Recent Blog Posts from Rowley Plastic Surgery

Combining Plastic Surgery Procedures for Greater Effect

Did you know that some plastic surgery procedures work well when performed together? Women in Lubbock who feel they need cosmetic help after pregnancies and as they age with different areas of their bodies like tummies, breasts, hips, and buttocks can combine plastic surgery procedures for a more dramatic effect on their physical appearance.  Mommy makeover is a popular term referring to a combination of procedures to target different areas of your body during one surgical time. What plastic surgery options go well together?

  • Tummy Tuck

This procedure “actually involves the entire core of your body, with the tightening of the abdominal muscles and tightening of the skin, explains Dr. Jane Rowley. A tummy tuck can help correct the saggy belly some women have after c-section deliveries and can remove some stretch marks from pregnancies.

  • Breast Lift and/or Augmentation

Age, pregnancy, and gravity can take their toll on a woman’s breasts. A breast lift removes sagging skin from the breast, moves the nipple in a more upward position and reshapes the breast to a more youthful look. If your nipples currently point down, you may be a good candidate for a lift. A breast lift can be done in tandem with breast implants if the breasts have also lost volume.

  • Liposuction

When stubborn pockets of fat around your hips and outer thighs don’t respond to diet and exercise, liposuction can successfully reshape your body and remove that fat. Liposuction works well in a mommy makeover as women tend to hold on to fat as they age.

With each added procedure, your recovery time will also increase. But the overall change in your appearance also increases. It’s important to find a trusted, board-certified plastic surgeon you can thoroughly consult with about your cosmetic goals. When you are looking at combining plastic surgery procedures, you have many things to consider carefully. Dr. Jane Rowley always listens to her patients and guides them with expertise to the plastic surgery plan that best fits their needs and bodies. You can find our your best options at a no-obligation consultation with Dr. Rowley. Learn more at

Things to Consider When You are Thinking About Liposuction

Liposuction is the plastic surgery option that can give you a second chance to remove stubborn fat in different areas of your body that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes your excess fat in a targeted area. Typically the best areas for the procedure are outer thighs, hips, and submental. Different procedures are available for liposuction, but they operate on the same basic principle: A small incision is made. A small sharp-edged tube is used to suction out the fat. If you are having the procedure done on a small area, then local anesthetic is needed. If you are choosing to have the procedure on different areas, you may need general anesthetics.

Who is a Great Candidate?

Liposuction is not a procedure for general weight loss. A patient should be a stable weight but with stubborn fat that won’t go away through other efforts. Patients need to be in good health and quit smoking before the surgery and during recovery. With any plastic surgery, patients need to have realistic expectations about their surgical results.

What You Need to Discuss With Your Doctor

Finding a board certified plastic surgeon is the first step to having a good experience with your liposuction. Patients that are informed about their surgery also tend to heal better and have more satisfying outcomes with their surgery. So, to ensure you are educated about liposuction don’t hesitate to ask your surgeon questions.

  • What does my recovery look like?
  • Will the fat come back?
  • What type of liposuction procedure do you offer?
  • What are the risks of this surgery?

Liposuction has long been a popular plastic surgery choice. Getting rid of unwanted fat can give you greater confidence in your physical appearance. New studies are even suggesting that getting rid of that fat can have some heart-healthy bonuses as well as the cosmetic benefits. Dr. Jane Rowley is the leading board certified plastic surgeon in Lubbock with over twenty years experience with liposuction. You can have confidence in Dr. Rowley’s ability to help you achieve your cosmetic goals. Call today to schedule your no-obligation consultation.

Is a Breast Reduction Right for You?

There seems to be an ever-present sentiment in our culture that “bigger is better” when it comes to breast size. The women who live with and carry those breasts on a daily basis, however, understand that there is a lot to managing large breasts than what the over-simplification of “bigger is better” implies. For the woman whose back constantly aches due to the weight of her breasts, or feels uncomfortable with aerobic activities due to the weight and size of her breasts, or struggles to find a comfortable and fully supportive bra due to the size of her breasts, maybe it’s time to consider a breast reduction. Lubbock women know that bigger is NOT always better, and a smaller breast size could be the answer to health and lifestyle issues.

Here are a few questions to help you evaluate if a breast reduction is right for you:

  1. Do you think the weight of your breasts contributes to neck, back, or shoulder pain?
  2. Do you have heavy breasts with nipples that point downward?
  3. Is one of your breasts much larger than the other?
  4. Are you unhappy and self-conscious about your appearance because you feel your breasts are too large?

If you answered yes to one or more of the questions, you should consider getting a breast reduction.

Results of a breast reduction:

Lubbock women who have undergone breast reduction surgery enjoy a more proportionate body; an alleviation of neck, back, and shoulder pain; and more confidence in the fit of their clothes and their general appearance.

It’s important to remember that the results of the surgery, for some, include a decrease in sensation in some areas (including the nipple and around the nipple), a difficulty in breastfeeding, and a slight unevenness between the breasts or nipples. In Lubbock, Dr. Jane Rowley will guide you through additional questions to ensure a breast reduction is a good solution for your concerns and goals. Setting up a consultation is a great next step for you to get more information.

Contact Dr. Jane Rowley for a personal consultation today to determine the right procedure, method, and size for you and your body.