Tag Archive for: abdominoplasty Lubbock

A Lubbock Tummy Tuck Does What Diet and Exercise Can’t

Practicing self-discipline is usually not very fun or easy. That’s why sticking to a diet and exercise regimen can be one of the hardest things to do, even with the right goals and motivation. What’s even worse is when your dedication to that regimen doesn’t produce the results you want. Sometimes, despite even the best efforts, fat around the midsection can be stubborn and hard to get rid of. Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck in Lubbock, is a plastic surgery procedure that removes this fat and tightens up the muscles and skin in the abdominal area. It is not a weight loss surgery, but it can have dramatic effects on the overall contour of your body. Many people consider a tummy tuck in Lubbock when their diet and exercise efforts aren’t paying off. 

Why Exercise Might Not be Working for You

If you’ve hit your local gym or yoga mat day after day, done countless crunches, and spent who knows how long planking, and that pooch above your belt just simply stays put, you are not alone. Don’t let the frustration of a disappointing gym mirror selfie get you down. Consider some of the reasons that exercise might not be hitting the spots you want. 

You’re Getting Older

As much as we try to fight it, getting older changes all sorts of things, including our metabolism and hormones. Both of these unavoidable changes cause our bodies to respond to differently to exercise than they did when we were younger.

Those Foods Aren’t as Healthy as You Think

Advertisers do a great job of convincing us that unhealthy foods are good for our bodies just so we will buy them. Even moderately healthy foods eaten in excess can contribute to additional fat. If you find that you’re munching mindlessly, try putting away the snacks – even the “healthy” ones. Processed foods are also a big culprit for this category, so keep an eye on food labels for MSGs, hidden sugars, and other concerning ingredients. Portion control is also an important factor when it comes to slimming your waistline. Eating your snacks straight out of the bag can cause you to eat 50 percent more than you normally would if you were paying attention to portions.

Don’t Compare

Your partner may be losing weight more rapidly with the same diet and exercise plan you are following. It could be genetics, but it could also be because of differences between genders. Men and women store and burn fat differently, so don’t be surprised if you lose weight differently as well. Most Lubbock tummy tuck patients are women, partly because men often have an easier time losing that extra fat.

Right Idea, Wrong Workout

While exercise is good for your health, you could be doing the wrong exercises to achieve your weight loss or body toning goals. You won’t earn six pack abs by spending all your gym time on the elliptical machine. Cardio workouts like this or a daily jog should be paired with weight training. Working with a personal trainer to help tailor your exercises to your specific goals can help you be more effective in your workouts.

Medications Can Create an Uphill Battle

If you have an underlying medical condition or if you are taking a medication that increases your body fat, exercise alone may not give you your desired results. There are many medical conditions that can result in weight gain or bloating. Having regular physicals and consulting a doctor in times of concern are vital for ensuring your body is prepared for and can sustain exercise.

How a Lubbock Tummy Tuck Can Help

If you feel like you have tried everything and still can’t get rid of your stubborn belly, side, or even back fat, abdominoplasty may be the answer to help you achieve your goals. With the summer upon us, there is no better time to free yourself from the discomfort this extra flab can cause. 

Nothing is worse than going to pick out a cute swimsuit for the summer, and finding that you feel uncomfortable in everything you try on. It’s easy to hide that belly bulge in a T-shirt and jeans, but you can’t wear your clothes in the pool. Instead of spending the sweltering summer months covered up or avoiding fun in the sun, consider a contouring procedure like a tummy tuck in Lubbock to give you that instant confidence in your swimsuit.

What a Tummy Tuck Does

A tummy tuck is a plastic surgery procedure that yields dramatic results for the right patient. It can transform your body and make exercise-resistant belly fat disappear. This procedure can remove up to 10 pounds of skin from a patient’s abdominal area. If your abdominal muscles are weak from past pregnancies or significant weight loss, then the muscles can be tightened and repaired during surgery as well. Some Lubbock tummy tuck patients say that after their procedure they see a 90 percent physical improvement in their appearance. That may be part of the reason why the number of tummy tucks has risen by more than 100 percent over the last 10 years. 

Candidates for Abdominoplasty

If you are considering a tummy tuck in Lubbock, your plastic surgeon will help you decide if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Not everyone who has a hard time getting rid of a flabby belly should undergo the surgery, but those who meet most of the following criteria may benefit from it.

  • You have lost a significant amount of weight
  • You are left with a belly pooch or excess skin after having children
  • You are unhappy with the appearance of your midsection
  • You have a clean bill of health
  • You do not smoke
  • You can maintain a healthy weight
  • You have realistic expectations for the outcome of your surgery

Even if you feel that most of these factors describe your situation, you still need to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine whether a tummy tuck in Lubbock is right for you. They will be able to assess your health and evaluate your body and your goals to help you decide whether to pursue plastic surgery.

Lubbock Tummy Tuck Recovery 

The surgery takes about two hours, and the recovery varies from patient to patient. Most patients will have a drain in place for about a week, and the sutures placed during surgery will be absorbed by your body. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication and muscle relaxants to help with pain management. You can expect the be able to return to work after two to three weeks, while a full return to your normal activities may take anywhere from six to eight weeks. The important thing to remember is to be patient in giving your body time to heal; you may not see the full results of your Lubbock tummy tuck right away, but they will be visible after the swelling goes down.   

Choose a Plastic Surgeon With Expertise

If you think you have a healthy diet and the right exercise routine but still aren’t seeing the results you want, a tummy tuck may be the right option for you to achieve your body image goals. A tummy tuck in Lubbock may be the only way to change the stretched skin and pooch that exercise will never touch. Dr. Jane Rowley has the experience and knowledge to help you get the results you desire. At your no-obligation consultation, she will explain all of the risks and benefits of abdominoplasty, and go over the procedure step-by-step with you. Contact her office today to schedule an appointment.

Why Choose Tummy Tuck Surgery Near Lubbock, TX

Has pregnancy or significant weight loss left you with excess abdominal skin? Tummy tuck surgery near Lubbock, TX, is a procedure designed to turn a loose, sagging belly into a flat, well-toned midsection. Board-certified Dr. Jane Rowley has more than 20 years of experience performing tummy tucks, and knows exactly what is required to produce exceptional results with a quick tummy tuck recovery.

Ideal Candidates for Tummy Tuck Surgery Near Lubbock, TX

Many men and women find it difficult to achieve a smooth, firm abdominal profile. A healthy diet and proper exercise can only help so much when other factors can influence the condition and proportions of your midsection. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) website lists common causes for a protruding, drooping belly include:

  • Aging
  • Heredity
  • Pregnancy
  • Prior Surgery
  • Significant fluctuations in weight

Before pursuing a tummy tuck, it is important to evaluate the timing of such a significant surgery. The ASPS website further suggests:

“Although the results of a tummy tuck are technically permanent, the positive outcome can be greatly diminished by significant fluctuations in your weight. For this reason, individuals who are planning substantial weight loss or women who may be considering future pregnancies would be advised to postpone a tummy tuck.”

Tummy Tuck Surgical Techniques

Dr. Rowley performs tummy tuck surgery near Lubbock, TX typically as an outpatient surgery using general anesthetics. The surgery takes place in either an office operating suite or an outpatient surgical center where 24-hour observation is available. She develops a customized treatment plan beforehand for each one of her patients so they can know what to expect from surgery and during their tummy tuck recovery. Dr. Rowley explains:

“An abdominoplasty is done through a long, lower abdominal incision. I tell everybody the longer the incision, the more skin I can excise. When you do a full abdominoplasty, you lift everything up to the belly button, then you cut around the belly button and your belly button is still connected on the inside, but you’re going to go ahead and lift everything all the way up to the rib cage. We often tighten the muscles while we’re there. After having kids, you get what we call diastasis, separation of the muscle that gives you that pooch you can’t get rid of. Tightening of the muscles really gives you that effect of what you do sucking in. We pull the skin down like a window shade, and generally on a full abdominoplasty, I can get quite a bit of skin off … from your pubic hair to your belly button that skin mostly goes away. Stretch marks will get pulled down. Sometimes I can excise almost all your stretch marks. Everything’s pulled down tightly, kind of with you in a flex position. The belly button is brought out through a new incision, drains are placed, you’ll feel tight, you’ll feel like you can’t stand up for a couple days straight, and you’ll have a scar around the belly button and underneath. The drains generally stay in about a week. I put two in, one stays in about two days, one stays in a week.”

What to Anticipate During Tummy Tuck Recovery

Because tummy tuck surgery near Lubbock, TX is one of the more complex cosmetic surgeries, Dr. Rowley explains at length to her patients the risks and complications associated with such a procedure. She wants them to understand it is always best to give the body ample time to heal during the tummy tuck recovery period. She says:

“Average time off work is two weeks, and even then, I tell people just realize you’re going to be tired, you’re going to get worn out more frequently for those first few weeks. Six to eight weeks to be up to full speed. As far as activity, it’s a gradual increase in activity. Golden rule, if it hurts, don’t do it. For two or three days, you’re really pretty much doing nothing. Give you good pain pills, good muscle relaxants, try to keep you as comfortable as we can, and then gradually increase your activity after that. No abdominal exercises when we plicate that muscle. I don’t want you doing any abs for three or four months. But satisfaction-wise, it is a long scar, but the contour of your abdomen will be so much better, flat in your clothes.”

Watch this educational video to learn more about tummy tuck surgery near Lubbock, TX.

Whether to Receive a Tummy Tuck

Not sure if you need a tummy tuck? Begin with a private consultation with Dr. Rowley to discuss your personal circumstances. She will take the time to help you determine the best route for your body and individual needs. If you have questions or concerns, she has answers. Dr. Rowley is dedicated to making sure her patients feel comfortable and confident before undergoing any cosmetic surgery procedure. Don’t wait to schedule your no-obligation consultation. Call 806-792-3715 today.