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Remove Unwanted Fat With Liposuction in Lubbock, TX

Do you have areas of unwanted fat that won’t slim down no matter your weight loss or exercise regime? Sometimes a healthy diet and regular physical activity are not enough to improve those pesky regions of localized fat cells. If you are ready to change your appearance and feel better about your body, liposuction in Lubbock, TX with Dr. Jane Rowley is an effective solution to slim and reshape your figure.

Surgical Facts About Liposuction in Lubbock, TX

Liposuction is designed to remove excess fat deposits and change the contour of your body. Dr. Rowley specializes in this popular procedure, and offers various techniques to achieve different results based upon the needs of her patients, which you can discover as you begin your research on liposuction near me. She spends time with each one of her patients discussing the best treatment for their body, and whether local or general anesthesia is required.

“This procedure can often be done with a local anesthetic for small areas of fatty tissue. A general anesthetic is required for multiple areas and for larger areas … Small incisions are made near the areas of fatty tissue. We employ what is called the tumescent technique, where fluid is injected into the areas to help minimize blood loss. Also this will be used as a local anesthetic. Fat is then suctioned through small cannulas and the incisions are closed. Patients are then typically put on a compression garment. Bruising and swelling can last for 6-8 weeks, but resumption of activity is fairly rapid.”

What Happens After Liposuction Near Me

Dr. Rowley strives to help her patients have realistic expectations about what liposuction can and cannot accomplish. She reminds all those that seek out liposuction in Lubbock, TX that it is not a weight loss tool. She also emphasizes that liposuction can impact the way a person’s skin looks after surgery. She says:

“The key thing I tell everyone, I can suck fat anywhere, it’s what happens to the skin after I suck the fat. So liposuction really depends on the area that you have fat and what you want suctioned. Some areas do really well – the outer thighs, the hips, the flanks or love handles. Areas that don’t do well on the other hand, the skin hangs afterward, are abdomen, especially after kids, inner thighs, and really anywhere below the knee just doesn’t do well. Arms are another in between area. Sometimes they do okay, but sometimes the skin will tend to hang if you suction too much fat. Overall, it can be a very satisfying procedure. It’s not a procedure that can make you lose lots of weight. It’s for localized areas of fat that are fairly persistent at a constant weight. And again, it’s what happens to the skin after I suction the fat that matters most.”

Liposuction Recovery

It is important to anticipate a recovery period following liposuction. In Lubbock, TX, Dr. Rowley suggests:

“The incisions are small, and most patients are off of work for only two to three days. Recovery is fairly rapid as far as resuming normal activity. There may be minor to moderate pain and swelling for up to 4-6 weeks. Compression garments typically have to be worn for between 2-4 weeks.”

Watch this educational video to learn more about your liposuction near me options.

Traditional Liposuction Versus Submental Liposuction 

Traditional liposuction and submental liposuction treat different areas of the body. Submental liposuction specifically targets the chin and jawline where fatty tissue easily accumulates. This procedure does not require a general anesthetic and can easily take place in an office examination room with a local anesthetic, which you will find as you research liposuction near me . A small cannula suctions out the fat, which forms a layer of scar tissue that helps to retract the skin and create a better contour to the chin and jawline. Following the procedure, patients are advised to wear a chin strap for the first 48 hours and at night for a week. Mild bruising and swelling may occur and last up to six weeks. Dr. Rowley says this about submental liposuction in Lubbock, TX:

“This is actually a relatively easy procedure that gives very dramatic changes in appearance. Even though only a small amount of fatty tissue is removed, the chin contour will look much better. Often it looks like the patient has lost weight after this procedure. On someone who is even in their 30s and 40s and is starting to get some slight laxity along the skin of the neck and jawline, this can provide enough tightening that they can avoid a facelift for several years.”

A Liposuction Consultation with Dr. Rowley

Many men and women have found liposuction to be a life-changing procedure. They discover a new-found self confidence and improved quality of life. During a private consultation with Dr. Rowley, she will develop a customized treatment plan to address your individual needs and goals. Learn how liposuction in Lubbock, TX can transform your life, and contact Dr. Rowley to schedule a no-obligation consultation. Call 806-792-3715 today.

The Importance of Breast Implant Safety and Breast Revision Surgery

Sometimes it is necessary for a woman to undergo breast revision surgery following her breast augmentation. While breast augmentation surgery is known for its high satisfaction rating, there are a variety of medical or aesthetic reasons that can cause a woman to pursue breast revision surgery. Dr. Jane Rowley is a board-certified plastic surgeon with more than two decades performing this complex surgery. As an advocate of breast implant safety, she can help you achieve beautiful results using the latest in implant technology.

The Goal of Breast Revision Surgery

Breast revision surgery is specifically intended for patients that already have breast implants, but are not happy with their current condition, look, or feel. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons website explains breast revision surgery:

“The goal of breast implant revision surgery is to replace old breast implants with new implants. Often the goal is also to change or improve the appearance of the breasts while updating the implant material, which could include:

  • A concurrent breast lift or reduction
  • Reshaping the breast implant pocket to reposition the implant on the chest
  • Either increasing or decreasing the size, shape or style of the breast implant”

Breast Implant Safety Reasons for a Breast Revision

No surgery comes without risk, breast augmentation included. Post-operative complications can arise that require a breast revision. Before performing any procedure, Dr. Rowley uses the consultation process to educate her patients about potential risks, breast implant safety, and the safety of silicone implants. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons website further states:

“The desire to have breast implant revision surgery can be because of any of the following reasons:

  • Desire to change the size of the breasts
  • Pain from capsular contracture
  • Concern about rupture or migration of implant
  • Change from saline to silicone or different style of implant

Over time, breast implants can change shape or size, and the overlying breast tissue can also change, creating an appearance or feel to the breast that is less desirable than the original result.”

Safety of Silicone Implants and Implant Rupture

Implant rupture is an important reason to pursue breast revision surgery. While any type of breast implant can develop a hole or tear, implant ruptures vary in severity.

Silicone Gel Breast Implants: Women with silicone gel implants face the inherent risk of experiencing a “silent rupture”, leaving many women to worry about the safety of silicone implants. A “silent rupture” occurs when an implant ruptures but goes undetected for a time, even years. Sticky silicone gel then leaks from the implant and gets trapped in the surrounding tissue. During a breast revision to replace the damaged implant, the silicone gel must be entirely removed and cleaned out. Furthermore, a physical exam alone is not enough to determine if a silicone gel implant has ruptured. An MRI scan is required which is why the FDA recommends all women with silicone gel implants receive an MRI the third year following breast augmentation, then every two years thereafter for the life of their implants.

Saline Breast Implants: When a saline implant ruptures, the implant deflates and a woman can notice the difference right away. A simple look in the mirror is all it takes to detect rupture. The sterile saltwater solution is harmlessly absorbed by the body until the implant is replaced. Many women report this provides an irreplaceable peace of mind about their breast implant safety.

IDEAL IMPLANTS® Structured Breast Implants: This is an innovative breast implant option exclusively available to a select group of board-certified plastic surgeons such as Dr. Rowley. Dr. Rowley was recently named an IDEAL IMPLANT Premier Surgeon for her extensive work with this new, unique kind of breast implant. With no risk of “silent rupture”, their internal structure is designed to address the safety of silicone implants. IDEAL IMPLANTS are made up of a series of shells nested together that hold two separate chambers filled with saline. This means a rupture is easily detected, no MRI is needed, nor will an implant completely deflate until the implant is replaced.

About Capsular Contracture

Another reason for breast revision surgery happens when a woman develops scar tissue around an implant referred to as a capsular contracture. The scar tissue creates several problems including breast pain, hardening of the breast, and an abnormal look to the breast.

A recent study compared the risk of implant rupture and capsular contracture between three brands of silicone gel implants and IDEAL IMPLANTS. The IDEAL IMPLANT showed a substantially lower risk of major complications following primary breast augmentation compared to silicone gel implants.

“The risk of implant rupture or deflation with IDEAL IMPLANT at eight years after primary breast augmentation was only 2.1% in comparison to silicone gel implants from Allergan (7.4%), Mentor (13.6%), and Sientra (7.2%) based on MRI scans …

IDEAL IMPLANT rates of Baker class III/IV capsular contracture at 8 years after primary augmentation were low at 6.6%, compared to silicone gel implants from Allergan (16.2%, 7 yr), Mentor (10.9%, 8 yr), and Sientra (11.2%, 8 yr).”

To learn more about the safety of silicone implants and breast revision surgery, watch this educational video.

Achieve Your Goals!

If you are unhappy with the current condition of your breast implants and think you need a breast revision, contact Dr. Rowley today. She has the skills, training, and expertise needed to correct your breast augmentation results and help you achieve the look you desire. She makes breast implant safety a priority, and will create a customized treatment plan just for you. Call 806-792-3715 or visit

Is a Lubbock Breast Lift Right For You?

Breast enhancement surgery is one of the top plastic surgery procedures performed today, whether that includes an augmentation, lift, or reduction. Many women choose to receive breast implants and get a breast lift at the same time to achieve the ultimate look they desire. With more than twenty years of experience, Dr. Jane Rowley can help you determine the best approach to reaching your goals, and if a Lubbock breast lift and augmentation is the right choice for you.

Why Consider a Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift

Women want breast augmentation and breast lift surgery in Lubbock for a variety of reasons. If you are trying to figure out what route to take, knowing why you want plastic surgery, learning about what it can and cannot accomplish, then educating yourself on the overall process is a good place to begin.  

Why pursue a breast augmentation? Dr. Rowley suggests breast implants if you have:

  • A desire to return to pre-pregnancy breast volume and appearance.
  • Concern over breast asymmetry, with one side visibly smaller in appearance.
  • Lack of breast tissue–a desire for larger breasts in general.

Why include a Lubbock breast lift? Dr. Rowley recommends this option for women that have:

  • Loss of breast volume and ptosis (droopiness), especially after pregnancy or massive weight loss.
  • Ptosis or droop of the nipple-areolar complex.
  • Loss of volume of the breasts

A Breast Augmentation With Dr. Rowley

Dr. Rowley works hard to ensure her patients know what to expect before and after surgery. She wants women to be educated about the process, so they can feel comfortable with their decision to receive breast implants. She explains:

“This is typically an outpatient surgery under general anesthetic and takes approximately an hour. The surgery is performed in the office operating room or an outpatient surgery center. Most people return to work in 2-3 days, with 4-6 weeks before returning to full physical activity … This procedure is typically done through a small incision about two inches long, usually underneath, in the crease of the breast. Saline and silicone implants are both available. Usually, they are placed in a submuscular position underneath the pectoral muscle. Pain is variable and depends on the muscle laxity. Pain pills and muscle relaxants are given after the procedure.  While recovery varies from individual to individual, complications are minimal. However, long-term problems such as leak and capsular contracture may occur.”

A Mastopexy – Breast Lift Surgery in Lubbock

Some women prefer breast lift surgery in Lubbock in addition to their breast augmentation. Dr. Rowley outlines what to expect:

“This procedure generally takes 90 minutes to two hours and is done under general anesthetic in the office operating suite or a surgicenter. Most patients will need 5-10 days off work and 4-6 weeks for full recovery and return to full activity … In a mastopexy, the nipple-areolar complex is always repositioned or lifted and skin is then removed to tighten the breast skin envelope. The amount of scarring depends on the amount of ptosis or droop of the breasts. Scars can be minimized by making a scar only around the areola (called a periareolar mastopexy). However, more extensive scarring may be necessary, including a vertical scar and possibly an inframammary scar to excise (remove) more skin. An implant may be placed at the time of the mastopexy to correct loss of volume. Nicotine restrictions also apply to this procedure.”

Setting Clear Expectations with a Lubbock Breast Lift

For those seeking breast lift surgery in Lubbock, Dr. Rowley makes sure she openly communicates the dynamics of a mastopexy. She explains how prior breast volume highly affects the outcome of a Lubbock breast lift. Dr. Rowley says:

“Unfortunately, many patients who come in seeking a mastopexy expect their breasts will look as if they never had big breasts to start with. In other words, they hope to look like a small-breasted person who has had implants. However, once you have had breast tissue followed by a volume loss, it is very difficult to make breasts look like someone who was never big-breasted to start with. It is very important that patients have a realistic view of this procedure. Tightening the skin and placing an implant are opposing forces, and the laws of physics are not on our side. As we tighten the skin to lift the breasts, the implant will oppose that, and tend to weigh them back down. In addition, these patients may have very thin, inelastic skin to start with, and patients who desire a very large implant may face difficulty with recurrent droop or recurrent ptosis because of the skin quality. It is very important to me to spend a long time talking to my patients about what they are hoping for and set realistic expectations with this procedure so they can have a positive outcome.”

To learn more about receiving a Lubbock breast lift, watch the educational video below.

Working With a Qualified Plastic Surgeon

Are you unhappy with the appearance of your breasts? Contact Dr. Rowley today to see if breast augmentation and breast lift surgery in Lubbock is right for you. As a board-certified plastic surgeon and IDEAL IMPLANT® Premier Surgeon, she offers the latest in breast implant technology and will help you understand your options. Call 806-792-3715 today!