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What to Know When Considering Breast Augmentation in Lubbock

For women in Lubbock, plastic surgery can help solve a wide variety of cosmetic issues. Whether you have unwanted fat or early signs of aging, your plastic surgery options range from a tummy tuck to a facelift and beyond. But year after year, the top requested cosmetic surgery across the nation is breast enhancement. As women age, and after having children, breasts can lose volume and their youthful shape. Perhaps you were born with smaller breasts that feel out of proportion with your body. Maybe you just haven’t felt like yourself since having children. Whatever your reasons are for wanting breast augmentation in Lubbock, it can help replace feelings of insecurity with renewed confidence. 

Learning About Your Options

Choosing to enhance your breasts is a big decision. Before making up your mind about getting breast enlargement, you will need to make several important choices. With all of the options available to personalize your procedure, it can feel a bit overwhelming at first. But, with a little research and some guidance from your plastic surgeon, you can formulate a plan that will give you the results you want. 

Breast Augmentation in Lubbock: Silicone Gel or Saline?

One of the important choices you will make will be to decide which type of breast implant material you prefer. First, it’s important to note that all breast implants approved by the FDA for use are constructed of a silicone shell. The difference, then, between silicone gel or saline implants is what the silicone shell is filled with, either silicone gel or saline (sterilized water and salt). We’ll discuss the basic pros and cons of each below.

The Pros and Cons of Silicone Gel Implants

With 85 percent of breast augmentation patients choosing silicone gel in 2019, it is the most common type of implant material used in today’s breast enhancements. So, what is it that makes silicone gel implants so popular? 

For one thing, many women prefer silicone gel because it is more similar to breast tissue than traditional saline implants in terms of its feel and viscosity. This means a silicone gel implant will sit, feel, and move more like a natural breast than the typical saline implants. Because of this, these implants have a lower risk of showing rippling in the tissue around the implant. If a natural look and feel tops the list of your goals for breast augmentation in Lubbock, you may want to consider opting for silicone gel implants.

Silicone gel breast implants, however, come pre-filled, meaning they require a larger incision than saline implants. Also, they have a risk of “silent rupture.” This happens when the implant fails and silicone gel leaks into the surrounding tissue. Most of the time, the leakage is undetectable because it does not impact the way your implant looks or feels. These ruptures can only be detected by a costly MRI (typically not covered by insurance) and the FDA recommends a woman with silicone gel implants have an MRI every few years. If a rupture occurs, the implant and silicone gel must be surgically removed. This greatly increases the long-term cost of your breast augmentation in Lubbock.

Why Women Choose Saline

Where silicone gel implants come pre-filled, saline breast implants are filled and adjusted during surgery. Since the implant is inserted empty, it requires a smaller incision. Then, your plastic surgeon can adjust the amount of saline inside your implant to achieve the right look for you. Another advantage to saline implants is that they are not susceptible to silent rupture. If there is a rupture with a saline implant, you can tell just by looking in the mirror and seeing the decrease in breast size. The saline, however, is harmless and will be absorbed by your body, posing no risk to your health. 

Typical saline implants have a tendency to ripple, which can be visible after breast augmentation in Lubbock. Also, as said above, they do not generally feel as natural as silicone gel implants. Patients often compare saline breast implants to water balloons, because of their similar lack of structure. This can cause problems for women who do not have enough breast tissue of their own to surround the saline implant. However, women with sufficient existing breast tissue may find that saline implants work well for their desired increase in volume. 

Choosing a Size

While the type of implant you choose can greatly affect your breast augmentation outcome, the implant size you select will also directly impact your results. According to a 2019 study, 41 percent of breast augmentation revision procedures were done because the patient wanted a change in size. But, before you tell your plastic surgeon what cup size you would like to be, spend some time thinking about how you want to look after your procedure. Do you want a subtle enhancement that looks very natural? Or would you prefer a drastic change in size that gives you the bust you’ve always dreamed of? 

Once you have done some thinking about your goals, it’s time to do some research. Look at some breast enlargement before and after photos of patients with breasts similar to yours. These visuals will give you a better idea about the look your plastic surgeon can achieve with your body type. It is also important to think about how your new breasts will feel. Before your breast augmentation in Lubbock, try placing rice bag sizers in your bra for a few hours to see what it would feel like to have breast implants. Grab a pair of old pantyhose and cut the feet out of the bottom. Pour uncooked rice (1 cup = 236 cc) into the pantyhose and tie off the ends. Wear them around, try on some of your favorite tops, and adjust the size to see what feels right. It’s not an exact science, but it can be a helpful way to “try on” a bigger breast size.  

What About a Breast Lift?

As noted, breast procedures are among the most requested plastic surgery options. Women want to feel good about how they look. And, when you feel confident in your appearance, you can’t help but feel confident in yourself. Breast augmentation in Lubbock helps many patients feel better about their appearance, but getting a bigger bust size is not the only way to boost self-esteem. Many women are happy with the size of their breasts, but dislike the effects of pregnancy, nursing, or aging. If you can relate, you may want to consider a procedure that will simply give your bust a more shapely appearance.

Mastopexy, or a breast lift, is a plastic surgery option for women whose breasts have significant sagging or drooping. A breast lift will take a sagging breast and raise it to a more youthful position, giving new life to a tired-looking bust. Your breast lift will not change your size, but will firm up the breast tissue, reposition the nipple, and give your breast a symmetrical shape. In effect, it can reverse some of the toll taken on your body by time, gravity, and possibly motherhood. If you can answer yes to some or all of the questions below, you may be a good candidate for a breast lift.

  • Do your breasts sag or droop?
  • Do your nipples point downward?
  • Are your breasts tubular or pendulous?
  • Are your breasts flat or elongated?
  • Do you have stretched or enlarged areolas?
  • Do your nipples sit below the crease of your breast?

Your plastic surgeon can correct all of these issues without breast augmentation in Lubbock. Even if a woman only suffers from one of these cosmetic problems, it is likely to affect the way she feels about her appearance. But you don’t have to accept feeling unhappy with your breasts. A breast lift removes excess breast tissue and skin, and moves the nipple to enhance the shape of the breasts. With more forward projection and a firmer, more youthful shape, your bust will allow you to wear flattering clothing and gain confidence in your appearance. 

Can I Do Both?

If you want to add volume to your breasts in addition to getting a lift, talk to your doctor about combining breast augmentation in Lubbock with mastopexy. A breast augmentation and a breast lift can work very well in tandem with each other in a single surgery. Excess skin is removed in the lift, your breast tissue and nipple are repositioned for a more youthful shape, while an implant then adds volume and size. The results of the two procedures can be dramatic on the right patient. 

One thing to keep in mind about combining a breast enlargement with a lift is that you need to be careful about the implant size you choose. The larger the implant you select, the heavier it will be. If the weight of the implant is too much for the lifted breast to support, the results of your mastopexy might not be what you hoped for. Consider your goals for your breast size, shape, and overall appearance so you can clearly communicate them to your plastic surgeon. They will then guide you through making the best decisions to help you reach your desired outcome. 

Reach Your Aesthetic Goals with Dr. Rowley

Whether you want larger breasts, lifted breasts, or both, plastic surgery provides the way for you to enhance your appearance in a customized way. All breast enlargements and lifts look different, because women have so many options to create their personal look. Breast augmentation science, technology, and technique has come a long way over the years, and when you pair those advancements with a well-qualified plastic surgeon, you can get exceptional results.

For breast lifts and breast augmentation in Lubbock, the leading plastic surgeon with extensive breast plastic surgery experience is Dr. Jane Rowley. She carefully and thoroughly talks with her patients to know their expectations and cosmetic goals as she makes an individual surgical plan for each person. She also believes in patient education and will take the time necessary to be sure you fully understand your procedure and what to expect. If you feel unhappy with the way your breasts look, consider plastic surgery as a way to boost self-esteem and regain satisfaction with your appearance. Dr. Rowley is board-certified, experienced, and ready to help you achieve your cosmetic goals. Schedule your no-obligation consultation today.

How a Tummy Tuck in Lubbock Could Benefit Your Health

Physical fitness and good health are lifelong pursuits. Nothing beats looking and feeling great, but no one is born with a perfect body. Some have to work harder for these goals than others. Eating right and exercising regularly are positive steps in the right direction; however, sometimes it can be frustrating when they don’t yield the desired results. In other words, what do you do when working out and managing your diet does nothing to get rid of your belly flab?

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck in Lubbock can help you overcome the hurdles that sheer hard work and determination can’t erase. Pregnancy, the aging process, and drastic weight loss can weaken abdominal muscles and make the belly sag with loose skin. No amount of sit-ups or crunches can rid the abdomen of unsightly hanging skin. A tummy tuck tightens muscles and trims stretched or loose skin and excess fat from the abdomen, giving the midsection of the body a flatter and more toned appearance. 

Tummy Tuck Surgery: What to Expect 

If you have excess skin on your abdomen, abdominoplasty is the plastic surgery that will get rid of it and flatten your belly. The procedure is done through a low horizontal incision, the length of which depends on how much skin needs to be removed. An incision is made around the belly button and the surrounding skin is lifted and redraped to achieve a flatter appearance. Core muscles are often tightened at the same time. Stretch marks are pulled downward and can sometimes be completely removed with a tummy tuck in Lubbock. Your surgeon will place drains after your surgery, which typically are removed about one week post-op. For more information on what to expect from a tummy tuck procedure, watch the video below.

Medical Benefits of Abdominoplasty

If you are seeking information about abdominoplasty, chances are it’s because you want to get rid of some stubborn belly flab or loose skin. Most patients seek out Lubbock plastic surgery to enhance their appearance and feel better about their bodies; but the advantages of a tummy tuck go far beyond what the eye can see. 

Reduction of Stress Urinary Incontinence

After a vaginal delivery, women can develop a bladder control issue known as Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). Women with SUI experience uncontrollable urinary leakage when they cough, sneeze, exercise, or even laugh. Not only is urinary incontinence inconvenient; it can be a source of insecurity and embarrassment for women. It detracts from their quality of life and can prevent them from enjoying everyday activities. A tummy tuck in Lubbock can aid in the recovery of SUI by creating a slight soft tissue bladder obstruction near the pelvic area.

The findings of a study published in the March 2018 issue of the scientific journal, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery®, revealed that abdominoplasty can have a positive impact on post-pregnancy complications. Of the 214 participating mothers, 42.5 percent reported urinary incontinence to be a problem before having a tummy tuck. Six weeks after their tummy tucks were performed, that number dropped to less than 2 percent. The researchers found that all methods of abdominoplasty were effective in producing these positive results.

Relief From Back Pain

The same study also showed significant improvement for women who suffered from back pain. Fifty-one percent of participants lived with back pain before their tummy tucks, whereas only 9 percent still complained of the discomfort afterward. Tightening weak abdominal muscles enables them to better support the spine. This improves posture and can relieve certain types of back pain. After a tummy tuck in Lubbock, you will be able to stand a littler taller, not only because of the strength you’ll gain in your core, but also because of your strengthened confidence.

Hernia Healing

A weak abdominal wall can lead to the formation of a ventral hernia. Tummy tuck surgery can help correct weakened abdominal muscles and pressure on the skin caused by a hernia. Core-tightening abdominoplasty can also help prevent future hermias as they are less likely to occur in those with stronger abdominal muscles. A doctor may choose to combine the tummy tuck procedure with that of the hernia correction, which is not only a safe approach; it can save time and money in surgery and recovery.

Promotes Healthy Habits

Excess abdominal skin and fat can get in the way of a woman’s desire or ability to exercise. Finding flattering workout clothing and feeling comfortable at the gym starts to feel like an uphill battle. To make matters worse, certain movements become even more challenging with a belly bulge. A tummy tuck in Lubbock helps free women of the self-consciousness they feel while working out and makes it easier to perform exercises with proper form. Working out is hard enough; but with a flatter tummy, many women are able to better see their hard-earned results and stay motivated to keep those healthy habits.   

Cosmetic Benefits of a Tummy Tuck

Belly flab can make even the most confident women feel insecure. The abdomen is a trouble spot for many people. Even when you are not in a swimsuit, loose belly skin can be irritating. It is uncomfortable to feel flab hanging over the waistline of your pants, and it can be hard to accept the pudgy midsection seen in the mirror every day. No matter how many crunches you do or how strict you are with your diet, loose skin on the tummy may not disappear. So, how can a tummy tuck in Lubbock correct these issues?  

  • Flattens the tummy: One of the main reasons women seek abdominoplasty is to flatten a protruding abdomen. If you have had children or lost a drastic amount of weight, chances are your belly was left with loose skin or stubborn pockets of fat. A tummy tuck eliminates the loose skin and can be paired with liposuction to smooth out areas that have excess fat. 
  • Tightens the Core: Most patients understand the outward physical changes that take place with a tummy tuck, but many are unaware of the improvements made beneath the skin. Your plastic surgeon will tighten weakened abdominal muscles as part of your tummy tuck procedure. Pregnancy can stretch or even separate the ab muscles to the point of no return. This condition is known as diastasis recti, and many mothers experience it after their babies are born. A tummy tuck repairs these muscles, giving the abdomen a leaner, flatter appearance.   
  • Boosts Confidence: Losing a drastic amount of weight is something to celebrate, but sometimes it can feel disappointing to realize you still have leftover unsightly sagging skin. Having a child is a wonderful experience, but accepting your post-baby body is another story. Both of these events can have detrimental effects on your self-confidence by making you feel unsatisfied with the appearance of your belly. By flattening and tightening the core, a tummy tuck in Lubbock provides a welcome boost of self-esteem. When you have positive thoughts and feelings about the way your body looks, it spills over into the rest of your life, and opens the door for even more confidence. 

This procedure can have dramatic results when paired with liposuction of the abdomen or other areas. It can also be combined with other procedures as part of a mommy makeover to restore a pre-pregnancy body contour. Beyond pregnancy situations, many patients requesting tummy tucks or liposuction wish to trim loose skin after experiencing extreme weight loss in a short period of time.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck in Lubbock?

Just because you have some of the above-mentioned medical issues does not mean abdominoplasty is right for you. Potential tummy tuck patients should consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to find out if plastic surgery will safely meet their needs and expectations. To get an idea about whether you might be a good candidate, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I in generally good health, physically and mentally?
  • Do I have realistic expectations for my surgical results?
  • Am I finished having children?
  • Can I keep my weight stable after the procedure?
  • Does the skin around my midsection look droopy?
  • Do I have weakened stomach muscles?

A simple test you can do at home will also help clarify whether a tummy tuck is right for you. Try laying on your back and seeing what happens to your stomach bulge. If it flattens out, then excess fat is likely on the outside of your stomach muscles. A tummy tuck in Lubbock can strengthen muscles and tighten loose skin giving you a flatter, healthier abdomen. If your midsection still looks rounded when you are laying flat, your stomach bulk could be further inside your abdomen and surgery may not be the right option for you. 

Remember, it’s important to consult with a board-certified surgeon who takes the time to explain the procedure thoroughly and knows how accurately to assess if you will benefit from a tummy tuck. Your surgeon should also carefully listen to your aesthetic goals to understand your expectations of any Lubbock plastic surgery.

Will a Tummy Tuck Help Me Lose Weight?

Abdominoplasty patients should not view the procedure as a weight loss tool. If you have a significant amount of weight or large amounts of fat to lose, talk to your doctor about alternative options that may work better for you. A tummy tuck is a skin removal procedure that includes the tightening of the abdominal muscles. If you want the results a tummy tuck can provide, you should be within 15-20 pounds of your ideal weight before you have the surgery. Some patients lose a few pounds after undergoing a tummy tuck in Lubbock, but losing too much weight can be detrimental to the outcome of the procedure. With that being said, patients should also keep in mind the importance of maintaining a healthy, stable weight. Doing so will help you keep your tummy tuck results intact for as long as possible. 

While a tummy tuck can come with multiple health benefits for some patients, it is not a substitute for healthy habits. Patients should continue their efforts to stick to regular exercise and a nutritious diet even after their procedure. Additionally, abdominoplasty is not a cure for obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, or other weight-related health conditions. If you have questions or concerns about how a tummy tuck might affect your health, talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Selecting a Plastic Surgeon   

Finding the right plastic surgeon can make all the difference in the results you see after a tummy tuck in Lubbock. The procedure is complex and should be tailored to each patient’s individual goals. An experienced, well-qualified surgeon will be able to evaluate your needs and provide you with a safe experience and an ideal outcome. As you search for a plastic surgeon, one of the first things you should do is confirm their board-certification with the American Board of Plastic Surgery. A board-certified plastic surgeon has the extensive training and knowledge to perform safe, ethical cosmetic procedures. Additionally, they must continue their education and training throughout their careers and pass exams every 10 years to keep their ABPS board-certification. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons provides a helpful tool for patients looking for a board-certified plastic surgeon in the U.S. or Canada. Watch the video below to learn more about the importance of selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Take the Next Step Today

If you have had children or lost a drastic amount of weight, you don’t have to live with sagging belly skin forever. A tummy tuck in Lubbock can give you the flat, toned tummy you’ve always wanted. Dr. Jane Rowley has over 20 years of experience helping patients gain greater confidence in their physical appearance. Her world-class training, surgical expertise, and aesthetic sense are just a few of the reasons Dr. Rowley’s patients trust her with their cosmetic goals. If you are interested in a tummy tuck or other plastic surgery procedure, Dr. Rowley has the qualifications and experience to give you the results you desire. Call our office today to schedule your no-obligation consultation.    

Boost Your Confidence With a Breast Lift in Lubbock

With the holiday season fast approaching, it is gratifying to spend our time buying gifts and serving others. But it is also important to make sure we feel personally fulfilled as well. Like the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. We must first love and feel confident in ourselves before we can help others feel the same. If you feel unhappy with the appearance of your breasts because they sag and droop, you can lift your spirits with a breast lift in Lubbock. Many women struggle to accept the toll life can take on the youthful appearance of their breasts. Age, gravity, pregnancies, and fluctuations in weight can cause the breasts to take on a saggy or elongated shape. Whether a breast lift is a procedure you never thought you would want or something you have wanted to do for a long time, it is a procedure that can rejuvenate your bust and improve your confidence.

How Can a Breast Lift Help Me?

Do you feel dependent on your bra to mask the sagging or drooping of your breasts? Do you struggle to find clothing that fits well because of a bust that falls lower than it should? These breast issues can negatively affect a woman’s confidence and make it difficult for her to feel satisfied with her appearance. They can make you feel helpless, and these problems cannot be solved with exercise or diet changes. A breast lift in Lubbock is the only way to correct breast sagging. It’s a procedure that drastically improves the contours of the breasts. In fact, a breast lift could even give you the freedom to give up wearing a bra for good. 

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, restores sagging breasts to give them a more youthful, perky shape. The surgery helps to raise the breasts by removing extra skin and tightening the skin around the surrounding tissue to support the new shape of the breast. The nipple and areola are moved to a more upward position. Unwanted stretch marks can also be eliminated during your procedure if they are part of the extra skin that is removed. 

Very large or downward pointing nipples can make women feel unhappy with the appearance of their breasts. A breast lift in Lubbock addresses nipples that are stretched, elongated, or larger than you would like. Your plastic surgeon will resize the nipples during surgery so they appear proportionate with the rest of the breasts. The new shape of the nipples and their higher position give the breasts a much more youthful, perky look.   

The most obvious benefits of a breast lift may be the cosmetic improvements, but there are also physical advantages to the procedure. Women with a low hanging bust sometimes experience skin irritation as a result of friction under the breasts. The constant rubbing of skin beneath the breast crease can cause pain, discomfort, rash, and even infection. With mastopexy, your plastic surgeon lifts the breasts off the underlying skin to relieve these symptoms and to alleviate any troublesome chafing. 

Watch the video below to learn more about mastopexy and to see whether it is the right procedure for you.

Why Women Love a Lift

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ most recent annual statistical report, 113,188 women had mastopexy in 2019. The number of patients having a breast lift increased by 3 percent from 2018 to 2019, and is growing in popularity even faster than breast augmentation. Many women like the idea of being able to perk up their breasts without having to place implants inside them. A breast lift in Lubbock is a great option for women who want to feel like themselves again by replacing sagging breasts with firm, youthful ones. 

Changing Breast Size

Mastopexy alone is often enough to achieve women’s goals for the appearance of their breasts. Patients undergoing a breast lift in Lubbock will not see noticeable changes in the size of their breasts, but the procedure can provide symmetry and more forward projection. If you want to change the size of your breasts, a breast augmentation or reduction can be done in combination with a lift to achieve your desired look. 

Breast Augmentation

For women who want to add volume at the same time as their mastopexy, breast augmentation can help. Whether you choose silicone gel, saline, or structured breast implants, breast augmentation can help you reach the volume you desire. Patients with only mild sagging may be able to lift their breasts with the placement of implants. Talk to your doctor about what you want in terms of size, because choosing an implant that is too big can work against the effects of your breast lift. When the right balance is achieved, patients enjoy beautiful results.

An article published in the medical journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery suggests that breast lifts are safe and effective when performed at the same time as breast augmentation. The authors of the report concluded that, with proper patient selection and the right surgical approach, the two procedures can be done simultaneously without a significant increase in the rates of complications or reoperation. With a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, you can get the volume and the lift your breasts need. 

Breast Reduction

It’s not always easy for patients to know whether they need a breast reduction or a breast lift in Lubbock. The two procedures address different issues, but have similar goals. Breast reduction is for women whose breasts are too large or heavy for their liking. These patients often struggle with physical and emotional side effects caused by their breast size. It is not unusual for women with large breasts to suffer from chronic neck, back, and shoulder pain. Breast reduction with a lift offers relief from the heavy weight on your chest. It also helps resolve feelings of low self-esteem brought on by frequent unwanted attention on the chest area. 

Breast reduction is always performed in conjunction with a breast lift at Rowley Plastic Surgery. While breast reduction gets rid of excess weight and volume in the breasts, mastopexy takes care of sagging by tightening and supporting the breasts. The two procedures work together to remove excess skin and fat on the breasts and give them a more balanced and shapely appearance. An experienced, skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Rowley can turn a burdensome bosom into perky, youthful breasts. 

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Breast Lift in Lubbock?

Many women are unhappy with their breasts but do not know which procedure would help their specific problems. If your breasts sag but you are unsure whether you might be a good candidate for a breast lift, you can do a simple test at home. Place a pencil under the fold of your breast and see if the pencil stays in place when you let go of it. If the pencil stays put, you may be a good candidate for a breast lift in Lubbock. You should also ask yourself a few questions about how you feel about your breasts.

  • Do your breasts sag?
  • Do your nipples point downward?
  • Do you have tubular or pendulous breasts?
  • Do you have larger areolas?
  • Are you satisfied with your breast symmetry?

It is also important to think about your general health and lifestyle. Because your breasts are affected by life changes, you should consider whether it’s the right time in your life for a breast lift. It is best to plan this procedure after you are finished having children and nursing babies so that you do not risk jeopardizing the results of your surgery. Women planning for a breast lift in Lubbock should maintain a stable weight and be in good health. If you smoke or use nicotine, you will need to quit for several weeks leading up to and following your surgery.  

Methods for Mastopexy

Just like any other surgery, mastopexy comes with scars. There are different types of incisions plastic surgeons use to lift the breasts, and the one that is right for you depends on the size of your breasts and the degree of sagging you have. Here are some of the most common techniques for mastopexy.

  • Anchor Lift: The anchor lift technique is the standard for most breast lifts. It is done through multiple incisions: one circling the areola, another running straight down from the base of the areola to the crease of the breast, and a third running horizontally across the breast crease. It is appropriate for larger breasts with more severe sagging because the incisions allow the surgeon to reshape the breast tissue and move the nipple to a higher position. Plastic surgeons often choose the anchor lift when performing breast reduction in addition to mastopexy. 
  • Lollipop Lift: If you do not wish to add breast augmentation to your breast lift in Lubbock, the lollipop approach may be the right one for you. This method involves a circular incision around the areola, as well as an incision running from the bottom of the areola to the breast crease. It is suitable for moderately sized breasts and involves fewer scars than the anchor lift.  
  • Donut Lift: Otherwise known as the “Benelli” lift, this method is for patients with only mild to moderate breast sagging. With a single incision around the areola, the breast skin is tightened and the nipple is moved to sit higher on the breast. A donut lift is less invasive than the anchor and lollipop lifts, and scarring is minimal. This technique can be used for women who also want breast implants at the time of mastopexy. 
  • Crescent Lift: The crescent lift approach is for patients with minimal breast sagging. A single, crescent-shaped incision is made on the upper half of the areola. The surgeon can make minor changes to the breasts and areola through the crescent incision. Breast augmentation can be performed when the plastic surgeon uses this technique. 

If you are worried about scarring after your breast lift, talk to your doctor about how you can maximize healing and minimize their appearance. Avoiding sun exposure is essential to proper scar healing, but your surgeon may also recommend certain products to help them fade more quickly. The most important thing to remember is that no one can see your scars unless you are without clothing; they are even well-hidden under swimwear. Most patients agree that trading sagging breasts for a few scars is more than worth it. 

Life After a Breast Lift in Lubbock

You can expect to experience some discomfort, swelling, and some draining initially after your breast lift. It’s important to follow your doctor’s post-surgery instructions carefully. Plan on taking about five to seven days off work as your breasts begin the healing process. You can expect to return to regular exercise after about four to six weeks of recovery. There will be some scarring but it will be hidden under clothing and swimwear and will continue to fade over time. Your new, perkier breasts will give you the freedom of going braless when you want to and boost your confidence overall.

Get the Results You Want With the Surgeon You Trust

Sagging breasts can weigh a woman down physically and emotionally. A breast lift in Lubbock is an excellent way to lift your spirits this time of year as you bring life back to your breasts. Whether your breasts sag a little or a lot, this versatile procedure can help rejuvenate your look and make you feel like yourself again. Patients who take good care of themselves can expect to enjoy the results of their surgery for many years to come. Dr. Jane Rowley is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience helping her patients achieve their cosmetic goals. She is the surgeon Lubbock women trust when they are ready to explore their plastic surgery options. If you are unsatisfied with your breasts and want to learn how a breast lift can benefit you, call our office for a no-obligation consultation today.