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Otoplasty Rising Among Teens

tummy tuck

While Lubbock parents don’t often encourage their teenagers to get plastic surgery, one type of surgery—an otoplasty—can make a significant difference in the life of a teen.

In this digital age, teens may post several pictures of themselves on social media every day. Their goal is often to rack up as many “likes” as possible for the image. But when you find out that your child is not winning the popularity contest but instead getting bullied online over something as little the appearance of ears, this plastic surgery procedure can have a life-long impact on self-esteem and confidence. Your child should be worried about what the latest style fad in Lubbock is and not about how their ears look. It can even carry over into later life. President Barack Obama has mentioned he is very sensitive about his protruding ears.

The otoplasty surgery is used to correct:

  • Asymmetry in one or both ears
  • Abnormally large ears
  • Protruding ears

How Is Otoplasty Performed?

The ear surgery is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. The doctor will make incisions in the front folds of the ear or on the back of the ear to hide potential scarring. The incisions allow the doctor to pin the ears back or reshape them into a more standard appearance. After these simple steps, the doctor stitches up the incisions and you are done.

What Is the Recovery Like?

After the surgery, the ears are covered with bandages and wrapped with gauze to protect the incisions while they heal. The area of the procedure will swell as a response to the incision and corrections. Cold compresses and prescribed medication can help reduce this swelling and assist in pain management during the first few days of recovery. The teen should not sleep lying on the ears until they fully heal. Usually, the bandages and stitches can be removed about a week after the surgery, and the results are seen immediately. After the bandages are removed, the swelling will continue to diminish until the area is completely healed. The results are meant to be permanent.
If you or your child is dissatisfied with his or her ears, consider otoplasty here at Rowley in Lubbock. This choice will do more than just increase their “likes” on social media; it will give them a new confidence as they begin to define themselves on more than their ears. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Rowley today.

What can a Mommy Makeover do for Your Breasts?

mommy makeover

If you are past your childbearing years and find yourself avoiding mirrors or feeling completely dissatisfied with your body, a “Mommy Makeover” may be right for you. A “Mommy Makeover” is a term used to describe the surgical work to correct the common physical changes that can occur during and following a pregnancy. Most often this includes procedures for your breasts and abdomen to lift, tighten and tuck where needed.

Specifically, when it comes to your breasts, a Mommy Makeover here in Lubbock can help you with these:

  1. Breast Lift

After nursing for months to years, breasts can lose their volume and can be deflated looking. A Mommy Makeover with a breast lift can remove excess skin, shift the location of your nipple, and reduce the size of your areola. The breasts can be “lifted” to better shape and position.

  1. Breast Implants

If you have a significant reduction in breast volume, an implant may be your option to increase your breast size. Implants can be paired with a breast lift.

  1. Breast Reduction

Some women find that as a result of pregnancy hormones and nursing that their breasts have increased in size, often resulting in discomfort. Your Mommy Makeover may include a breast reduction to return to a more comfortable size and shape. A reduction can also be done in tandem with a breast lift.

If you are ready to come into our office in Lubbock to plan your Mommy Makeover, here are a few things to remember:

  • You will achieve the best and longest-lasting results if you are past your childbearing years.
  • If your Mommy Makeover also includes working on your abdomen, the surgeries on your breasts and abdomen can be completed in one or two appointments. Consult with your doctor on the approach that is best for you.
  • Smokers should avoid nicotine for at least six weeks before and post surgery for the best healing.

Schedule your no-obligation consultation to learn more about the amazing possibilities you can have with your mommy makeover at Rowley Plastic Surgery.

What to Expect with a Tummy Tuck


With swimming suit season right at its peak, you may be feeling the discouragement of a body that doesn’t quite look the way you want it to. If sit-ups just aren’t cutting it, and diet just can’t rid you of that excess flab or skin in your mid-section, abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a tummy tuck, may be the right fit for you. A tummy tuck is much more traumatic on your body than liposuction, but also yields more impactful results.

Tummy tucks are a major surgery and should be considered carefully with lots of education and counsel from Dr. Jane Rowley to ensure it is right for you.

What to Expect Before the Surgery

  • A preliminary evaluation with Dr. Jane Rowley in her Lubbock office prepares you for what to expect, as well as ensure your health and body are right for the procedure.
  • Your weight should be stable. A diet healthy and sustainable is essential for a healthy recovery and lasting results.
  • Nicotine can interfere with the healing process. Expect to refrain from smoking, nicotine patches, and nicotine gum for several weeks before and after the surgery.

What to Expect on the Day of the Surgery

  • Surgery is done with general anesthetics. You will need a driver to take you home.
  • Depending on how extensive your surgery is, it can take anywhere from one to five hours.

What to Expect After the Surgery

  • You should not spend your first night alone, make sure you have someone to help you throughout the night.
  • Your incision will be stitched and bandaged. It is important that you follow Dr. Rowley’s specific care instructions to ensure a healthy recovery.
  • Moving will be tough during your recovery. Plan on wearing loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. Make sure your phone is in reach if you need it. A hand-held shower head and bathroom chair are ideal.
  • Plan for several weeks of recovery, and take off plenty of time from work for an uninterrupted recovery time. Too much activity following the surgery before you are completely healed can complicate your recovery. Give you body the time it needs to rest and heal.

Meet with Dr. Jane Rowley in her Lubbock office and get the details that are right for your body and your goals so that you can have a happy and healthy experience with your plastic surgery. Schedule your consultation today.