Recent Blog Posts from Rowley Plastic Surgery

Wave Goodbye to Arm Flab with Brachioplasty

Hold your arm up and give an enthusiastic wave to your neighbor. Does that thought make you want to cringe? When we age or lose a significant amount of weight, our upper arms can sag with excess fat. If you have arms with what are lovingly referred to as “bat wings,” just waving to your neighbor can make you want to hide under extra layers of clothing. Dr. Jane Rowley is the leading board-certified surgeon in Lubbock with the training and expertise to tone and sculpt your arms. After arm lift plastic surgery, Lubbock patients may find themselves waving to both friends and strangers just to show off their new arms.  

What Brachioplasty Does

Brachio means arm, and plasty means to mold or to form. An arm lift removes both fat and extra skin on the underside of the upper arm area.  While it may seem simple just to remove fat, this procedure requires the artistic touch of a skilled and experienced surgeon. Brachioplasty includes a careful sculpting of the arm to ensure the taper in size from shoulder to wrist looks smooth and natural. An improved contour of the arms can boost confidence and give you the freedom to wear what you want without worrying about arm flab.

The Ideal Arm Lift Candidate

If you have excess skin and fatty tissue on your upper arms that do not change with exercise, you could be a good candidate for arm lift plastic surgery. Lubbock men and women interested in the procedure should also meet the following criteria:

  • You are at a healthy, stable weight
  • You are in overall good health with no medical conditions that would increase surgical risks
  • You do not use nicotine, or you can stop for an extended period of time
  • You have realistic expectations about the procedure   

Preparing for Brachioplasty

During your arm lift consultation, be prepared to go over your medical history and any drugs or supplements you may be taking. Your doctor will examine your arms and determine whether the excess skin and fat is significant enough to warrant the procedure. You will need to clearly communicate your hopes and expectations for the surgical results. Don’t be afraid to ask questions; this is your chance to get a thorough understanding of the procedure and how it can personally benefit you. If you smoke, it is important that you plan to stop for several weeks before and after your surgery.

Should You Add Liposuction?

Liposuction itself does not get rid of any excess skin; it removes fat to trim and shape the arm. Because removing fat often leaves an excess of skin, pairing liposuction with brachioplasty may be necessary for more dramatic results. For patients who only need a minimal reduction in size, liposuction alone may be sufficient. Consult with your plastic surgeon about the best combination of procedures for you.

Recovery After Your Arm Lift

After plastic surgery, Lubbock patients should plan to have someone drive them home from their operation and stay with them for at least the first 24 hours. You need to have someone with you as you start your recovery and work through the side effects of anesthetics. Your surgeon will ask that you try to keep your arms elevated and as straight as possible. You will be fitted for compression garments for your arms as well. It is important to rest and follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully for a successful recovery.

Getting Back into Your Life

Your recovery period will range from one to several weeks depending on how extensive your procedure is. Each patient will have a unique experience with recovery from brachioplasty. Some people experience discomfort, bruising, or swelling. Plan to take at least a week off work or other obligations to allow time for your body to heal. Expect to be back to your normal activities in 3 to 4 weeks. You can start an exercise routine about 6 weeks after your surgery, but complete resolution of swelling can take up to 8 weeks.  

Rejuvenating Results

The results of your arm lift are visible immediately, and after surgery the scarring will fade significantly over time. On the right patient, an arm lift can make a dramatic difference in appearance and give the arms a new youthful look. Shopping for clothes will be more enjoyable as you find that you no longer have to hunt for sizes that fit your arms.

Selecting an expert, board-certified plastic surgeon is one of the most important factors to impact the success of your plastic surgery. Lubbock patients who choose Dr. Jane Rowley benefit from her decades of experience and her surgical expertise. Dr. Rowley will discuss options and procedures thoroughly with you. If you’re ready to wave “goodbye” to the sag and jiggle of today and “hello” to the toned, lean, and sculpted arms of tomorrow, call our office to schedule your personal, no-obligation consultation.

The Guide to Sizing for Breast Implants Lubbock Women Need

During your breast augmentation consultation, your plastic surgeon will ask you what size you would like your breasts to be. Communicating these expectations can be difficult for some women as they try to describe their ideal size. You may have a final cup size you would like to achieve, but breast implant sizes do not match up with a certain bra size. As patient and doctor discuss breast augmentation, they should consider long-term goals for the surgical results. And when considering the sizing of their breast implants, Lubbock women should think about their body proportion, lifestyle, and other important factors that will affect their overall satisfaction with the procedure.

Breast Implant Size and Your Body

Size can be one of the toughest topics to navigate when establishing clear expectations for your breast augmentation procedure. We often try talking about breast sizes using bra sizes, but a cup size can look very different on unique body shapes and sizes. Even a standard bra size can vary widely from brand to brand. It often surprises patients at their initial consultation when they find out that cup size is an unreliable way to determine what implant size to get.  

With the same breast implants, Lubbock women can look different depending on their body shape and existing breast tissue. For example, your chest and shoulder width play a role in selecting the width of your implants. Going from a small A cup to a small D cup can produce very different results than going from a full B cup to a small D cup. Rather than selecting a bra from the store shelf or comparing with friends to determine the right size for you, come into our Lubbock office for an in-person consultation. We are here to help you understand your options and explain what may be recommended for your body type.

Consider Breast Augmentation and Lifestyle

It is easy to browse the internet or take a look around the poolside to decide what you think is the perfect size for your breast implants. Lubbock women need to remember that it will be an entirely different thing living with that new body they imagined. The goal after a breast augmentation is not to look back and wish that you had either chosen a size larger or a size smaller. Size dissatisfaction post-surgery can be a result of more than just wishing your clothes fit differently. For very active women, maintaining that lifestyle with a new and larger chest can be difficult. If sports and exercise are an important part of your life, consider an implant that will give you lift, shape, and fullness, but not an excessively large breast size.

Too Much of a Good Thing

When they get breast implants Lubbock women find that it does more than impact their appearance, it also impacts their lifestyle and ability to move. When weight is removed through liposuction, people often find that movement and exercise are much easier. Breast implants, however, add weight to your body and change your balance. Aerobic activities can be a bit tricky with larger breasts, and active individuals may find that while their new, larger breasts look great in a dress, they don’t feel great on the treadmill.

A More Natural Look and Feel

Today’s trends for breast augmentation lean toward more natural looking breast implants. Lubbock patients often do not want the extra unwanted attention that sometimes comes with a larger implant. Most women do not want to end up looking fake after their surgery. Proportion is key when choosing a breast implant size that will look beautiful on you, and sometimes that calls for a smaller implant. If you want a natural look, a smaller implant can help you fill out your clothes comfortably and add definition to your shape without calling excessive attention to your chest.

More than “Bigger is Better”

Ultimately, you need to get the breast implants that you want. Most people who have a healthy self-image and realistic expectations of this procedure find that they are incredibly happy with the results of their breast implants. Lubbock women who get larger implants at the recommendation of someone else often find themselves eventually unhappy and returning for additional procedures to reduce the size of the implants. So do what makes you happy and love your body, because you’re beautiful!

It is also important to remember that breast augmentation is not a competition about size. By correcting an asymmetric chest or adding some lost fullness with the right sized breast implants, Lubbock women can find great satisfaction and an increase in self-confidence. Dr. Jane Rowley knows the importance of spending all the time that is needed to understand her patient’s expectations with her breast augmentation. Schedule your no-obligation consultation today and to learn about the possibilities you can have with breast enhancement surgery.

Discover Your Different Breast Implant Options with Dr. Rowley

Women have often heard of saline or silicone gel implants, but now Dr. Jane Rowley offers three breast implant options. A new, revolutionary “structured” implant combines the beauty of silicone gel with the security of saline to give women the freedom and confidence they deserve. IDEAL IMPLANT® Structured Breast Implants use the latest implant technology to provide the best features women want in an implant, without the worry of “silent rupture.”

Silicone Implants and “Silent Rupture”

When a saline implant develops a tear or hole, a woman’s body can harmlessly absorb the sterile saltwater solution until the implant is removed and replaced. On the other hand, silicone implants carry the risk of “silent rupture.” This happens when sticky silicone gel leaks into the surrounding breast tissue without a woman knowing her implant is compromised. Only an MRI scan can detect a “silent rupture,” and surgery is then required to clean out the escaped gel.

The IDEAL IMPLANT carries no risk of “silent rupture,” and requires no MRI to detect rupture. Women can simply look in the mirror to ensure their implants are intact. In fact, the innovative design of the IDEAL IMPLANT provides structural strength to the implant giving it a lower rupture rate compared to silicone gel implants. The video below further compares the IDEAL IMPLANT to saline and silicone implants.

A Technology-Driven Choice

When Dr. Robert Hamas invented the IDEAL IMPLANT, he wanted to create an implant choice that did not force women to sacrifice beauty for security. He found that women were caught between wanting the natural feel of silicone gel, and the peace of mind that comes with saline. That’s when he decided to find a solution that those other breast implant options could not offer.

The IDEAL IMPLANT underwent ten years of development, refinement, and extensive testing under the care of a dedicated team of scientists, engineers, and consultants. Then in 2014, it was approved by the FDA and Health Canada following a multi-center trial of 502 women, and information provided in volumes of safety, manufacturing, and clinical data. The IDEAL IMPLANT is made with proven breast implant materials in an FDA-inspected facility using advanced robotics to achieve greater product consistency and high quality standards.

Comparing Breast Implant Options

The IDEAL IMPLANT is only available to an exclusive group of board-certified plastic surgeons such as Dr. Rowley. She explains the difference between “structured,” saline, and silicone implants:

“The IDEAL IMPLANT is a new saline implant, it is a structured saline implant. The implant itself has a baffled design, so it cuts down on rippling and it feels more natural, which are the two downsides to the traditional saline implant. Silicone feels softer and has less rippling, but the IDEAL IMPLANT really does approximate the feel and look of a silicone implant with the benefits of a saline implant, in that, if it leaks, it’s much easier to tell if it’s leaking. In fact, you can’t miss a leak on a saline implant. A silicone implant can have an undetected leak for years and years, and is much more difficult to remove when it does leak. A saline implant can be removed sometimes with a local anesthetic and it is much easier to deal with. So as far as the IDEAL IMPLANT, I think it’s a great choice in many different cases – older women, women that are switching our ruptured silicone implants, anyone who’s concerned about detecting a leak over time.”

Patient Reviews of Dr. Rowley

As an IDEAL IMPLANT Premier Surgeon, Dr. Rowley finds it important to help her patients understand their breast implant options. She wants women to feel empowered and educated about their breast augmentation decision. A Realself patient testimonial by pastorgal states:

“Dr. Rowley and her staff show the greatest compassion to all of her clients. Everyone is treated with dignity. From the moment you walk in the office, you are comfortable and welcome. Dr. Rowley will be honest with you about the results you can expect. With integrity, she gives you realistic goals and outcomes. Dr. Rowley is the best. I was referred by my massage therapist, who has seen a lot of bodies, and was told that Dr. Rowley’s patients always had the best results. I promise that if you do what she tells you before and after your procedure, you will be pleased. And the office staff – well, they are just downright fun!”

A Google review by Abbey Madrid reads:

“Dr.Jane was AMAZING!! She gave me exactly what I wanted and very informative on everything. She also has a fun and great personality that makes it so easy to talk to her about any questions you may have.”

Women Trust Dr. Rowley

Dr. Rowley is committed to helping her patients reach their goals. With years of experience and unsurpassed patient care, women in Lubbock, TX know that Dr. Rowley will work hard to provide the best possible plastic surgery experience. Learn more about the new IDEAL IMPLANT, and get to know the highly qualified team at Rowley Plastic Surgery by visiting Call 806-792-3715 today to schedule your no-obligation consultation.