficult. As women age and have children, fat begins to accumulate on the waist and can also give the appearance of a muffin top. Liposuction in Lubbock gets rid of that stubborn fat and can dramatically decrease the size of your waist. 

Outer Thighs

The outer thighs are another common problem area for women. This excess fat can make it difficult to find clothing that fits or feels flattering. With liposuction, the shape of your outer thighs can be refined to enhance your curves and give you a slimmer silhouette.  


Excess fat around the hips is not easy to get rid of. Diet and exercise may help, but the best way to slim the hips is to target fat with liposuction. Defining the hips in this way complements the overall proportions of your body and helps achieve that hourglass figure many women desire. 


The flanks are located above your hips around your back. If you have fat deposits in these areas, you may have not-so-lovingly referred to them as your “love handles.” Liposuction in Lubbock works well for this common problem area because skin elasticity is favorable in this region. Eliminating unwanted fat on the flanks with liposuction is a great way to feel more comfortable in your clothing and more confident in your appearance. 

Chin region

Whether it is caused by age, heredity, or weight gain, fat accumulation around the chin and neck area has a way of making women look older and heavier than they really are. Submental liposuction is a relatively simple procedure that creates a dramatic improvement for patients with excess fat on the chin, neck, or jawline. The procedure takes only 20-30 minutes with a local anesthetic. After just two days of downtime, most patients are able to return to all of their normal activities.  

Dr. Rowley will speak candidly with you about your options for a customized liposuction experience. For more information about the procedure, watch the video below.

Mommy Makeover Options Include Liposuction in Lubbock

Childbirth is an exciting and emotionally fulfilling life event, but it is frequently followed by women’s diminished satisfaction with their bodies. With proven surgical techniques, a post-childbirth body can regain the firm, youthful look it once had. A mommy makeover is not just one procedure but an individualized combination of plastic surgery options. The goal of this Lubbock plastic surgery is to change the effects of childbirth on a woman’s body. 

After pregnancy and nursing, stomach muscles weaken and abdominal skin loosens and sags. Some women’s breasts can lose volume and look deflated, while others suffer from uncomfortably large breasts. Often a woman’s body can have stubborn pockets of fat that are unresponsive to diet and exercise. A few procedures that work well together to improve the appearance of areas of concern after childbearing include:

  • Liposuction
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Reduction 

It’s important to communicate clearly with your doctor about your expectations for your surgical outcome. Your surgeon will advise you as to which procedures will work best for your body type. If you are thinking about a mommy makeover, make sure you are in good health, are at a stable weight, and have realistic expectations of your results. We can’t completely stop the effects of aging or life changes on our bodies, but combining procedures for a mommy makeover can help restore confidence in your post-pregnancy body.

The Best Surgeon for Your Best Results

Whether on its own or combined with other procedures, liposuction in Lubbock gives your body a slimmer look that can help you feel more confident in your body and more comfortable in your clothing. Choosing the right surgeon is paramount to having the best possible results from your surgery. Our Lubbock plastic surgery patients are our number one priority at Rowley Plastic Surgery. Dr. Jane Rowley is your board-certified surgeon who carefully consults with each patient to understand each individual’s cosmetic goals and needs. She has over 20 years of experience helping patients turn their cosmetic dreams into reality. If you struggle with stubborn areas of fat on your body, contact Lubbock’s most trusted plastic surgery expert. You can expect confidence, competence, and clear communication at Rowley Plastic Surgery. Call today and schedule your no-obligation consultation.

Smart Planning for Your Plastic Surgery in Lubbock

It is perfectly normal to have some nerves or anxiety about surgery. Many people start to feel overwhelmed when they consider everything that goes into having plastic surgery. But, when you focus on the positive changes your procedure can make in your life, those nervous feelings should turn into excitement. Don’t let anxiety keep you from achieving the aesthetic goals you have set. Find a plastic surgeon you trust, learn everything you can about your procedure, and remember why you wanted plastic surgery in the first place. Pouring positive energy into your cosmetic journey will help you feel calm and confident throughout your experience with plastic surgery in Lubbock.

Most plastic surgery patients end up healthy and happy with their results – but those aren’t the stories that make news headlines. Hearing about the less than ideal experience of some unfortunate patient should not deter you from pursuing plastic surgery in Lubbock. If you are willing to do your homework and can commit to being an informed patient, you can minimize your risk of having a negative experience.  

How to Choose the Right Plastic Surgeon

The most important factor for a successful outcome is to find the best doctor available for the surgery you are considering. When searching for something like a new car repair shop or hairdresser, most people rely solely on online reviews. While that can be a great place to start, your selection of a plastic surgeon should involve a little more effort. For one thing, you are entrusting this doctor with your health and your appearance. We all want to know we are in good hands, but do you know how to go about selecting the right surgeon? 

Make Sure Your Plastic Surgeon is Board-Certified

Board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) is a must. The government doesn’t require doctors to be experienced or specifically trained in all of the procedures they may be offering. Beware of doctors who call themselves “cosmetic surgeons,” because any doctors who do cosmetic procedures can advertise themselves as such. A general surgeon won’t have the training or skills specifically needed for cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. Finding yourself in the hands of an inexperienced surgeon can increase the chances of your dissatisfaction with the results of your plastic surgery in Lubbock, or other complications. Don’t be afraid to ask questions that will give you a better idea of the experience and training the doctor has, such as:

  • Where did you go to school?
  • Are you certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery?
  • What additional training have you received?
  • How long have you been performing the procedure?
  • What complications have you come across with this procedure?
  • Will the surgery take place in an accredited facility?

To qualify for ABPS board-certification, plastic surgeons must complete extensive training, pass rigorous oral and written exams, and continue their education throughout their careers. A board-certified plastic surgeon is committed to practicing safe and ethical plastic and reconstructive surgery. ABPS board-certification ensures your surgeon has the training, knowledge, skill, and proper licenses to perform your procedure. For more information on the importance of board-certification, watch the video below.

Shop Smart for Plastic Surgery in Lubbock

Plastic surgery is not the time to go bargain shopping for your procedure. If you find a doctor offering deep discounts, it could be a sign of limited experience or cutbacks on quality staff members. You get what you pay for – and you don’t want to skimp when it comes to your health or your appearance. This is not to say you need to choose the most expensive plastic surgeon, but It will take work on your part to ensure you are getting the best care from the best plastic surgeon. Lubbock doctor reviews can be a great starting point. Get the opinion of nurses and healthcare workers, and schedule a consultation visit before you decide on the physician that’s right for you.

When researching plastic surgery in Lubbock, you may also come across cosmetic tourist packages. Plastic surgery tourism has become a popular trend in recent years. Some patients choose to travel outside the country to have procedures done for a fraction of what they would cost in the U.S. It is possible to have a positive experience with traveling abroad for surgery, but it is important to take extra precautions and use your best judgment if you choose to do so. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons urges patients to think carefully about the risks they are taking by opting to have surgery outside the country. 

Follow Your Personal Feelings

It’s important to feel comfortable with your doctor and the staff. Visit their office and get to know who will be taking care of you. Even if something just doesn’t feel right during your consultation, it is probably best to find another plastic surgeon with whom you feel more comfortable. 

Trust your gut when it comes to finding the best plastic surgeon. Patients having plastic surgery in Lubbock should also remember that beauty is often in the eye of the beholder and can mean different things to different people. Make sure that you and your doctor are on the same page so that your cosmetic goals are understood and surgical expectations are realistic. Look at their before and after photo gallery to gain insight into their personal style and aesthetic sense. If you don’t like much of what you see, chances are you may not be completely satisfied with your own results with that particular surgeon. 

Learn About Your Procedure

Learning everything you can about what to expect before, during, and after your procedure will help you feel confident throughout the process. Patients who are nervous about plastic surgery in Lubbock can take comfort in knowing exactly what will happen next, every step of the way. Understanding your surgery in this way takes the fear out of the experience, because there are fewer unknowns. Spend some time researching the procedure, read stories of other patients on RealSelf, and talk to your doctor about each of your questions and concerns. Dr. Jane Rowley is committed to helping her patients fully understand their plastic surgery process, and will spend all the time it takes to make sure they feel comfortable.   

Know What to Expect During Recovery

Coming out of surgery without knowing what to expect can be a scary experience. Your body will need time to heal, time for swelling to go down, and time before plastic surgery results are fully seen. Your doctor will have recommended a post-surgery recovery plan. Being prepared for the recovery period before your surgery will not only put your mind at ease; it will help you heal better. To be better informed about your recovery, consider asking these questions and any others you may have:

  • How long will my recovery take?
  • How long before I will see my full results?
  • What are the risks and complications associated with my procedure?
  • What if I have concerns after my procedure?
  • What will my scars look like long-term?
  • Is there anything I can do to aid or speed up recovery?

Understanding the Plastic Surgery Blues

Plastic surgery in Lubbock can sometimes make patients feel like they are on an emotional roller coaster. They can feel everything from excitement and joy to anxiety and apprehension. It is also common for patients to even feel a little down after having plastic surgery. When the anesthesia wears off and you find yourself in full-blown recovery mode, it can be tough to feel as excited as you were before the surgery. In addition, the final results of your procedure won’t be visible for weeks or even months, as swelling takes time to resolve. Some patients may even question why they chose to have plastic surgery in the first place. It is important to understand these feelings and how to cope with them. Consider the following ways patients can deal with the post-surgery blues:

  • Be honest with yourself and your doctor about your motives for having plastic surgery in Lubbock. Patients who have realistic expectations for their surgical outcomes are more likely to be disappointed afterwards.
  • Before your surgery, write a note to yourself to read during recovery. Remind yourself why you want the procedure and what your goals were. 
  • Be patient with your body as it heals. Give yourself time to rest and don’t feel like you have to jump back into your normal routine right away.
  • Call your plastic surgeon. Talk to your doctor about your feelings and concerns so they can give you the support you need.
  • Move your body (according to your doctor’s instructions). Getting out of bed and taking a relaxing walk can do wonders for your mental and physical well-being. 

Not all patients feel down after having plastic surgery; but if you do, take comfort in knowing you’re not alone and that it is only temporary. Emotions can change day by day and typically improve as patients get further in the healing process. Dr. Rowley and her compassionate staff members are here to support you before, during, and after your procedure. Remember that you can always call our office with any question or concern. 

Focus on the Finish Line

During a marathon, runners who keep their focus on the finish line often perform better. In fact, a study published in the journal Motivation and Emotion revealed that exercisers who kept their attention on a stopping point ahead of them moved more quickly and felt less exertion than those who were free to look about naturally. Plastic surgery patients can also benefit from staying focused on their goals. At times, plastic surgery can feel like a long race. When patients keep their eyes on the prize, or focus on their final cosmetic results, it can improve their mental and emotional state and may help them through the toughest parts of recovery. The confidence boost that comes from feeling great about the way you look will more than make up for the temporary discomfort felt after plastic surgery in Lubbock. 

Think it Through

Plastic surgery involves many important and very personal choices. It is not something that should be rushed. Give yourself time to think it all through, and remember that it’s ok to change your mind about things. Putting forth the extra effort to be a well-informed patient can pay off big in the end by maximizing your chances for great results. When you are mapping out your cosmetic goals, be sure to remember these tips:

  • Prioritize board-certification – Any doctor can claim to be a cosmetic surgeon. Be certain that yours is board-certified, well-trained, and experienced in your procedure. 
  • Just say no to bargain shopping – It might work for some things, but your health and cosmetic results are not worth risking to save a few extra bucks. Also beware of the plastic surgery tourism trend, as it comes with added risk.
  • Listen to your gut – If something feels off during your consultation appointment, trust the feelings you have. Find a surgeon with whom you can communicate clearly.
  • Learn about your procedure – Spend time researching your surgery so you can be a well-informed patient. The more you know, the less there is to fear about plastic surgery in Lubbock. 
  • Plan for recovery – There should not be any surprises during your recovery period. Educate yourself by asking questions prior to surgery day.
  • Watch out for plastic surgery blues – Feeling emotional after plastic surgery is normal, but don’t ever hesitate to call your doctor if it becomes too much to handle.
  • Keep your eye on the finish line – Visualize yourself with your new cosmetic enhancement. Think about the goals you set out to achieve to keep a positive state of mind.

Call Lubbock’s Plastic Surgery Expert

Don’t let fear, anxiety, or nerves get in the way of achieving your cosmetic goals. At Rowley Plastic Surgery in Lubbock, you have the opportunity to work with a board-certified surgeon with over twenty years experience in the field of plastic surgery. Dr. Jane Rowley strives to carefully consult with each patient for the best possible results. Schedule your no obligation consultation appointment to meet her staff and discover your cosmetic options.

When Bigger Isn’t Better: Breast Reduction Plastic Surgery in Lubbock

There seems to be an ever-present sentiment in our culture that “bigger is better” when it comes to breast size. The women who live with and carry those breasts on a daily basis, however, understand that there is a lot to managing large breasts than what the over-simplification of what “bigger is better” implies. In fact, there is even a medical term for when a woman’s breasts are too large: macromastia. For the woman whose back constantly aches due to the weight of her breasts, or feels uncomfortable with aerobic activities due to the weight and size of her breasts, or struggles to find a comfortable and fully supportive bra due to the size of her breasts, maybe it’s time to consider a breast reduction (or mammaplasty). Even in Texas, women know that, when it comes to breast plastic surgery in Lubbock, bigger is NOT always better. A smaller breast size could be the answer to health and lifestyle issues.

Is Breast Reduction Plastic Surgery in Lubbock Right for You?

Sometimes losing a few pounds is all it takes to feel better about your breast size. But, for a lot of women, even drastic weight loss cannot provide the relief they want from their large breasts. When the weight of your heavy chest becomes too much for you to bear, breast reduction could be the right option for you to consider. Here are a few questions to help you evaluate if a breast reduction is right for you:

  • Does the weight of your breasts contribute to neck, back, or shoulder pain?
  • Do you have heavy breasts with nipples that point downward?
  • Is one of your breasts much larger than the other?
  • Are you unhappy and self-conscious about your appearance because you feel your breasts are too large?
  • Are you physically healthy?
  • Do you have realistic expectations?

If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above, you may be a good candidate for breast reduction. The procedure is one of the top plastic surgeries in terms of patient satisfaction. In fact, breast reduction patients rated the procedure to be 98 percent “worth it” according to the online plastic surgery community RealSelf. The overwhelming satisfaction with breast reduction is due to the tremendous, immediate relief patients feel after their plastic surgery in Lubbock is complete.  

Learn more about breast reduction from Dr. Rowley in the video below:

How Large Breasts Impact Daily Life

Even though the media would like women to believe that larger breasts are better, many women who naturally have a bigger chest size can tell you differently. From getting dressed in the morning to trying to sleep at night, large breasts can make many aspects of daily life challenging. Consider the following disadvantages caused by overly large breasts. 

  • Physical Discomfort: Women with very large chests commonly suffer from chronic neck, back, and shoulder pain because of the weight that constantly pulls them forward. These symptoms are often accompanied by tension or migraine headaches and can sometimes even lead to numbness or tingling in the hands. Bra straps supporting large breasts can dig painful grooves into the shoulders. A heavy chest can also create shortness of breath or breathing problems that disrupt sleep. As a result of friction and moisture that gets trapped under the breasts, women may also experience irritation in the form of skin rashes in this sensitive area. Breast reduction plastic surgery in Lubbock allows the skin to heal and relieves the body of a burdensome chest. 
  • Emotional Stress: Society has a fascination with large breasts, which means that women who have them attract plenty of attention. For most of these women, those looks and stares are unwelcome and create a deep sense of insecurity. Over time, these self-conscious feelings can lower self-esteem and damage a woman’s emotional and mental well-being. Finding clothing that fits properly can also prove to be a challenge, and even when an outfit is modest, large breasts can make it fit wrong or look suggestive. A large chest can sometimes make it hard for a woman to present herself in a way that makes her feel comfortable.   
  • Impaired Mobility: Large breasts can become an even bigger problem when it comes to physical activity. They make stretching, bouncing, lifting (and just about everything else you can do at the gym) much more difficult. In addition to getting in the way of a good workout, large breasts can make it hard to find active wear that fits comfortably. With all of these barriers, it is no surprise that large-breasted women are less likely to get the exercise they need to stay healthy. According to a study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, women with large and hypertrophic breasts participate in significantly less physical activity every week when compared to smaller-breasted women. If your chest is so burdensome that it limits your ability to exercise or participate in sports activities, it may be time to consider breast reduction plastic surgery in Lubbock. Getting regular exercise is essential to enjoying a healthy, happy life, and if your breasts are preventing you from doing so, talk to a plastic surgeon to see if a breast reduction is right for you. 

While losing weight can make a small difference in your breast size, women who feel their breasts interfere with their lives can really benefit from breast reduction. No amount of diet or exercise will make large breasts into small ones. When you are ready to make a life-altering change in your appearance, consider the benefit of plastic surgery. Lubbock surgeon Dr. Jane Rowley has seen countless lives positively changed from a breast reduction procedure.

The Benefits of Breast Reduction

Breast reduction gives women the opportunity to find reprieve from the burdens caused by breasts that are too large. Living free of chronic pain and discomfort gives these women the chance to heal and feel a huge sense of relief. Insecurities tied to the appearance of large breasts are diminished and replaced with renewed confidence. And, breast reduction patients often find it much easier and more enjoyable to participate in their favorite physical activities. The procedure is known for greatly improving quality of life, and it could help you live your best life as well. 

Cosmetic Enhancement

What if your breasts are big, but not big enough to cause pain or discomfort? Some breast reduction patients seek the procedure with aesthetic change as their main motivation. A large bust can make a woman’s figure appear top heavy and off balance. When the breasts are made smaller, it gives the body a more proportionate appearance. Large breasts also tend to have large or stretched areolas. With breast reduction, your plastic surgeon also reduces the size of the areola to match the newly shaped breasts.  

Breasts that are too big can begin to sag and can make women appear older than they really are. Removing excess skin and fat from the breasts can give you a younger appearance. Without the extra weight making them hang low and causing you to slouch, your new smaller breasts will help you look and feel more youthful and fresh. Women who have breast reduction plastic surgery in Lubbock enjoy a renewed sense of confidence and energy.    

How to Prepare for Plastic Surgery in Lubbock

A little planning and preparation can help you feel less stressed during your plastic surgery experience. If you are looking forward to your breast reduction, here are some items you may want to add to your to-do list.

  • Stop Smoking: We all know how dangerous smoking is for our health, and it is even more dangerous for people who are having plastic surgery. Nicotine restricts the blood vessels, which limits the amount of oxygen that tissues need to stay healthy. Patients who smoke are more likely to develop infections, have poor wound healing, and put themselves at greater risk for further complications. Your doctor will inform you of specific guidelines, but most plastic surgeons require patients to stop using nicotine in all its forms for several weeks before and after the surgery.
  • Get a Mammogram: It is common for patients to undergo various types of lab testing before having plastic surgery in Lubbock. Some plastic surgeons recommend that patients who are preparing for breast reduction have a mammogram. This test helps by providing a baseline to which your physicians can refer as they monitor your breast health.  
  • Request Time Off Work: Breast reduction is major surgery and requires most patients to take 10-14 days off work. Depending on the amount of physical activity your job requires, you may need up to four weeks of medical leave. Be sure to schedule your time off well in advance of your procedure so that you don’t have to reschedule if your request isn’t approved right away.   
  • Ask for Help: After surgery, you will need someone to drive you home. It is best to have someone stay with you for at least the first 24 hours of your recovery. You will need extra help around the house, especially if you have pets or children. Making these arrangements ahead of time will ease your mind and make your recovery go more smoothly after plastic surgery in Lubbock. 
  • Prepare for Recovery: Some patients are so excited for their procedure that they forget to plan for their recovery. Pick up any prescriptions you can ahead of time so you don’t have to run to the pharmacy after surgery. Stock your kitchen with healthy, easy to prepare meals and snacks. Make a stack of magazines and books to occupy your mind when you’ve had enough of binge watching. Make your space as comfortable as possible so you can get the rest your body needs as it heals. 

Breast Reduction Surgery: the Procedure

A breast reduction plastic surgery in Lubbock takes about two hours and is performed under general anesthetic. It can be done in either a surgicenter or in an office operating suite. It involves an incision made around the nipple and another incision down vertically to reach underneath the breast. This type of incision allows the plastic surgeon to reposition your nipple, reduce the size of the areola, and remove excess breast tissue. In most cases, milk ducts, nerves, and blood vessels are left intact. This gives women the best chance to still be able to breastfeed after the surgery. 

Breast Reduction and Breast Lift Combined 

A breast reduction always involves a breast lift (mastopexy) to create a natural appearance with the new breast size after surgery. Breast reduction simply reduces the size and volume of the breasts by removing tissue, but a lift is what gives the bust a more flattering shape. A breast lift helps give forward projection to the breasts as it allows your plastic surgeon to reposition the nipple. If younger, perkier breasts are what you want, these two procedures work well together to achieve those goals. 

Results of a Breast Reduction

Women who have undergone breast reduction surgery enjoy a more proportionate body; an alleviation of neck, back, and shoulder pain; and more confidence in the fit of their clothes and their general appearance. 

It’s important to remember that the results of the surgery, for some, may include a decrease in sensation in some areas, including the nipple and around the nipple, a difficulty in breastfeeding, and a slight unevenness between the breasts or nipples. Dr. Jane Rowley will guide you through additional questions prior to your plastic surgery in Lubbock to ensure a breast reduction is a good solution for your concerns and goals. Setting up a consultation is a great next step for you to get more information.

Explore Your Breast Reduction Possibilities 

Breast reduction patients are some of the happiest people who choose to have plastic surgery in Lubbock. Women with larger breasts feel greater self-confidence, less physical discomfort, and an overall sense of relief. Dr. Rowley carefully talks with her patients to know their individual expectations for their surgery. She is committed to giving the best care with breast reduction procedures. Call for your personal consultation today.

Contact Dr. Jane Rowley for a personal consultation today to determine the right procedure and size for you and your body.