Boost Your Confidence With a Breast Lift in Lubbock

With the holiday season fast approaching, it is gratifying to spend our time buying gifts and serving others. But it is also important to make sure we feel personally fulfilled as well. Like the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. We must first love and feel confident in ourselves before we can help others feel the same. If you feel unhappy with the appearance of your breasts because they sag and droop, you can lift your spirits with a breast lift in Lubbock. Many women struggle to accept the toll life can take on the youthful appearance of their breasts. Age, gravity, pregnancies, and fluctuations in weight can cause the breasts to take on a saggy or elongated shape. Whether a breast lift is a procedure you never thought you would want or something you have wanted to do for a long time, it is a procedure that can rejuvenate your bust and improve your confidence.

How Can a Breast Lift Help Me?

Do you feel dependent on your bra to mask the sagging or drooping of your breasts? Do you struggle to find clothing that fits well because of a bust that falls lower than it should? These breast issues can negatively affect a woman’s confidence and make it difficult for her to feel satisfied with her appearance. They can make you feel helpless, and these problems cannot be solved with exercise or diet changes. A breast lift in Lubbock is the only way to correct breast sagging. It’s a procedure that drastically improves the contours of the breasts. In fact, a breast lift could even give you the freedom to give up wearing a bra for good. 

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, restores sagging breasts to give them a more youthful, perky shape. The surgery helps to raise the breasts by removing extra skin and tightening the skin around the surrounding tissue to support the new shape of the breast. The nipple and areola are moved to a more upward position. Unwanted stretch marks can also be eliminated during your procedure if they are part of the extra skin that is removed. 

Very large or downward pointing nipples can make women feel unhappy with the appearance of their breasts. A breast lift in Lubbock addresses nipples that are stretched, elongated, or larger than you would like. Your plastic surgeon will resize the nipples during surgery so they appear proportionate with the rest of the breasts. The new shape of the nipples and their higher position give the breasts a much more youthful, perky look.   

The most obvious benefits of a breast lift may be the cosmetic improvements, but there are also physical advantages to the procedure. Women with a low hanging bust sometimes experience skin irritation as a result of friction under the breasts. The constant rubbing of skin beneath the breast crease can cause pain, discomfort, rash, and even infection. With mastopexy, your plastic surgeon lifts the breasts off the underlying skin to relieve these symptoms and to alleviate any troublesome chafing. 

Watch the video below to learn more about mastopexy and to see whether it is the right procedure for you.

Why Women Love a Lift

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ most recent annual statistical report, 113,188 women had mastopexy in 2019. The number of patients having a breast lift increased by 3 percent from 2018 to 2019, and is growing in popularity even faster than breast augmentation. Many women like the idea of being able to perk up their breasts without having to place implants inside them. A breast lift in Lubbock is a great option for women who want to feel like themselves again by replacing sagging breasts with firm, youthful ones. 

Changing Breast Size

Mastopexy alone is often enough to achieve women’s goals for the appearance of their breasts. Patients undergoing a breast lift in Lubbock will not see noticeable changes in the size of their breasts, but the procedure can provide symmetry and more forward projection. If you want to change the size of your breasts, a breast augmentation or reduction can be done in combination with a lift to achieve your desired look. 

Breast Augmentation

For women who want to add volume at the same time as their mastopexy, breast augmentation can help. Whether you choose silicone gel, saline, or structured breast implants, breast augmentation can help you reach the volume you desire. Patients with only mild sagging may be able to lift their breasts with the placement of implants. Talk to your doctor about what you want in terms of size, because choosing an implant that is too big can work against the effects of your breast lift. When the right balance is achieved, patients enjoy beautiful results.

An article published in the medical journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery suggests that breast lifts are safe and effective when performed at the same time as breast augmentation. The authors of the report concluded that, with proper patient selection and the right surgical approach, the two procedures can be done simultaneously without a significant increase in the rates of complications or reoperation. With a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, you can get the volume and the lift your breasts need. 

Breast Reduction

It’s not always easy for patients to know whether they need a breast reduction or a breast lift in Lubbock. The two procedures address different issues, but have similar goals. Breast reduction is for women whose breasts are too large or heavy for their liking. These patients often struggle with physical and emotional side effects caused by their breast size. It is not unusual for women with large breasts to suffer from chronic neck, back, and shoulder pain. Breast reduction with a lift offers relief from the heavy weight on your chest. It also helps resolve feelings of low self-esteem brought on by frequent unwanted attention on the chest area. 

Breast reduction is always performed in conjunction with a breast lift at Rowley Plastic Surgery. While breast reduction gets rid of excess weight and volume in the breasts, mastopexy takes care of sagging by tightening and supporting the breasts. The two procedures work together to remove excess skin and fat on the breasts and give them a more balanced and shapely appearance. An experienced, skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Rowley can turn a burdensome bosom into perky, youthful breasts. 

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Breast Lift in Lubbock?

Many women are unhappy with their breasts but do not know which procedure would help their specific problems. If your breasts sag but you are unsure whether you might be a good candidate for a breast lift, you can do a simple test at home. Place a pencil under the fold of your breast and see if the pencil stays in place when you let go of it. If the pencil stays put, you may be a good candidate for a breast lift in Lubbock. You should also ask yourself a few questions about how you feel about your breasts.

  • Do your breasts sag?
  • Do your nipples point downward?
  • Do you have tubular or pendulous breasts?
  • Do you have larger areolas?
  • Are you satisfied with your breast symmetry?

It is also important to think about your general health and lifestyle. Because your breasts are affected by life changes, you should consider whether it’s the right time in your life for a breast lift. It is best to plan this procedure after you are finished having children and nursing babies so that you do not risk jeopardizing the results of your surgery. Women planning for a breast lift in Lubbock should maintain a stable weight and be in good health. If you smoke or use nicotine, you will need to quit for several weeks leading up to and following your surgery.  

Methods for Mastopexy

Just like any other surgery, mastopexy comes with scars. There are different types of incisions plastic surgeons use to lift the breasts, and the one that is right for you depends on the size of your breasts and the degree of sagging you have. Here are some of the most common techniques for mastopexy.

  • Anchor Lift: The anchor lift technique is the standard for most breast lifts. It is done through multiple incisions: one circling the areola, another running straight down from the base of the areola to the crease of the breast, and a third running horizontally across the breast crease. It is appropriate for larger breasts with more severe sagging because the incisions allow the surgeon to reshape the breast tissue and move the nipple to a higher position. Plastic surgeons often choose the anchor lift when performing breast reduction in addition to mastopexy. 
  • Lollipop Lift: If you do not wish to add breast augmentation to your breast lift in Lubbock, the lollipop approach may be the right one for you. This method involves a circular incision around the areola, as well as an incision running from the bottom of the areola to the breast crease. It is suitable for moderately sized breasts and involves fewer scars than the anchor lift.  
  • Donut Lift: Otherwise known as the “Benelli” lift, this method is for patients with only mild to moderate breast sagging. With a single incision around the areola, the breast skin is tightened and the nipple is moved to sit higher on the breast. A donut lift is less invasive than the anchor and lollipop lifts, and scarring is minimal. This technique can be used for women who also want breast implants at the time of mastopexy. 
  • Crescent Lift: The crescent lift approach is for patients with minimal breast sagging. A single, crescent-shaped incision is made on the upper half of the areola. The surgeon can make minor changes to the breasts and areola through the crescent incision. Breast augmentation can be performed when the plastic surgeon uses this technique. 

If you are worried about scarring after your breast lift, talk to your doctor about how you can maximize healing and minimize their appearance. Avoiding sun exposure is essential to proper scar healing, but your surgeon may also recommend certain products to help them fade more quickly. The most important thing to remember is that no one can see your scars unless you are without clothing; they are even well-hidden under swimwear. Most patients agree that trading sagging breasts for a few scars is more than worth it. 

Life After a Breast Lift in Lubbock

You can expect to experience some discomfort, swelling, and some draining initially after your breast lift. It’s important to follow your doctor’s post-surgery instructions carefully. Plan on taking about five to seven days off work as your breasts begin the healing process. You can expect to return to regular exercise after about four to six weeks of recovery. There will be some scarring but it will be hidden under clothing and swimwear and will continue to fade over time. Your new, perkier breasts will give you the freedom of going braless when you want to and boost your confidence overall.

Get the Results You Want With the Surgeon You Trust

Sagging breasts can weigh a woman down physically and emotionally. A breast lift in Lubbock is an excellent way to lift your spirits this time of year as you bring life back to your breasts. Whether your breasts sag a little or a lot, this versatile procedure can help rejuvenate your look and make you feel like yourself again. Patients who take good care of themselves can expect to enjoy the results of their surgery for many years to come. Dr. Jane Rowley is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience helping her patients achieve their cosmetic goals. She is the surgeon Lubbock women trust when they are ready to explore their plastic surgery options. If you are unsatisfied with your breasts and want to learn how a breast lift can benefit you, call our office for a no-obligation consultation today.

Getting the Most Out of Your Liposuction in Lubbock

We all know it takes time to see the results that come from working hard at the gym and staying on top of your diet. Sometimes, the trim figure you want can be earned with diligence and patience, but what do you do when your healthy habits don’t ever produce the results you want? If you feel frustrated that your efforts to take care of yourself aren’t making a difference in your appearance, consider liposuction in Lubbock as a possible solution. The effects of age, childbearing, and genetics often cause people to develop stubborn areas of fat on their bodies. This fat can be resistant to even the strictest diet and exercise routines, which is disheartening for many people. Taking care of yourself is important, and you should never give up on trying to live a healthy lifestyle. But, when your aesthetic goals just aren’t happening, liposuction might just be the right next step for you.  

Combining Procedures for Dramatic Results

Liposuction alone can make a great difference in the contour of your body, but it also works well when it is combined with other procedures for a more dramatic effect. Combining plastic surgery procedures is a convenient way to address multiple areas at once, with only one surgery day and one recovery period. If you are looking to make additional improvements to your appearance, consider the following plastic surgeries that pair well with liposuction in Lubbock. 

Breast Reduction

Many women with large breasts deal with pain and discomfort in their neck, back, and shoulders on a daily basis. A breast reduction alleviates these symptoms by reducing the size of the breasts and lifting the burden that weighs these patients down. Liposuction of the breasts helps give them a shapely, balanced appearance by getting rid of excess fat. Breast reduction with liposuction can free women from the discomfort of heavy breasts and dramatically increase their confidence. In some cases, liposuction alone may even be enough to give a patient the breast size and shape she desires. Your plastic surgeon can help you determine whether liposuction in Lubbock will help you achieve your breast reduction goals.   

Tummy Tuck

Belly flab can become a problem for women as they age or after they have children. Loose, hanging skin around the abdomen is difficult to conceal and virtually impossible to get rid of without plastic surgery. A tummy tuck removes excess skin and tightens core muscles to flatten the tummy and smooth out the skin. Patients commonly combine liposuction with abdominoplasty to eliminate stubborn fat and accentuate their new look. The combination of procedures can be very effective in targeting stubborn deposits of fat and stretched skin on women whose bodies have changed after bearing children. On the right patient, the two procedures provide a dramatic enhancement to the entire figure by flattening, toning, and trimming the midsection in all the right places. 

A tummy tuck is best known for helping to reduce sagging skin around the abdomen. It is also a significant procedure that involves the entire core of the body. A tummy tuck not only gets rid of loose skin but also tightens and contours the abdominal wall and muscles. For the right patient, the results can be exceptional. It is common for patients to consider having liposuction in Lubbock performed in tandem with a tummy tuck for even greater cosmetic effect. 

Patients who have gone through drastic weight loss can be left with sagging skin around the thighs, hips, and buttocks. Imagine having finally lost a significant amount of weight and still feeling self-conscious about your body because of leftover flabby skin. It might be easy to slip back into old habits if you continue to struggle with body image. Performing liposuction with a tummy tuck corrects both the flabby skin and any remaining stubborn fat. The combination has a powerful effect to help improve the appearance of these patients’ appearance at their new weight.

Arm Lift

Patients seek an arm lift, or brachioplasty, when they are ready to get rid of sagging skin on their upper arms. Sometimes, the skin can hang so severely that it causes women to feel insecure about their arms. If you have felt too embarrassed to wave hello to a friend because of your sagging arm skin, a combination of brachioplasty with liposuction could be a positive solution. During an arm lift, your plastic surgeon removes excess skin and fat through an incision along the underside of the arms. Liposuction in Lubbock can help further enhance the results of an arm lift by targeting specific areas of fat and revealing toned, trim looking arms.  

Breast augmentation

With the placement of breast implants, women can add fullness and volume to their breasts. Increasing breast size with breast enhancement often helps create more balance in the figure. If the hourglass shape is what you’re hoping for, liposuction could be the perfect addition to your breast augmentation procedure. Liposuction will get rid of unwanted fat around the midsection (or other areas on your body) and make the curves of your new bust appear even more dramatic. Liposuction in Lubbock is commonly performed together with breast enlargement for patients who have mommy makeovers, but combining procedures isn’t just for women who have had children. If you are interested in addressing multiple areas with only one recovery period, talk to your plastic surgeon about the benefits of having more than one cosmetic procedure at a time.   

How Liposuction Works

Liposuction removes excess fat to enhance the contour of your body. Your doctor will insert a thin tube (or cannula) into the area of fat through a small incision. With the tumescent technique, fluid is injected to help keep blood loss to a minimum and to serve as a local anesthetic. Fat cells are broken up and suctioned out to reveal a smoother overall body shape. Incisions are closed and a compression garment is typically placed when the procedure is complete. Liposuction in Lubbock is not meant to be a weight loss surgery. The main goal is to give the patient a slimmer frame by targeting those specific areas of localized fat when they don’t respond to diet and exercise. 

If you have just a limited area of troublesome fat, your liposuction procedure may require only local anesthetics at an outpatient appointment. Patients with more significant areas of fat may need general anesthesia for their procedure at a surgical facility. Some bruising and swelling is normal, as is mild to moderate discomfort during the early stages of healing. Pain medications are prescribed to keep you feeling comfortable. Recovery time varies from person to person, but you should expect to take 2-3 days off work. A full return to normal activity after liposuction in Lubbock can take up to 4-6 weeks.

For Dr. Jane Rowley’s thoughts on liposuction, watch the informative video below.

Customizing Your Liposuction Procedure

Dr. Rowley wants all of her patients to love their plastic surgery results and feel confident in their appearance. She believes in educating her patients though thorough, honest conversations about every procedure. During your liposuction consultation with Dr. Rowley, she will evaluate your areas of concern, and give you her expert opinion on the best treatment plan for you. 

Because of differences in skin elasticity, some regions of the body respond better to liposuction than others. A plastic surgeon can suction fat from anywhere on the body, but what can really make or break your results is the way the skin looks after the fat is removed. Areas such as the inner thighs tend to have poorer skin elasticity, which means the skin there is more likely to appear saggy or loose after liposuction. Consider the following areas that typically respond well to liposuction.


Even with a consistent diet and exercise routine, losing inches around the waistline can be very difficult. As women age and have children, fat begins to accumulate on the waist and can also give the appearance of a muffin top. Liposuction in Lubbock gets rid of that stubborn fat and can dramatically decrease the size of your waist. 

Outer Thighs

The outer thighs are another common problem area for women. This excess fat can make it difficult to find clothing that fits or feels flattering. With liposuction, the shape of your outer thighs can be refined to enhance your curves and give you a slimmer silhouette.  


Excess fat around the hips is not easy to get rid of. Diet and exercise may help, but the best way to slim the hips is to target fat with liposuction. Defining the hips in this way complements the overall proportions of your body and helps achieve that hourglass figure many women desire. 


The flanks are located above your hips around your back. If you have fat deposits in these areas, you may have not-so-lovingly referred to them as your “love handles.” Liposuction in Lubbock works well for this common problem area because skin elasticity is favorable in this region. Eliminating unwanted fat on the flanks with liposuction is a great way to feel more comfortable in your clothing and more confident in your appearance. 

Chin region

Whether it is caused by age, heredity, or weight gain, fat accumulation around the chin and neck area has a way of making women look older and heavier than they really are. Submental liposuction is a relatively simple procedure that creates a dramatic improvement for patients with excess fat on the chin, neck, or jawline. The procedure takes only 20-30 minutes with a local anesthetic. After just two days of downtime, most patients are able to return to all of their normal activities.  

Dr. Rowley will speak candidly with you about your options for a customized liposuction experience. For more information about the procedure, watch the video below.

Mommy Makeover Options Include Liposuction in Lubbock

Childbirth is an exciting and emotionally fulfilling life event, but it is frequently followed by women’s diminished satisfaction with their bodies. With proven surgical techniques, a post-childbirth body can regain the firm, youthful look it once had. A mommy makeover is not just one procedure but an individualized combination of plastic surgery options. The goal of this Lubbock plastic surgery is to change the effects of childbirth on a woman’s body. 

After pregnancy and nursing, stomach muscles weaken and abdominal skin loosens and sags. Some women’s breasts can lose volume and look deflated, while others suffer from uncomfortably large breasts. Often a woman’s body can have stubborn pockets of fat that are unresponsive to diet and exercise. A few procedures that work well together to improve the appearance of areas of concern after childbearing include:

  • Liposuction
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Reduction 

It’s important to communicate clearly with your doctor about your expectations for your surgical outcome. Your surgeon will advise you as to which procedures will work best for your body type. If you are thinking about a mommy makeover, make sure you are in good health, are at a stable weight, and have realistic expectations of your results. We can’t completely stop the effects of aging or life changes on our bodies, but combining procedures for a mommy makeover can help restore confidence in your post-pregnancy body.

The Best Surgeon for Your Best Results

Whether on its own or combined with other procedures, liposuction in Lubbock gives your body a slimmer look that can help you feel more confident in your body and more comfortable in your clothing. Choosing the right surgeon is paramount to having the best possible results from your surgery. Our Lubbock plastic surgery patients are our number one priority at Rowley Plastic Surgery. Dr. Jane Rowley is your board-certified surgeon who carefully consults with each patient to understand each individual’s cosmetic goals and needs. She has over 20 years of experience helping patients turn their cosmetic dreams into reality. If you struggle with stubborn areas of fat on your body, contact Lubbock’s most trusted plastic surgery expert. You can expect confidence, competence, and clear communication at Rowley Plastic Surgery. Call today and schedule your no-obligation consultation.